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  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to Matthatter

    He has his memories. He has just lost the emotional connection to them. I think it will be incredibly hard for him to get those back without another Aspecs interference. After all, he has lost even the desire or want to get those connections back...

    Ch 578 The Cost of Survival
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to Slifting

    That is a good point, but you could argue that after the Inter-galactic meeting or whatever it was that he was once again reminded that when going up against the upper tiers of mortals he was still a one-shot pony. Once he's used his Karmic power he's vulnerable. It's still not certain he could protect them or that people might be keeping an eye on him after the commotion he caused. He's also very intreigued by what the sources of Karma are. Once he's in the universe you could say he get's sidetracked by his comprehension attempts, and that is certainly true, but it's also logically the safest path to become an Aspect of Existance before he returns to them. And becomming one seemed to be rigt in front of him. Yes, he didn't consider that they may have been found out or in danger, and yes he got sidetracked a wee bit long. But the logic can work fine either way, and as soon as he became powerful enough to disregard other cultivators he went straight to tring to locate them. Another mistake was underestimting the other aspects of existance and by not specifically using the system of the coerced Champion of Destiny for a way for "him" to reach his friends. By simply asking for a way to reach them, the system defaults to how the systemholder can get there. Daniel made a stupid error really. Because while the system basically told the coerced Champion that he would live or die based on his actions when they were about to encounter Equilibrium, it would have probably have not registered as a feasible path for "Daniel" to find a way into Conflicts domain because Daniel would have been told what would have had to happen for him to survive. His bad wording lost him his chance to avoid Equilibrium.

    Ch 578 The Cost of Survival
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to OverlordOfBalance

    Yeah, I didn't understand his cultivation going like that either. My best guess is that "having" a cultivation to begin with is a mortal thing that Aspects don't have since they are just the combined power of their concept. You could view all of Daniels cultivation as a non-Karmic part of the Aspec of Karma and thus out of balance with the universe. My only issue would be that he still appears to have "some" level of culivation even if vastly weaker. So is was he perfectly in equilibrium? Unless it is just good enough for his cultivation to be removed to a level where it is a negligible part of him, considering he is an Aspect with a body.

    Ch 578 The Cost of Survival
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to Beluinus

    ...and his family are being hunted by two of Fate's best Champions. Caused by Daniel, yet he can now no longer intervene.

    Ch 578 The Cost of Survival
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to Beluinus

    Actually, that's just how the concept is generally talked about. Not what Karma actually means. While people might only really talk about Karma in terms of bad stuff getting better (i.e. bad events mean you are due good events in the future for example) it can mean the opposite too. People who have lots of good luck are due a comparative amount of bad luck. It's obvious why people don't talk about that much. But remember that Karma is "balance". The ideal Karma is actually zero karma, if you take the non-moral perspective, which of course the Concept of Karma must do. It's made a little more confusing in this story because his system rewarded him many benefits to having positive Karma, but that's just because he chose the positive path. The author has said before that had he written a story about a negative-Karma Daniel then the system would have created such an evolution path. In fact, we have already seen Sewah cultivate with negatve Karma while in control of the system, but that didn't work out only because the system had already evolved to give penalties to negative Karma, and he STILL made it somewhat work. As it says in the next paragraph, Daniel is no longer a wielder of Karma, where he used to side with Good. He is now Karma itself, and so cannot side with either the good or the bad, he may only judge impartially. He is ow both the negative Karma that people gain as much as the good.

    The reason for burning his own karma was simple. Daniel was not someone who had to be judged by karma, for he was karma itself. Having his life judged by Karmic power did nothing but place him at the same level as everyone else, turning him from an impartial judge, to a biased one. As a paragon of positive karma, Daniel was both the aspect of Karma, as well as a good-natured being that was in charge of punishing those who opposed his ways.. And that was a source of imbalance within the multiverse.
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to Dragon_gawain

    His status as a champion of Life is completely irrelevant. It just means it is not possible for him to "naturally" die. Second, I'm not 100% sure since he technically still has a (strong) mortal's body, but Aspects of Existance embody their own aspect. They cannot actively be "Champions" (for example, any Aspect would be a "Champion" of Conclusion and Life for example, because of powerlevel and immoratlity, but that has nothing to do with their Concept and since they are on the same level as Conclusion and Life they are beyond the range of Life and Death's little fight. If it did, those Aspects would be getting power from all the other Aspects,which makes no sense). Another thing that supports the idea of shedding all alligence to Concepts other than the one you embody is what happened when Daniel became a Concept. It wasn't so much that Destiny "took his blessing back" as much as it was "rejected" by Daniel's own existance.

    Ch 577 An Equalizing Force
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males

    So... Conflict, or Destiny? Conflict is possible, given he knows about Daniel and he recently became aware of the Fate Champions' conflict with Daniel. He also seems o apprieciate or at least be very interesed in the unusual level and type of conflic Daniel causes the multiverse. Otherwise he wouldn't have been as protective in the past. That said, the reason why he stopped Horror before is that Daniel was still on the mortal side. Implicitly, that reason would no longer be the case. Also, it is unlikely that Conflict, even if he is higher ranked than Equilibrium, to be able to so effortlessly go through a focused Equilibrium's power like that given that Equilibrium and Conflict are concepts which would have... well... conflicts lol. 90-95% sure it's Destiny. The rule of the game with fate is probably no helping his Champions before that specific Champion "won" their bet. Which would be the point where he ascended into Karma and lost Destiny's self-help system/blessing. But being Destiny he's only going to give Daniel (and any other) a chance, since that's what he's about. That's pretty fair, considering a newly ascended Aspect will be very weak compared to other aspects, and they just lost the System which was suposed to help them survive the mortal multiverse. If anything, avoiding the other hostile aspects means he is in even more dire need for the System's functions lol.

    Ch 577 An Equalizing Force
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males

    I don't know if that's because Aspects are the personifications of existance and acting true to one's nature is by default Karma neutral, or if she is Karam neutral since she is in perfect balance.

    To Daniel, however, this woman appeared in a different light. While in possession of the same power that was hidden within his opponents' bodies, yet in an infinitely higher amount, what gave her identity away was the complete lack of karma attached to her body, a detail that to him was more telltelling than the familiarity her unknown power made him feel.
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males

    Chosing an aspect of existance that has conflicts with Karma as a Concept is actually a very good choice by the author, it reasons out the Aspects appearence well, and since Daniel is still an incredibly weak Aspect he'll be forced to play ball. The essence of Karma is a rejection of the fate that says that regardless of one's actions everyone will be the same in the end [after death] (i.e. no judgement). Not only does going against fate generally go against the estalished equilibrium of the multiverse, and thus Equilibrium will always dislike Aspects which view causality from Destiny's (free will's) point of view, a phyiscal entity becoming as Aspect is also distorting the equilibrium of the multiverse and known status quo. An Aspect of existance fighting with mortals would be understandably aggravating in regards to equilibrium, but picking a fight with Equilibrium's Champions is really Daniel unintentionally picking a fight with the Concept itself lol. Such a match up goes against the concept of stable equality. I am a little surprised that Equilibrium can actually stop Daniel controlling others' Karma. Given he is the very concept of Karma I did raise my eyebrow at that. But it could just be explained by the vast difference of power at their respective disposal. I hope that gets clarified in the next chapter. Nice chapter.

    "A deity facing mortals.. There is a limit to how broken I'll permit the multiverse's balance to be." Said a disembodied voice that resounded throughout the whole universe.
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to StoicFurlong

    Above. Karma is a passive multiverse concept that exists wherever there is consciousness (technically conscious action but oh well). It judges everything and anything under that continuously, granting punishment or reward based on the net karma at death (natural or forced). Domain of Judgement is based on the concept of rules. It only exists where social societies exist and have created social contracts. The judgement is based on whether the rule has been broken; it isn't judging the person per se. Karma is not only a far more fundamental conception of judgement by depth and width, it also exists in far more places. Assuming there was a Concept of Judgement, I would rate them as a low tier aspect of existence in the Patheon because they are simply not fundamental enough and thus restricted. Karma would be at bare minimum an upper-mid ranking Concept, potentially low-high rank, but because it's existence necessitates free-will which is in direct opposition to Fate, it would absolutely be considered a top tier high rank in the Patheon.

    As the white-haired man went through this hell, Daniel stood in front of his motionless physical body, which caged his consciousness and spirit into a never ending torment. Further ahead, the other champions of Fate suffered the same fate, each stuck within their own personal hell, which they had shaped through their actions.
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males

    Sorry, but that's just bad writing. In the entire multiverse, including the closed universes, you are saying that "just" this one became dominated by a race which had a high degree of understanding of karma while at the same time miraculously didn't posses any type of cultivation? The multiverse is almost infinite, the odds are ridiculously small this is true. At least make the cannon something like "tiny, rare specs in an ocean of suppressed karmic power" or something. Incredibly rare. I won't even get into how "lucky" he is that apparently the one universe Conquest's domain had was this one Karmic one either lol. Be realistic.

    The moment Daniel had become an aspect of existence, he had felt the power of Karma within the other universes, calling him. What made this power different from the one produced within the same universe, was the quantity which he was able to tap into. This power, almost smothered by the other aspects of existence, struggled to reach him to a point where the amount produced by the rest of the universes combined could not compare to the one universe Daniel was currently in.
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to naven

    That's assuming that all concepts have had the opportunity to manifest as a conceptual entity. E.g. before Horror was born, there was no aspect of Horror, and yet the concept still existed. Just not the abstract consciousness. So while Kama exists, it is very likely that there has never been a dense enough and stable pool of Karmic power for an abstract consciousness to be created. I would assume that a majority of aspects don't have an abstract existance, especially the more passive one's like Kama.

    Everyone of Iewah's children was the same. Taken from the infinite tapestry of fate, given free will, and allowed to break free as a true aspect of existence. That was the nature of Destiny's champions.
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to jclearwo

    It's nothing like that. For whatever reason, he can't see his own Kama total at the moment. It's written ???? which means unknown. Therefore, he isn't getting any positive or negative boost from KamaLuck.

    After about ten minutes spent in hope to avoid monsters, Daniel came to the realization that the luck boost of his system was probably not working, as he had been spotted several times, only escaping thanks to his abilities in assassination and hiding.
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to Dragon_gawain

    Presumably Dan might step in allow them to escape safely. Declaring War's victory. It would be nice if he could immobilise them all at once.

    Ch 545 To Bring Morals to a Gun Fight
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to StoicFurlong

    Mostly, but you have it the wrong way around. Karma should be higher than Law and at the same level of Order. You could call Karma "Natural/Universal Balance" and "impartial judgement" as a concept. That isn't the same as order (that is only half, it lacks Chaos). But Law is most certainly inferior because Law concerns itself with "cultivator-made law" and other such laws, and so also has strong connections to justice. Karma is I suppose the ultimate arbiter/judge over action (positive and negative). And law is dependent on action as it's basis.

    This man was a leading champion of Law's domain.. A mid level domain that, instead of taking part in politics and wars, was subjected to the domain of Order, under which they would maintain peace as security for these types of large events. As a being devoted to law first, and order next, when this man had perceived the nature of the aspect of existence contained within Daniel, he had felt an unspeakable feeling of reverence-Almost as if the aspect of existence that Daniel championed had a fair claim towards the allegiance of Law's domain..
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males

    I just realised that not only will Horror's Domain fail in their objective with this gathering, they WILL LOSE SO BADLY. To the point they will have to give up all those universes as payment. Why are they gathering the multiverse? To leak Daniel so they kill him off. But he is a "local" problem, so to justify the leak they need to accuse the one who killed the Murderous God ...they will utterly fail if Daniel publicly announces he did, and it will become a "local" justification again and they will lose hundreds of universes.

    Ch 539 In Plain Sight
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to Master_of_Sleep

    Disagree. Competition is one way of conflict. Conflict itself can encompass anything from metaphysical conflict to massacres. To be in competition you need others of near equal strength or it's not ...a competition. That is why competitions domain has its culture the way it does, why those weaker don't feel shame in loosing, why the strong don't bully the weak (much), etc. Because it is at heart a competition for who is more powerful, not an active conflict.

    Ch 538 Exalted Assembly
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to Master_of_Sleep

    Aaah... you are forgetting something. Fate and Chaos are considered two have been there forever. And they are opposing concepts. Therefore it's likely that Conflict was born a minuscule amount of time after them.

    Ch 538 Exalted Assembly
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males
    Replied to Neliell

    Lol, you might be right. But I can't wait for his oldest friends to dedicate their future cultivation paths to the Aspect of Karma, and become True Champion's of Karma!!! :D

    Ch 537 Changes Within
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk
  • Rowan_Males

    I am looking 500 chapters ahead already, when he undoubtedly becomes the Aspect of Karma. A mid-tier Aspect that can casually brush off Horror, much his horror (lol). Plez make updates "slightly faster". Like, maybe every 3 days? I'd even settle for a consistent every 4 days... :D

    Ch 536 In Search of a Meaning
    Sovereign of the Karmic System
    Fantasy · SometimesITalk