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  • UGH


    Chapter 5: Responsibility
    I AM BORED: (Worlds Travel)
    Anime & Comics · Ren_Xi
  • UGH


    When Lee witnessed Nami make her way in a different direction, he knew that Nami was really kind deep down even though it appeared to many people that Berris was the only thing in her head.
    I AM BORED: (Worlds Travel)
    Anime & Comics · Ren_Xi
  • UGH

    Plot, blame the plot. The damsel in distress must be saved.

    'How can they find me? Damn it!' I cursed at my bad luck in my head again and took out toward the stream hoping that the water was deep.
    I AM BORED: (Worlds Travel)
    Anime & Comics · Ren_Xi
  • UGH

    Idiot...OMG this idiot... went from moving boat that is moving the same speed as the other one to stationary island... empty stationary island... and she expects not to be found while basically saying " I'm here AHAHAHAHAHAHA"

    "Hahahaha, there is no way you guys will catch me!" I hollered back at them while showing them my finger, and stuck out my tongue.
    I AM BORED: (Worlds Travel)
    Anime & Comics · Ren_Xi
  • UGH
    Replied to UGH

    they were born from thin air 3 seconds ago for plot*

    Slowly, three grey wolves emerged from the darkness. From Lee's observation, all of them were at least 6 feet high which was larger than him, especially the one in the middle. Just like its name described, they had grey furs on its body with strong long hair from head to its back.
    I AM BORED: (Worlds Travel)
    Anime & Comics · Ren_Xi
  • UGH

    Crossed the island in 30 minutes. Loud explosion from Buggys cannon. No animal sighted in this small island. Which with that explosion from nowhere would have made any animal here jumpy and scared so running into lee would have been possible. Stayed around 5 hours in the same spot with no interruption. Only wolves... someone really took a pack of wolves on ship and dropped them here.... 3 seemingly looking healthy wolves on a deserted island.... So only 2 or 3 days have they been here. Unless of course the were born form thing air 3 seconds ago for plot

    Slowly, three grey wolves emerged from the darkness. From Lee's observation, all of them were at least 6 feet high which was larger than him, especially the one in the middle. Just like its name described, they had grey furs on its body with strong long hair from head to its back.
    I AM BORED: (Worlds Travel)
    Anime & Comics · Ren_Xi
  • UGH

    No more like he's such an idiot that while talking and responding in his head he couldn't put 2 and 2 together and now blames you while hiding his stupidity

    ('You never asked') Ai said.
    I AM BORED: (Worlds Travel)
    Anime & Comics · Ren_Xi
  • UGH

    I hate when this is used as explanation in soooo many fanfictions. Basically discrediting all the work and effort put into any work. The editors are ignored, the writer, the drawers, the boss of a production company, readers etc... All the work put into anything. Every time I see this explanation all I see is that this work that took months, years is really just a writer seeing into another world and copying it. They have no creativity or imagination to be able to write this world or story from scratch. In fact there was no editing involved no 50+ people in a room late at night working on editing, drawing, or writing. No the story that was published is fresh from the hand of the writer as seen in his "revelation". By "GOD"....

    ('Yes, but a slight off compared to the Bible. Not only just Oda but similar to many of the authors out there, throughout their whole life, they experience things that struck them to gain enlightenment to write in their story. When you observe the world for a long time, you would sometimes pick up things or experience Deja vu, or matters which made you feel familiar with those things you encounter for the first time. It was known as the manifestation of parallel worlds which showed its appearance in different worlds.')
    I AM BORED: (Worlds Travel)
    Anime & Comics · Ren_Xi
  • UGH

    MC tells Morded to keep her helmet on, proceeds to go without mask and drop names. While everyone else also don't wear masks. Morgan goes to rally heroes... but only gets heroes who were already going to unite against this invasion... except for Martian Manhunter... where is he? After uniting the fight goes... Heroes split up.. MC destroys one machine... Superman gets punched... MC attacks kalibak once... Morgan reads Kalibaks mind... tells the reason of attack... everyone suddenly knows everything she said is true and know about new gods and Darksied and go well we're a team we can do this. End Fight. Lets not forget almost 50% of the chapter was explaining what they wear. I mean this always happens in this story but here is pronounced since instead of one or two characters being writing what they were wearing its 6 people. Like the Grail War arc where it was 14+ explanations of what they are wearing split into 3 chapters. UGH

    Ch 75 Invasion
    From Mortal to Divinity
    Anime & Comics · Servant_Ambrosius