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  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to Blackfut

    1. Quinn still doesn't have, and has never had, sealing abilities. 2. Graham's body was crushed. Living things cannot survive getting crushed into something smaller than their foot. Mostly because of the crushing part. 3. You make good points. I tend to skip lines here and there, because honestly, reading every word of any chapter of any novel on this website would make me go insane from the inconsistencies and plot holes that author regularly dump into their works. Though, you shouldn't bring up physics ever in a fiction novel. Just look at nest crystals, a near-infinite source of energy that just appear on planets. A small rock having more power than all the stars in a galaxy already defies physics. The fact is doesn't generate a gravity field surpassing a blackhole also defies physics. Basically, don't bring physics into stories, author's always throw it in the trash. Good point though. It's totally impossible that 90% of the energy Quinn used wasn't dissipated when he stopped using kinetic energy to crush and compress Graham. Just like it's possible for that much energy to be compressed into a rock made from a liquid that doesn't turn solid from insanely high pressure, not generate a gravity, magnetic or electro-magnetic field. Sure 1 adult male has only enough iron in their blood to make a 6-inch nail, but Quinn basically flooded the planet with blood, so it should have more iron in it than a large meteor ||TLDR||: while you make a good point about the 3rd law of thermodynamics, it doesn't apply in a world where that law never existed in the first place.

    Ch 1595 The Red Heart
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to Paul_Briones_0710

    Then what about the notification that appeared in his mind while his eyes were shut?

    Ch 1595 The Red Heart
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring

    Author did a little better in this chapter. Still, why make Quinn weaker? Also, if Nitro Acceleration makes him fast enough to see a 1 second transformation (completely impossible, reasons listed below) take several seconds, why not just study them during the transformation, not after? Why not attack when you reaslise their Qi is getting stronger? Besides, if you wanted to study their full strength, you only needed 1 of them alive. Man, Quinn meant to be faster than the Flash yet he's so slow and dimwitted so often. Or he's just letting his newfound Celestial status get to him, despite having no Celestial power, as it's based off the number of followers and he's got none. Reason for transformation like this being impossible: the body would simply explode from the rapid expansion, lethal changes in internal pressure and simply a lack of mass, plus the increase in Qi, which is lifeforce, makes no sense either, since you can't disconnect it from a living body, thus you cannot make injections that increase it but whatever

    Ch 1598 Two great minds
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to DarkShadowBlaze

    While I like the theory, it's likely not true. 1st, brainwashed people can't tell they're brainwashed because what others would find as strange, they'd now find normal. No reason to suspect brainwashing, which is why it's so hard to deal with. Smarts have nothing to do with it and willpower only lasts until you get brainwashed. After that, it doesn't matter. Also, early TLDR: there's a 99.99% chance Logan is simply pretending to not know about Quinn, it's almost certain he erased the cursed faction, it is almost certain he teleported Quinn and Peter less than 10 years after beating Graham, it is moderately likely Erin was the reason for Logan's decision to work with Pure. Theory: Personally, I think Logan joined willingly and let the cursed faction disappear from history because he had no other choice. after that, he willingly helped pure, using the knowledge gained from Richard, just so they'd stop experimenting on so many people. Lastly, he never tried finding Quinn, despite the fact he can do so literally any time he wants. It's quite likely that he does know Quinn's awake and is pretending not to. Evidence: The Oni Mask Minny is wearing was made by Logan and has a tracker and communicator built-in. The moment it reconnects to Logan's network, which happened the moment it was taken out of Quinn's shadow storage, Logan would know that he's awake, where he is, and would be able to eavesdrop and spy on Quinn. The fact that he's done nothing means that he thinks the entire world needs to believe Quinn is dead. Second Evidence: Quinn and peter were both teleported from the 10's tomb, to an apartment that no one visited, inspected or otherwise touched for an unknown amount of years. Furthermore, the apartment was rented (though how the Grasylash leader knew that without knowing about Quinn is a mystery (major-ass plot hole)), meaning that there was someone who knew Quinn and Peter were there and wanted no one to interfere, not even a landlord. The only person who could do that is Logan, since no one else would have the technology or knowledge to teleport Quinn from the Tomb and then pay from an apartment for likely centuries. It's also a near-guarantee that Quinn and Peter were teleported less than 10 years, probably close to 5 years, after beating Graham. The fact this happened means something happened to or within the Cursed faction which lead to Logan needing to teleport Quinn to an unknown location on an unknown planet. Most likely, Erin found conclusive evidence that she could be freed from her uncontrollable bloodlust if she killed her turner, Quinn. This would also explain Erin being the Queen, if she is the Queen, and why Logan is working for Pure, as he wants to use their resources, knowledge and power, to likely find a way to fix the issues that still plague humanity and stop Erin from destroying all Vampires.

    Ch 1598 Two great minds
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to smylie

    Or destroy.

    Ch 1598 Two great minds
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to Paul_Briones_0710

    Vincent can't communicate with machines. Plus, the author is simple. That's obviously meant to be Logan so, because the author enjoys predictability, it will be Logan.

    Ch 1595 The Red Heart
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to Justin_Santana_6842

    Most likely, the name Nate Snell is flagged. but just Peter is not

    Ch 1595 The Red Heart
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to sin64920

    He did and still does have the tech to not only know that Quinn is awake, but also to track and contact Quinn at any time. Author just forgot about it. Multiple times

    Ch 1595 The Red Heart
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to Morgan_Ring

    It's also weird how using beast gear needs you to use MC cells, yet using beast gear drains no cells from you. Frankly, author should just scrap the "cells" idea and swap it with something that makes sense. You can't exactly run out of cells and then regenerate them. You need cells to make more cells and you can't lose them if they never leave your body in the first place

    Ch 1595 The Red Heart
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to brian_watters

    Pretty clever idea with the Truedream transfer there. Sadly, clones are, for no logical reason, incapable of producing MC cells. MC cells themselves have no solid reasoning behind them. It was explained that your body generates them when you obtain an ability, and yet people without an ability can both generate and use them, despite not having an ability to use them. Not to mention, you can't obtain an ability without them. Author basically made a catch 22 there. MC cells let you get an ability BUT you need an ability to generate MC cells

    Ch 1595 The Red Heart
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to _Randel

    I would agree, if not for the fact that Vincent can't communicate with machines telepathically.

    Ch 1595 The Red Heart
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to Guess_5309

    But there aren't many vampires with the name Peter that travel with a guy that has the same name as Nate. It would only take him seconds to find out who they are too, since Quinn showed off his blood control in front of a robot Logan made. Then there's Peter's abilities, which only Quinn's Wight could have and lastly is Minny, who has no disguise and is wearing the mask Logan made. There's basically no reason for Logan not realising it's Quinn

    Ch 1595 The Red Heart
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to Blackfut

    1. Graham was never sealed. Cause he's dead. The orb is more or less Graham's corpse. 2. Why would it have the power to blow up a planet? It's basically a blood crystal made from dragon, human, vampire and werewolf DNA. I can see it as a superweapon material, like higher than Demon tier, but not enough to destroy a planet.

    Ch 1595 The Red Heart
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to turtlegurl

    And braincells. This story has more holes than a wire fence. I also pity the author. He'll be lucky to get the 3rd or 4th physical books to be published let alone sold.

    Ch 1591 A bond of trust
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to Mike_Sullouski_21

    Ahh yes. the classic case of "I become more of an overly emotional berserker every time I level up". This comment of yours isn't even funny. Sure, no one would remain the same if they got so much power, and Quinn has shown a little growth over the last 1500 chapters. But he has never been on the level of an emotional loose cannon. Sure, he has a violent no nonsense personality, but he always kept calm, even if he was angry. Yet all of a sudden, he wakes up, lets some dhampirs escape when he could easily stop them, barely maintains his disguise (though to be fair, he's never been good at acting or maintaining a disguise), and attacks someone he could have easily question without violence. You ever wake up and a couple hours later decide to nearly kill someone because of something they were wearing and then let them go because they mention a group you're in? No? Didn't think so. PS: Quinn experienced almost no change in his mental state when he became a vampire 1500 chapters ago. Also, he's gotten no stronger in the last 1000 years and even then the change in his mental state was small. Frankly, it's like he went from being a reckless fool to outright bipolar in the span of 1 paragraph, or about 2 seconds story-wise. I could say more, but I think your irrelevant point has been sufficiently buried by this wall of text you probably won't read.

    Ch 1590 Red Fury
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to Mike_Sullouski_21

    Only an idiot would kill him when Quinn came with peaceful intentions. Also, I've reread this story twice. I probably understand it better than the author, considering the parts where he didn't stick with to the plot he made earlier in the story. Also, precisely because it's been 1000 years, and no one remembers the cursed faction, indicates someone intentionally tried erasing them from history. Yet somehow the first person in authority that he meets knows about the cursed faction and Quinn lets go of said person who is somehow related to the supposed death of his friend. I understand the story, it's not hard to. And I'm not talking bad about it. It's just dumb. Kinda like "Oh the evil looking guy who enslaves children is actually the bad guy", that kinda dumb. I understand the author clearly doesn't like convoluted plots and takes the easy way through several plots, even if they make less sense than a more difficult way (as shown by the Cindy arc), or perhaps the author wants his plot to be understood by any reader, but it's just feels lackluster too often.

    Ch 1590 Red Fury
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to Mike_Sullouski_21

    Perhaps a piece of tech made from beast crystals and stored in a place were items don't decay and time is slow? Y'know, Quinn's shadow storage. Plus, if it was decayed or broken, that would have been mentioned when he pulled the mask out of his shadow

    Ch 1590 Red Fury
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring

    My question is, why hasn't Quinn tried contacting Logan? And why doesn't Logan know he's awake? Peter didn't break the device Logan put on Quinn and no one else ever found them during the sleep, so it being broken is stupid. And even if it is broken, Logan should notice that all of a sudden, the mask he gave Quinn is now sending and receiving signals, since it's no longer in the shadow. Author, I do like the novel, but there are soooo many parts that need to be rewritten and you seriously need a proper editor. Please, don't sell any more volumes until you fix all the plot-holes in each volume.

    Ch 1590 Red Fury
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring
    Replied to Brent_Lippincott

    I doubt it. Seems both nonsensical and too obvious. I'd think the Queen is someone Erin had to turn. Kinda like Quinn and Peter (except Dhampirs can disobey their turner and harm their family). After all, Erin didn't want to be a killing machine and knew her existence alone would cause issues. She isn't the kind of person to deliberately go out and create more killing machines

    Ch 1590 Red Fury
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga
  • Morgan_Ring

    Well this is stupid. "This guy is wearing armour made from my friend's corpse" - Quinn tries to interrogate him "I don't know why you're angry but aren't we friends" - Lucia makes Quinn not want to kill the guy wearing his friend's corpse "You're from the Cursed faction?" - Quinn lets go of the guy WEARING HIS FRIEND'S CORPSE. Unrealistic behaviour. Plus, since when was Quinn such a loose cannon? Please don't try changing his character in a nonsensical way. You do that to the story enough.

    Ch 1590 Red Fury
    My Vampire System
    Fantasy · JKSManga