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2020-04-05 JoinedUnited Kingdom



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  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to Ryosuke_saeba


    HP: Magic Punk
    Book&Literature · kamidemond
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    By the way when I said Vulcan went through the person I meant it very literally as it had extreme speeded into the person and did not stop which reduced them to a bloody mess that was getting washed off Vulcan in the rain. The little one thought the gunshot was far away thunder and thus not bothered by it but was fussing over me since I had stumbled and was bleeding. Before it could get dragged into this matter for whatever reason I returned it to it's ball. In the same moment I released the rest of my team that moved to protect me or hunt down anyone else nearby.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Cuteness_preacher9

    mf said bet

    Rare materials and ingredients practically littered every inch of the ground and the less said about the shit below the ground the better. Walking through the dense overgrowth with my team I collected useful stuff nearly every step. My foraging skill was climbing rapidly as I had to exert it constantly to identify and carefully harvest whatever I wanted , which was most things. "Tree! Tree! Co!" Yani said confidently barely an hour after we entered the area. "Well by all means if you can evolve then do so." I said jokingly before she huffed and got a look of concentration before making my jaw drop as she lit up.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to MasterGamer850

    A ***** THEORY

    On a side note I would like to say that swimming with one arm carrying a decently heavy object was a pain in the ass. But physically hard enough to be an issue but it had it's own unique sort of challenge. Funny thing was that I had totally forgotten to check the level of the Corsola until it attacked the Carvanha but after I did I sudden felt REALLY glad I was on good terms with it. Apparently this particular pink coral pokemon was level one hundred and thirteen which made it the second strongest pokemon I had ever met and I was carrying it like a small child , what a time to be alive.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to Shad0w_25

    Good choice welcome professor mango

    Wingul as it turned out were incredibly greasy birds that had a whole bunch of fat rendered out when subjected to heat. I suppose it made sense given their aquatic habitat that they usually lived by. The oil likely lets them float near effortlessly at the surface of the water much like regular sea gulls on earth did with their hollow bones. Wingull however did not have hollow bones which I found interesting considering how they were still able to fly despite this being the case.
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to Shad0w_25

    alr then what wood professor are u?

    Wingul as it turned out were incredibly greasy birds that had a whole bunch of fat rendered out when subjected to heat. I suppose it made sense given their aquatic habitat that they usually lived by. The oil likely lets them float near effortlessly at the surface of the water much like regular sea gulls on earth did with their hollow bones. Wingull however did not have hollow bones which I found interesting considering how they were still able to fly despite this being the case.
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to funmaxwell

    actually it's never stated that it's JUST size and more size normally means more strength at the very least

    I wasn't sure exactly what could trigger an evolution in a pokemon besides genuine will to keep fighting when they were at their limits. Obviously the phenomena could be forced such as in the case of Eevee or other item based evolutionary pokemon but otherwise I knew nothing of it. I only knew this thanks to the system flat out saying so when I asked after seeing the difference in levels between Gaia and other pokemon we ran into. This was why she could jump levels so easily since as a royal variation pseudo-legendary her stats were really good.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Cuteness_preacher9

    ngl more just felt like super irritating not intensely painful maybe it's cause I had a clean break?

    After that was my muscles that tore and stitched themselves together throughout every inch of my body over and over again to grow denser and stronger. Once that was done came the by far worst part in my opinion as my bones disintegrated before reforming much stronger and sturdier like if I had broken them everywhere at once before regenerating. The pain was frankly unreal when that part happened as anyone who has ever broken a bone without adrenaline to numb it could attest.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to hooves

    e.g Ash's snorlax that used 6 moves in a single battle

    We didn't find any pokemon up here however which upset Gaia a bit as she enjoyed growing stronger. Speaking of when she hit level ten she learned the move screech which was basically an upgraded version of the move leer that she already had in that it lowered defensive stats. How it did that was beyond me but it did so it was useful. Interestingly that whole forgetting a move thing from the games was totally bullshit in reality as she could still use all five of her moves without an issue.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to ChaosFeedz

    yeah but if u have 5 moves u use Regularly u won't randomly forget one will u?

    We didn't find any pokemon up here however which upset Gaia a bit as she enjoyed growing stronger. Speaking of when she hit level ten she learned the move screech which was basically an upgraded version of the move leer that she already had in that it lowered defensive stats. How it did that was beyond me but it did so it was useful. Interestingly that whole forgetting a move thing from the games was totally bullshit in reality as she could still use all five of her moves without an issue.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to MrIIIo

    at least your aware

    I wasn't stupid so I figured out what she meant easily enough "I can eat it?" I asked for confirmation and she nodded. "I will be honest I have no clue how to butcher or cook this thing." I said awkwardly in common. Gaia rolled her eyes at me before picking the corpse up by the head and stabbing one of her short but sharp claws into the throat of it and pulling it down hard causing the internal organs and still warm liquid blood to spill out onto the ground. She then raked her claws along the open cavity to remove anything clinging on like the heart and lungs.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Video Games · loskro
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    "Oh fuck you Murphy!" I cursed as the bull headed minotaur stepped into the room.
    Danmachi-Hell's forge
    Anime & Comics · loskro
  • Cuteness_preacher9

    no kekkei genkais are stated to be by clans not by a tailed beast hell the sharingan is a kekkei genkai

    The chakra that the tailed beast leaked gives the Jinchuriki in each village their distinctive abilities, which allow them to perform a variety of transformative moves similar to kekkei kenkai. Like the Boil release by Han. Insect powers by Fuu and lava powers by Roshi.
    Naruto : Transmigrated as an Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · NoviceAuthor
  • Cuteness_preacher9

    He is obviously the yuji of this and has sukuna in him

    This puzzled him; was Aurelius human or a cursed spirit, perhaps a hybrid? If that were the case, could cursed spirits reproduce sexually, or was it another process? There was also the option that Grindelwald had created him artificially, but he had no idea how.
    [HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood
    Anime & Comics · MaliciousPrince
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to Mr_Myeterious

    no sukuna was a cursed sorcerer in the heian era who is now somewhere between curse and sorcerer

    'I hope it's not Sukuna or Mahoraga.'
    [HPxJJK] - Harry Potter and the Supremacy of Cursed Blood
    Anime & Comics · MaliciousPrince
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to LongLingTianKeith

    your over estimating him he didn't "wage wars" he fought in them he was strong yes but stronger than guy is a bit of an overestimation or u underestimating guy

    Sometimes, she thought of joining the police. Other times, Izumi saw herself as a Taijutsu specialist, a Ninjutsu master, or even a Genjutsu expert. She imagined herself to be many things. Jun often was at a loss of words when his sister talked about it. He had never projected himself like this into the future. He had been too focused on the present, on getting stronger, getting promoted… When his sensei had asked him about his dream, he only came up with a short-term goal. He wanted to become a Tokubetsu jonin before the age of sixteen. However, he had said that because he was thinking about the Uchiha massacre, which would take place that year. He wanted to be strong enough to have a chance of surviving.
    The Fateful Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · MilexKor
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to Kyle_Cochrane_3690

    your thinking of him as if he isn't human your telling me when u knew exams that would pretty much decide your life were in a year u were panicking and studying a ton? no u enjoyed life like he's trying to now

    Other chunins weren't as patient. Miyamoto Hyuga went on a long-term mission a week after his promotion. Michi Uchiha left the village for an A-rank mission a couple of days after becoming a chunin. Jun was content with his situation, and no one pointed out his apparent lack of ambition.
    The Fateful Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · MilexKor
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to Andrew_Alsbrooks

    right because u would watch your dad die from a monstrous demon fox that traumatised you and you wouldn't feel uncomfortable getting close with the person who literally has it inside him?

    Today was also Naruto's birthday. He briefly wondered who was taking care of him, but he didn't feel much toward the infant orphan. For him, the young Uzumaki was the host of the Nine-Tails. He didn't care about Naruto right now. He wasn't his problem. Iruka would likely have his hands full dealing with Naruto in the future before Jun would interact with the youth.
    The Fateful Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · MilexKor
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to Raul_Romero

    but I don't think you understand a person who goes through trauma doesn't immediately recover say what you will but he is going through so much trauma people don't just automatically go "oh yeah I have to work harder" when a giant fox has murdered their dad in front of them and the image is literally burned into their memories he is traumatised and acts like a real person does you want a machine but this mc is merely human

    The Fateful Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · MilexKor
  • Cuteness_preacher9
    Replied to Cuteness_preacher9

    would also like to say to everyone hating on the mc. the appeal u aren't getting here is that he isn't like most op mcs where they work hard and get insane results, but he is human he is trying to enjoy his life with his family he is growing steadily and rather than a machine he's more human just because your used to op mc's who are non stop working and only take a break once a few months, that's not human behaviour u may think in that situation u could do what your saying but the reality is this isn't some guy with indomitable will this is a man who lived through trauma and merely has fragments of his past lives. He is human he only wants to protect his family and he has trauma and his childhood which builds him to where he is his character was built perfectly you just want a person who is perfect but that's not real and this author shows he knows this

    The Fateful Uchiha
    Anime & Comics · MilexKor