


26yr old trans woman with adhd. I tend to get hyperfixated sooooo.

2020-05-02 JoinedUnited States

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  • LivTheTransLife

    Yay, transphobia in webnovels

    "H-He's a trap?!" He looked at his companions and whispered, "Do you think he found a way to edit his avatar?"
    White Online
    Games · Alekzi
  • LivTheTransLife

    All the trans folks in this comment section. :)

    There were rebirths as in change races, reset their level, change genders etc… He didn't know all of them and 'whole body' was a rather vague term to be working with.
    Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?
    Fantasy · Reili
  • LivTheTransLife

    The quickest bike in the real world does 0-60 in 2.35 seconds. I honestly don’t think this author knows much about motorcycles. Also, there are tens of bikes that come from the manufacturers that can go that quick. So this feat isn’t as special as the author may make you believe

    The combat cycles went from 0 to 110km/hr in 3 seconds, and if the people riding them were not cultivators, they probably would have flown off or broken their arms from the inertia drag alone. Not only that, the combat cycles were versatile enough to traverse on any terrain because of the custom made wheels which Hou Fei obtained as well as the multi-tiered suspensions.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    I’m like 99% sure that v13’s are not a thing. The point of a v engine is to have a counter balance, a 14 or 12 is more believable. However, putting such a large engine on a bike is counter To the goal. The weight I n this bike would be massive and make it far less nimble. Far better off using at maximum a 4 cylinder, with a supercharger. Even then, that bike would be massive. Go look up v12 motorcycles. Those things are rediculous. And your not getting one stock from a manufacturer.

    It was a high level anti sound inscription charm which he got from Octofussy and placed them onto the roaring V13 turbo twin engines. When all the engines went silent (Even though they were still shaking violently!), Lynn gave the okay sign to move, and Qiu Yue grabbed on to Lynn's waist tightly.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    The temple of which he burnt to a crisp???? That temple???

    Jin noticed that aside from the front temple gates, the temple structure was similar to his dream when he fought with the White Tiger of the West, except that its exterior was badly burned. And like those shounen anime he watched, there were a few teenagers spread out around the central courtyard sitting and observing his every move.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    You really got to stop Using cum.

    WunderPanda was not going to be just an ordinary theme park but a theme park cum Cultivation Zoo.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    Bunch of rocks

    "Wait, what are we doing?" Jin asked as he caught the backpack and nearly fell from doing so. Despite its relatively small size, it was rather heavy. Ming warned Jin not to open it for now.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    Looks like they found the gay gene

    "Goblin Evolution Trigger." Jin read the title on the card and there was a strand of rainbowish DNA as the picture of the card with a goblin silhouette in it. As easy as it sounded, Jin placed the card on the panting Slashreaver and suddenly, a light shone all around Slashreaver.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    I always imagined him as more “panda” shaped lol.

    Jin later wore the grey shirt Qiu Yue selected for him over the armour which fitted really nicely mainly because the shirt was large enough to vest like armour. (And it did make Jin more manly than scrawny.)
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    I don’t understand why firearms are restricted in this world. I mean, there are already massive power discrepancies from cultivators. It just feels like a real world issue that’ being pushed onto this story.

    Many people took up on gun related cultivation because it felt cool, but the strict regulations made it hard for them to progress in their cultivation. Hence, that many people also dropped gun related cultivation and opted for other cultivation styles or they left it at a low level.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    Omg, would be so cool if Jin put vehicles for sale in his shop for Simao instances, and the cultivators could have it on their app, plus a garage like instance they could teleport to

    "This." Xiong Da slammed his hand on the metal plating and it made an echoing sound. "This baby right here will delay the incoming Thunder Army that you are so scared of." Xiong Da smiled as he began formulating a quick battle plan with the Dashing Wyvern Captain and General Argent. The rest explored the functions of the M4 Sherman Tank, which they dubbed the 'Mastodon."
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    They’re in an instance.….

    "DEATH TO THE ZODIACS!" One of the military aides shouted as he revealed his cultivation with a somewhat intense black aura. The vendors, who were of decent cultivation grades did not hesitate to fight against him, but suddenly black chains were wrapped around them as a ritual circle materialised right in under them.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    JK Rowling is a terf

    As if he was in some Larry Potter's movie, he suddenly saw the items and furnitures in his terrace house shapeshifting into something new.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    He’ the mysterious stranger

    The shot went through the head of the Ruby Rat Triad member and his head was detached in an instant. It reappeared, now being carried around in the mouth of a black fox that had an intricate hand painted ornate mask at the side of its face. The headless body dropped from mid air and onto the side of the roof. The man with the trench coat walked towards it and kicked it down, horrifying the gangsters that were still reeling from the previous magical attack.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    Classic battle meditation right there.

    As if they knew what Jin had in mind, they immediately headed to battle doing what they did best. Ke Mi the Zither Mistress played her Zither with absolute elegance in the midst of the messy chaos in the throne room. Her battle songs not only sharpened the souls of her companions, allowing them to concentrate better, it also caused the behemoth's movement to slow down a little.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    Strong people tend to have a lot of -fat- on them. Take a look at the Olympic record holders for it. Those guys don’t look like body builders.

    Ch 143 Panda Muscles
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    Is mr know it all actually the gentlebear

    "Hmmph, this is more intriguing than I thought." Hiding in the noisy crowd was Mr Know It All grinning at the entire course of events before he decided to leave the area quietly. No one, not even Yun, knew he was there at all.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    I’ve worked since I was fourteen, in the USA, what I’ve found is that the people you work for don’t care about you. They will over work you, pay you as little as they think they can, and if you burn out, they will throw you aside. People are messed up, and I have no faith that I’l ever have a job that will treat me like a human being.

    His grandfather Ming encouraged him to do so even though he was financially stable. Ming believed a bit of hardship and real world experience would teach Jin what it was like to be a proper working adult in the future. Of course, there was a chance that these hardships and experiences would not help Jin and might instead derail him from his path of success. These bad experiences could range from meeting up with the wrong company of friends to being fired from his job, but Jin was fortunate enough to not encounter any of those.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    Author… have you ever hung out with a woman?

    Yue Wen arrived safely in the dimensional space and she noticed her friends have caught up with her. However, she and her friends could not contain their excitement. The armoury store was in fact designed like a luxurious department store that does not have an end at sight.
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv
  • LivTheTransLife

    I’ gonna cry, gramps is so sweet. m

    "Ming figured that you would be so tired with the constant care of your shop that you may neglect your cultivation. A day not at work equates to a day without revenue. Therefore, the cultivation technique he created for you allows you to cultivate while you sleep. Brilliant dad, isn't he?"
    Number One Dungeon Supplier
    Fantasy · Moloxiv