


Just here to have fun C: (More stories over on https://archiveofourown.org/users/DakotaInExile)

2020-02-28 JoinedUnited States



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  • DakotaInExile
    Replied to Overlord_1000

    Yes, numbers are hard alright 💀

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    Secure. Contain. Protect. Dead By Daylight
    Video Games · DakotaInExile
  • DakotaInExile
    Replied to Overlord_1000

    Yeah, don’t ask me. Numbers are hard 😭

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    Secure. Contain. Protect. Dead By Daylight
    Video Games · DakotaInExile
  • DakotaInExile
    Replied to Dagoth_Ur_

    I intend not to have the romance part be the main focous, in a way this fic is also practice so I can learn how to balance both the plot and a relationship. So I’m 100% looking for some criticism on how to do better, I encourage you to comment and tell me what I can improve on. I also ask to give me some leeway in the fact that this was and partially still is a half-thought out story, once I do eventually finish this I will of course go back and properly clean and dust out any unnecessary things etc. Though I will also edit in current when I miss a mistake—as with 035 and 053— Thank you for giving this story a read and leaving helpful comments, have a wonderful week.

    Secure. Contain. Protect. Dead By Daylight
    Video Games · DakotaInExile
  • DakotaInExile
    Replied to Dagoth_Ur_

    My bad, thanks for pointing that out!

    '049 huh? This one wears a mask as well, although I don't think I can really say 053 counts. After all, they appear to be the mask. This one is actually the same class as me, I hope that means they will provide good conversation.'
    Secure. Contain. Protect. Dead By Daylight
    Video Games · DakotaInExile
  • DakotaInExile

    Sort of shameless review for my own story, yes this is a Ghostmyers fic, if you don’t properly read the synopsis, this review, or even the literal romance tag warning you of what’s to come, that is your faul. So read with discretion! I’m not going to claim that this is the best thing in the entire world. Because it’s definitely not, but I definitely recommend giving it a read! It’s a more “out there” au/universe crossover I know, but it seems to work. Ngl, got this idea after reading a bunch of Ghostmyers fics then obsessing over SCP fics. I was 100% unsure how this would go, but I uploaded it to ao3 and received some good feedback. So here we are, this is definitely a winged fic. Pretty much all the characters aren’t mine and belong to their respective creators. None of this is following any type of canon, and any names used for staff personnel are randomly thought up and have no correlation to any existing personnel in the SCP universe/fandom. It’s also not just one and done smut—else it wouldn’t be uploaded here—and actually has a plot, one that is also partially being winged as I write more chapters. I would appreciate if you give this fic a chance, as long as you enjoy the ship. I’m 100% shameless for what I’ll write in this, I can only warn that you should prepare a bible and holy water. Or grab your favorite choice of liquor for the later spicy chapters. I mean, you’re choosing to read this, you should be prepared for what will happen. Especially with these murder husbands. Anyway, read or don’t this was mostly written for myself. Enjoy! Or leave while you can.

    Secure. Contain. Protect. Dead By Daylight
    Video Games · DakotaInExile
  • DakotaInExile

    Mans said no to simpage. Respect.

    There's no way I was going to spend my time flirting with girls when I could spend the time practicing magic! I could already visualize myself casting huge fireballs. Just the thought makes me grin.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile

    Haha! Finally! Wave your virgin flag and be proud!

    Although I am jealous of his would-be harem. I mean I did make them beauties, but who cares! I stayed a virgin for my whole 32 years of life, so it's not gonna hurt if I remained a virgin for a little bit longer.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile

    Yep. Sounds about right.

    I hated my previous life
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile

    Aye, first time for everything. An MC who has more than a single braincell.

    But looking at how things were, I should probably not consider this world a novel anymore, as I was literally breathing and moving inside of what seemed to be the plot of my novel.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile

    Author becomes a character he didn’t even create. How unlucky.

    I, the author should obviously know every character in the novel, but who in the world was Ren Dover?
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile

    It’s fine, his wifi was just reconnecting.

    It almost felt as if there was a lag in my movements. But as I gradually moved more, the time lag slowly disappeared.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile

    Sounds like a typical MC alright.

    Eyes aside, it was a pretty average face. One that you would forget after not seeing for a couple of days.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile

    Ah yes, the fair pale skin of a malnutritioned rodent. Magnificent.

    Pale white skin
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile

    Was this purposeful? Probably, was it funny? Yes. Do most of us wish is was “ben”? Absolutely.

    Ren Dover?
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile

    A fairly good story! The author has a problem with info dumping a lot, at least with what I have read. (haven’t caught up to the current chapters since this is my first read.) So far, I love the MC. This story definitely has potential, so I look forward to reading more after this review. As with every story though, everyone has their own opinions, dislikes, and likes. So read about 10-15 chapters before deciding whether to continue reading or not, I’ll return later once I’ve read more and woken up, to give a better in-depth review. But definitely give it a read for yourself if you haven’t already!

    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile

    The readers never know what they want until its served to them on a plater by the author, that is how it always goes. Because even as an author, I don’t know what I want from a story. Because it’s the authors job to give, not ask what we want to see and give to the T. What readers want to see is the authors imagination, exploring the thought process and adventure that comes with. Good or bad story, what makes or breaks it in my opinion. Is the originality and or the authors own take on the subject, I want the author to lead me on their journey through the story. See what they see, and feel what they feel while being absolutely mind blown by what they’ve created.

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    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile

    Sad, the best stories are those the author enjoys the most. Sure, not always. But as long as you enjoy writing and get what you want and need from it, then nothing else should matter. Your happiness is the wavelength to the imagination, creativity stems from roots in your mind and drives the story. Leading both you and the readers on what should be an adventure no one can forget.

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    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile

    In my opinion, one needs all three. Talent, Hard work, and Luck. You can argue all you want about what’s better, but in the end. They are all important and each play a roll in becoming successful, Talent helps excel in things when others cannot. Hard work accomplishes tasks and paves you an easier way to get to your essential “end goal” even if not by much, and Luck works hand in hand with the other two. Helping Talent with luck, And Hard work with luck. Because while Luck does play a large role in it, too much luck and you could reach karma and unending bad luck. Nobody stays lucky forever, without ever using hard work and talent to keep them afloat.

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    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile
    Replied to NoSchool_Arc


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    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • DakotaInExile

    Ah yes, the perks that come with having rich parents. = spoiled brats (Most of the time)

    'Daddy~ There's this new car that I really love and was wondering if...'
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI