

2020-04-05 JoinedUnited States

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  • Nabomb
    Replied to Abtist

    Lol would that like literally make her immortal? Now I’m kinda curious. There’s really only one way you can reverse such a simple phrase as “you are dead”. It would just be “you are alive”.

    …Sadly, right now, Jet had no essence to spare on strengthening her body. She barely had enough to keep it from collapsing entirely, and even that last reserve was slowly running out.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    Was it ever explained why his shadows can’t go in the ocean? I cant think of a good logical reason why not and don’t remember it being explained back on the forgotten shore even though maybe back then it could be explained by the specialty of the water. Now hes encountered more normal water several times and still no explanation. Like I’ve definitely seen shadows while scuba diving. And he has perfect vision in the dark too so visibility wouldn’t be a problem

    Descending from the wall, Sunny slowly walked toward the water and stopped just outside its reach, staring at the vast undulating expanse of the cold ocean with a deep scowl. His tired eyes were hidden in shadows.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    Why did he associate nightmare with mongrel instead of using it himself? Like saint can step out of his shadows too so there wasn’t really a need to send her there to help while riding nightmare. He could have just revealed that nightmare was his echo and been using it this whole time.

    Surrounded by a swarm of Nightmare Creatures, Sunny fought while feeling extremely aggrieved. Things were not going great for him… he was extremely tired, bruised and battered, and worst of all, his essence was running dry.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    Is there a long process that we haven’t really been told much about in order to fall asleep and go to the dream realm? Cuz so far it’s mostly been said that as soon as you lose consciousness as an awakened you enter the dream realm. In which case why doesnt every awakened have some type of forced knock out pill to take if they are surely about to die in the real world? Like even if their body is instantly destroyed right after they just have to conquer a seed and they’ll be fine. It’s still better than dying. And same for masters. They can just fully escape if it’s hopeless. Seems weird if a pill like that doesn’t exist to lower casualties in the real world at least.

    If they understood the real horror of what was about to come, they wouldn't be so calm.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    I mean he should at least have put together what’s going to happen at this point right? The giant in the future has a massive hole in its chest and noctis’ ship has its bow destroyed presumably by ramming something. So mc just needs to be ready to use the knife once she rams it.

    He could not do anything to the steel colossus… all he could do was continue playing his part and pray that Cassie manages to survive. If she failed to draw the giant's attention away from Noctis, all of them were going to die… but he could not do anything about that, either.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    Mc pretty stupid if he seriously never thought Mordret might be on the ship in some way. I thought maybe he was just trying to trap him or just had no way of discovering him but guess he was just being an idiot for some reason. Like he knows mordret wanted to enter the seed more than anything and the ship just happens to be right under the castle that got destroyed. Thought he would at least be a little careful but guess author has to make him stupid sometimes so the plot can happen.

    'Wait… five? Did it say five? Who's the fifth one?! What…'
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    So that’s where jets final tip is probably going to come in. This dude is also going to enter the second nightmare with them with the other knife and they’re going to be competing in how they complete it. Although it’s kinda weird if he is really just an awakened still. Like mc is already supposed to be the strongest awakened around but this guy sounds like he blows him out of the water. Like he really has the strength of basically a saint or just below as an awakened? Either there’s a trick or the power scaling is kinda messed up. Or I’m completely wrong and he’s not even an awakened lol

    Either the knife had never been there, to begin with, or Mordret had gotten to it first.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    Previously it said you could even get echoes from the tournament but if not even first or second place gets one then guess that wasn’t true lol. Guess it makes sense that it would be tough for author to give him another echo at the moment since then he would have to choose between which to give memories to. Maybe sometime in the future the way saint upgrades changes or he maxes her out so he can raise another shadow.

    The winner and the runner-up were going to receive Memories from clan Valor's personal armory. And this was something every Awakened desired, because the Great Clan was renowned not only for its knights.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb
    Replied to MadThelric

    Sounds like she’s been around way longer than just the time they’ve been back. Otherwise it would make no sense not to make that comment about how she recently appeared as well

    Her alias was Queen Bee, and she was almost as enigmatic as Sunny himself. Unlike other popular duelists, she didn't broadcast or promote her fights, preferring instead to remain anonymous and under the radar. It seemed as though she was only interested in dueling itself, and nothing else. From what he knew, Queen Bee had never lost a duel. She was an undefeated champion of the arenas.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    Oh dang so the obsidian knife is probably made to kill noctis who is probably still alive. Since it could only be obtained by using the coins with noctis on them.

    Was the wooden knife created specifically to bring death to the immortal Solvane? If so, were the obsidian knife in the Sanctuary of Noctis and the ivory knife in the Night Temple meant to end the lives of two other immortals?
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    Dang I kinda thought if he didn’t want him as a shadow he would’ve at least traded it for a much better one. Since this seems like an echo that would sell for a ton of money. For a different person to have an echo that can hide in and attack shadows would be a game changer. He could probably trade it for a much stronger echo that may be less useful for other people but good once he turns it into a shadow.

    [Your Echo has been destroyed.]
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    Yeah i guess those storage bags must be super rare or something? Otherwise it seems like they would be one of the most popular memories to sell. Or maybe the monsters that drop them have already been hunted to extinction so thats why they are so rare that mc didn’t try to get one

    In front of him was a treasure that would take him all the way to forming a third core, and then some. With this many miraculous coins, Sunny would be able to annihilate the gap between himself and Nephis… maybe even overtake her.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    I mean the safe thing would be to have one attached to him and the other as far away from the ship as it can go just in case he needs to escape.

    Sunny thought for a few moments, and then decided to keep both shadows wrapped around his body instead of sending them to explore the ship. In situations where a confrontation with an unknown enemy could happen at any moment, having them close by was of paramount importance... at least that approach had saved his life many times in the past.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    I mean if he really wanted a flying echo he should just find somewhere to massacre dormant beasts since he can still get memories and echos from them. And he doesn’t have to worry about it being weak since he can eventually upgrade it. Especially if it’s something common that is easier to evolve

    He didn't need to wonder about who had done the monster in. On the Chained Isles, Nightmare Creatures constantly fought each other. Winged ones like this one were often caught by the inhabitants of the dark side, torn to pieces, and devoured.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb
    Replied to Lintiun8

    Lol have you not seen inside out? The movie about emotions

    "I can see their pride, anger, arrogance, everything is on the surface plain as day."
    Getting a Sugar Mommy in Cultivation World!!
    Eastern · Odayaka
  • Nabomb

    I’m guessing weaver is the 7th but no one knows anything about him cuz of the mask lol.

    "You would think that, right? But no, there were only six gods. Their most common names were Sun, War, Beast, Storm, Heart, and Shadow. Although those names don't do them justice, truth be told."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    Can the lost still rank up somehow then. Or are they stuck at the rank their body died at?

    Firstly, because there was no guarantee that Nephis would die if her body was destroyed. Just like there were Hollows, people whose souls had been destroyed while leaving an empty body behind, there were Lost — people whose bodies in the real world had died, leaving their souls wandering the Dream Realm.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    Oh I guess he’s gonna get the rest of those relics pretty quickly then? If that’s the way to make it stronger. Cuz otherwise this would be a pretty useless weapon since he can get others way above his level. And learning the shadow dance is the only way to advance it past his current level. Kinda figured the shadow dance steps would be a gradual burn till the end of the novel but nice that it probably won’t be.

    It was still weak, though. If it was a Memory, it would have been only a Dormant one of the second tier. Sunny was going to have to put in some work to make the dark odachi really fearsome.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb
    Replied to Miguwara_Luffy

    Yeah but she never said it to him. Now it doesn’t matter if she even told the whole world cuz he can only have one master. Although not sure what happens if neph dies too. But that’s not gonna happen so essentially he doesn’t have to worry about it at all anymore.

    One thing he was sure about was that a divine shadow like him could only have one master. So, he didn't have to worry about someone else finding out his True Name and enslaving him, not anymore. The guillotine blade that had hung above his neck all that time was now gone.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Nabomb

    Did she just figure this out? Otherwise why not just not kill the terror, since everyone had escaped by that point, and let it evolve while she exits the portal?

    "The Crimson Spire is a machine, and the Gateway is a part of that machine. The Spire can't function without a human serving as the Soul Conduit… and neither can the Gateway. There has to be a Vessel inside the tower for the Gateway to work."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree