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  • FusionDragon

    I don't own this image

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    Hamon User in MHA
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon

    I don't own this image

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    Hamon User in MHA
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon
    Replied to colbster303

    You know what I will actually rewrite this. Considering it could be better. Thanks for pointing my faults and I will put a bio of what the character is like.

    Hamon User in MHA
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon
    Replied to Hyberions

    I will do that. I am also trying to change up the way some chapters are typed.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Hamon User in MHA
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon
    Replied to DetachedDreamer

    I can say he will over come the issue. That won't be for some time, but the one thing I can say is this berserk state is going to be triggered occasionally. Not a lot so I can make a fight using brain over brawn.

    Ch 7 Untamed Wrath
    Legendary Saiyan In the MCU
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon
    Replied to DarkApolonir

    You know it slipped my mind, as I have been to focused on school. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

    Ch 3 Super Soldier and Going to War
    Legendary Saiyan In the MCU
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon
    Replied to Red_Roman

    I will try to make up for that. In all I wanted to power scale him so he wasn't super Op, but I think I will change that here in the coming chapters.

    Legendary Saiyan In the MCU
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon
    Replied to IlIlIlIlIl

    Yeah, they will but he is more focused on Hamon training, and hates to be annoyed. So he would likely tune out the thots.

    Hamon User in MHA
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon
    Replied to IlIlIlIlIl

    I just made this in my spare time and have a few chapters to post. But I mainly focus more on my other novel. I also want a character who can grow and not be so op at the start that it feels boring for me to write.

    Hamon User in MHA
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon
    Replied to Akisu

    I have also made this to scale for story purposes as to not make him super op off the bat.

    Saol got off his bike ready to brawl with everything he had, slightly stretching his muscles. All the hydra soldiers looked at him confused as to why he was stretching, but tossed it aside and prepared to fight. Saol the moment he finished his quick light stretch, used the Crane style to quickly appear behind for soldiers and put his fist in their back. When the soldiers fell over Saol quickly maneuvered around to another group to put them down. Saol wasn't proficient in the Crane style yet, as he started to get exhausted moving so fast. As the last soldier fell, he sat down for a minute to rest, after which he got up and ran towards Steve's location. When Saol arrived, he found Steve fighting Brook, losing more ground every second. Saol knew that Brook might be on another level and knew that if he didn't go all out they would lose. Saol changed to the Dragon style and helped Steve out here and their until his style was ready.
    Legendary Saiyan In the MCU
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon
    Replied to Akisu

    I've made it so time shortens the more he trains his styles. So a style he doesn't use as much takes longer to use. That was an example of what would happen if he changed to a style he hasn't used before or just started to learn.

    The mission ended with Gabe Jones arresting Zola and later the group was extracted.The Interrogation of Zola revealed Johann Schmidt's plan to bomb the United States with them being powered by the tesseract. The SSR along with the Intelligence extracted from Zola led to them formulating the plan for the final attack on Hydra. This didn't take too long, but gave Steve and Saol enough time to train in case someone like Brook shows up.The month consisted of Saol practicing the Dragon style until he was 50% efficient, and started learning the basics for the Crane style. Dragon style is one of the five Styles focusing more on power, and less on speed, while the Crane style focuses on weak but accurate attacks and evasion. Saol tried switching from style to style but the delay was about 5 minutes, leaving openings in the style he was using. Steve, on the other hand, focused on a rigorous training exercise making him stronger, and slightly faster to a degree. Saol would occasionally join in which helped him improve in physique. At last the plan for the final attack on Hydra was ready, and Saol knew this wouldn't be a easy task for him and Steve to complete.
    Legendary Saiyan In the MCU
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon

    Makes him stand out a little and is made to fit him and expand if need be.

    Ch 6 Primal Awakening Pt.2
    Legendary Saiyan In the MCU
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon
    Replied to Kayden_SR

    Thank you for telling me I will do that!

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Legendary Saiyan In the MCU
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon
    Replied to Hees_Gelle

    I thought about that and I may change his age. In the beginning of writing it i had an idea of why but don't remember.

    With this done, the public had taken notice and Brandt invited Steve to join the war. Steve looked at Saol who said "Wherever you go, I go got it.". Steve smiled at this notion, and they went home to pack whatever they needed.
    Legendary Saiyan In the MCU
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon
    Replied to handsomax

    currently he is 18-19

    What Saol and Steve didn't know was the thing Brandt had in mind was different from what they pictured. Steve had to dress up in a Red, White, and Blue outfit to entertain and keep morale up. This lasted for a while, up until Steve rescued nearly 400 prisoners, with some help from Saol. Up until now they have trained, but not really initiated in lots of combat. About 2 years have passed since freeing the soldiers, and Steve was assigned to assault a train housing Zola, with Saol as his backup followed by Barnes.
    Legendary Saiyan In the MCU
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon
  • FusionDragon
    Replied to Konrad_The_Fourth

    I will try my best, this is my first try as something like this.

    Ch 1 Reborn Without Memories
    Legendary Saiyan In the MCU
    Anime & Comics · FusionDragon