


Just here to enjoy some novels

2020-02-08 JoinedUnited States

of reading


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  • Despair512

    Love this comment.

    Flavour text: "Rest is for the weak, so rest and allow the weakness to leave you," - Saint Codale
    The Eldrim Cards Legacy
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • Despair512

    And everyone you have trusted minus will has backstabbed you. Including Aisha. But eh whatever…

    - Aisha is pissed. She really wants to know, and we don't want her as our enemy. She's been thru a lot, and it's obvious she has trust issues, so you shouldn't give her that shit right now, when she is building herself up, back to normal.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantasy · MasterHexer
  • Despair512

    It’s going to be funny when they keep conspiring to kill each other in the top position that Peter is going to end up the strongest time and time again…

    I chuckled. Maybe he was talking about himself or had somebody else in mind, or even was telling the truth. I had no idea. But I knew one thing. There will be no order unless somebody strong enough will force others to obey him or her. That was Blue's plan, and probably also Blitzkrieg's.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantasy · MasterHexer
  • Despair512

    My dead->me dead

    No matter what I did, he kept swinging, and eventually, I had to focus all efforts to avoid or block. Even though, small cust started to appear on my hands, legs, and torso. If I ever allowed him even a single clear hit, It would end with my dead. Fortunately, I was just fast and strong enough to parry od dodge.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantasy · MasterHexer
  • Despair512

    Whare? Perhaps where?

    - Whare? Are they alive? - asked one of the assholes.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantasy · MasterHexer
  • Despair512

    Funnily enough when I saw the route with Yong and his control/king like status I assumed he was to die by blue. Especially given Blue’s supposed dislike with some of Yong’s ideals. I don’t recall but he showed a dislike when Yong talked about his ideals. Hence making me believe he’d be Yong’s undoing. Furthermore Yong dying would also give a lot of character growth and from a story point was a great play by the author. Loving it.

    - I'll tell you what I know. But for fuck sake, don't do anything stupid. Right now I'm suspecting either Mark or Blue. Mark could find a way to do it during the fight. He was only defending. Maybe that was because he needed to give one of his men a clear shot to poison Zhang Yong with... I don't know, a needle? Blue also has Zhang Yong a bottle of water before the duel. Now he, as you said, is doing strange things with Wuxia. We need to figure out what really happened. We can't act rashly.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantasy · MasterHexer
  • Despair512

    Where will the fight be*

    - Where will be the fight? - I asked him right away, panting for a moment until my breathing flattened out.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantasy · MasterHexer
  • Despair512


    I probably wouldn't do such a thing If not for Aisha's sake. I actually had problems returning because my legs were just giving up. It took me a whole night to return. I just kept promising myself that I will get rid of the exhaustion the very moment I'll use the device. It helped a bit, but there was still a need for many breaks.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantasy · MasterHexer
  • Despair512

    Closes-> closest.

    After getting deep enough to the forest I parked my cart and picked up one of the pudaos. The hunt officially began. I started with a slow jog and didn't stop until the howling started. Then I headed to the closes wolf I could hear. It was already running at me but stopped midway seeing how fearless I was charging at it. Then instinct overtook, and the wolf decided to attack. I could already hear others incoming. The first one died while trying to jump at my throat, then I turned around and headed to the next closest.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantasy · MasterHexer
  • Despair512


    Then I started thinking about my importance in this grand task. Nobody ever saw anything in me, so I was kinda pride of what achieved here. Maybe I could get some glory out of it? Maybe for one in my life, people would admire me? I quickly pushed those thoughts away. I had to remain focused on what was important. I swore this to myself.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantasy · MasterHexer
  • Despair512
    Replied to Noire_Nova

    I don’t know why but assumed this was a shot at the author before I read it completely. Got a good laugh at this…

    Others quickly armed themselves, but there was no immediate fighting. They waited for my answer, but because there was none, one of them decided to shot me with an arrow. I easily dodged. Their, I think chef, yelled at me again, and sun after they decided to rush to me. They were fast, and a few stayed to cover them with arrows. But since I backed up a bit, that was of no threat to me.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantasy · MasterHexer
  • Despair512

    Personal theory, perhaps those camps have crystals? Of course it could be other groups simply exist out there. But perhaps all races have access?

    I had enough food for an entire week if I would manage it correctly, so I decided to take it easy. I had some thoughts that maybe by the end of this period I should use the device again to buy as much as I could, to maximize that one crystal I got from my friends. Friends, a word that I never thought I was gonna use towards people in this place. In the end, I decided to not go. Nacho probably wouldn't let me use it anyway.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantasy · MasterHexer
  • Despair512
    Replied to Grim_Reaper_5208

    Or envy. Or any other negative emotion. It a gamble. Let’s see if it pays off.

    - Well, they are gonna find out anyway, so I don't think there is a point in trying to hide this – said Bill.
    Another Stupid Isekai
    Fantasy · MasterHexer
  • Despair512


    The short archer resisted the urge to give Nero a big thumbs up and a knowing smile. This wasn't the place to do that. Then again, this also wasn't the place to…
    The Eldrim Cards Legacy
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • Despair512

    Perhaps a system?

    As if confirming what Sim had just said, the goose that arrived upon Sim's beckoning radiated a powerful aura that made Lex feel incredibly threatened. This was yet another creature much stronger than Sim, yet it obeyed the ranchers' requests without hesitation.
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • Despair512
    Replied to SithSlayer_74

    A rich person

    "I don't mind." 
    Advent of the Three Calamities
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • Despair512
    Replied to Cadh20000

    I believe that is from Black Butler.

    Lex did not even need his spirit sense. His left eye had mutated a long time ago, allowing him to peek at things related to laws, but that left his right eye as normal. Recalling how cool it felt using Evisceration with his eyes, Lex underwent the journey to find cool and powerful techniques based on his eyes. He was not, in any way, inspired from any anime he had seen, as that would be unoriginal and plagiaristic, which he was not.
    The Innkeeper
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • Despair512

    Huh. I didn’t know shepherd knew he was on a clock.

    "Shepard, help me. Idon't have much time left," Adam said earnestly, resolved to negotiate with the archmage despite the risks.
    I Refused To Be Reincarnated
    Fantasy · Adamus_Auguste
  • Despair512
    "Error! Error! Network database connection node missing. Running diagnostics. Network connection lost 1209 years 11 months 29 days ago. Searching for possible solutions. Initiating emergency repair protocols.
    The Eldrim Cards Legacy
    Fantasy · lifesketcher
  • Despair512

    Wow. A lot more powerful than expected.

    "Aether induced ability is judged to directly affect thermal energy, entropy, light, and sound. Specimen aether ability: Exceptional grade. Additional note: the specimen can be of great value while conducting various tests and can adopt the role of research assistant. Initiating corruption resistance test. Specimen, resist corruption to the best of your abilities."
    The Eldrim Cards Legacy
    Fantasy · lifesketcher