


I Like Spicy Food.

2020-04-13 JoinedGlobal

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  • FlyBananaboi
    Replied to mikepeterjack
    Pete Lang, a mechanical engineer at a company for farming equipment close to reaching his thirties, died in his shower after slipping and unluckily hitting his head on the bathtub's rim. Had anyone found him even a few hours later and taken him to the hospital, his life could have been preserved rather easily - however Pete lived alone and his cat slept through the whole thing.
    Pokemon: A life worth living
    Video Games · Nuclide
  • FlyBananaboi
    Replied to
    Pete Lang, a mechanical engineer at a company for farming equipment close to reaching his thirties, died in his shower after slipping and unluckily hitting his head on the bathtub's rim. Had anyone found him even a few hours later and taken him to the hospital, his life could have been preserved rather easily - however Pete lived alone and his cat slept through the whole thing.
    Pokemon: A life worth living
    Video Games · Nuclide
  • FlyBananaboi
    Replied to Reality_warper004
    "Ugh, you're just too cute," Pete gushed as he pressed Minccino against his cheek to the protest of the little girl. It almost looked like she was embarrassed by his show of affection. Like a girl being embarrassed by her father when they are seen together at the mall with her friends from school nearby.
    Pokemon: A life worth living
    Video Games · Nuclide
  • FlyBananaboi
    Same is true for Misty, she shouldn't be a gym leader just yet, which she became right out of school according to my story. So, too young at the moment. The early style of the pokemon anime did her no favors, but she should be very pretty and is definitely talented.
    Pokemon: A life worth living
    Video Games · Nuclide
  • FlyBananaboi
    Replied to Nuclide
    It's been two nights and one day since Solosis hatched, and this storm will not let up. It's crazy to me that all that rain didn't already cause landslides or flood the coastline. But it's the pokemon world. A multi-limbed worm in a red shell can change the weather and hurl boulders with its thoughts here. But I digress.
    Pokemon: A life worth living
    Video Games · Nuclide
  • FlyBananaboi
    Replied to mikepeterjack
    Pete Lang, a mechanical engineer at a company for farming equipment close to reaching his thirties, died in his shower after slipping and unluckily hitting his head on the bathtub's rim. Had anyone found him even a few hours later and taken him to the hospital, his life could have been preserved rather easily - however Pete lived alone and his cat slept through the whole thing.
    Pokemon: A life worth living
    Video Games · Nuclide
  • FlyBananaboi
    'Pick up the knife,' urged Loki. At Harry's hesitance, the god's tone grew more desperate. 'Pick up the knife, Harry! Leaving any witnesses will be extremely bad for both us! You feared an orphanage, but you would rather spend the rest of your life in a jail cell!'
    HP: Loki The Guardian of Harry
    Book&Literature · Yggdrasil_loki
  • FlyBananaboi

    Remember a story of a man that was found dead with a dead bear and their surroundings were destroyed. People think that they fought and killed each other. I do not know the credibility of this story, so please take ot with a pinch of salt.

    Now that I could adequately use my eyes to see, I used my three available senses, sight, hearing, and smell, to observe my surroundings without needing to make any sudden movements; I'm outside in an unknown location, and who knows what type of animals may be lurking about. I may be a powerful man, but compared to a bear or a lion, I'm no different than your average adult male.
    One Piece: Chaos Kong
    Anime & Comics · Ozonelayer
  • FlyBananaboi

    I keep thinking it's a necklace, even though zi have searched it upmultiple times.

    Which was fair enough, Harry had never heard of one before he read Rowling's books.
    Dark Lord Dumbledore
    Book&Literature · Chado_Sama
  • FlyBananaboi
    Replied to Deadrule_vivek

    in the cane, the top can be taken off and a blade will be connected to it. Search it up for a better idea.

    Opening his eyes, Chad found Boppy leaning on his elf-sized pimp cane while staring at him. After Boppy and the two chefs saw the ninjas get their swords, they had become envious. To stop any problems before they started, he had two chef knives and a pimp cane with a hidden blade made for them. Of course, they were also fully tricked out with enchantments. The Japanese company where he bought his blades had made him a VIP customer after all his custom orders.
    Dark Lord Dumbledore
    Book&Literature · Chado_Sama
  • FlyBananaboi

    Fairy Tale

    So yes the original story is coming eventually, after Horizon, and most likely one other fanfic is done. (Either ATLA, Korra, Or Fairy Tail, still undecided so feel free to let me know what you'd like)
    MHA: Horizon (Ope-Ope No Mi)
    Anime & Comics · keanu_eugene
  • FlyBananaboi
    Replied to Lithiel

    The rule for marine kills was that only the highest person killed counts, and since they are the same rank, he would only get points worth one vice admiral for the effort of three.

    Stimulating the remaining strength in his body, Ross displayed Gravity Distortion and floated up before crossing an arc in the sky as he flew away.
    One Piece Talent System (by Ye Nan Tin Feng) (completed)
    Anime & Comics · Franxiscus_Siregar
  • FlyBananaboi
    Replied to Scarface3699

    Maybe, the speed that he was running at?

    [Image (in Discord)]
    One Piece: Path to Power
    Anime & Comics · Paradox_
  • FlyBananaboi
    Replied to FlyBananaboi

    Just saw Filipino_manzones comment. Yeah, it was Al Chapone

    Hiruzen couldn't help but find the situation funny. It was as if a serial killer who had killed his victims for decades and managed to stay safe from police had suddenly been apprehended because of an insignificant petty crime he committed!
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • FlyBananaboi

    Kinda like the mob boss during prohibition that could only be charged with tax evasion because all of his other crimes couldn't be traced back to him.

    Hiruzen couldn't help but find the situation funny. It was as if a serial killer who had killed his victims for decades and managed to stay safe from police had suddenly been apprehended because of an insignificant petty crime he committed!
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Fantasy · Devil_Hex
  • FlyBananaboi
    Taking out a handkerchief, I wiped the remnants of the rage inducing potion from my hands.
    HP: A Sociopath Gamer In Magic World
    Book&Literature · Kitamari
  • FlyBananaboi
    I couldn't help letting out a subconscious grin at the bloodthirsty response.
    HP: A Sociopath Gamer In Magic World
    Book&Literature · Kitamari
  • FlyBananaboi
    Replied to king_of_kings666

    no, everything, to 100% completeion.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe
  • FlyBananaboi
    Replied to xXTheDarkOneXx

    I remember, he is the guy who wanted to learn magic before they attacked the temple the but after the legion joined the army.

    Marco, Minthara and a very out of place Onmund were too busy gaping at the fact that all of Reyvin's attacks were getting countered with practiced ease. He was still holding his own, but whenever he tried to go on the offensive he would be rewarded with a well-placed kick to his lower body, or if he annoyed his combat instructor too much a chop to the head.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Video Games · Rastislav
  • FlyBananaboi
    Replied to xAr4m1s

    Me, I have not used a mod yet, but I wanted to finish the game without mods first.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Harry Potter and the Dovahkiin
    Book&Literature · DreamyApe