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  • Andrew_Edwards_1309
    Replied to TyrTheFallen

    military police

    When the two left, Robert sighed before mumbling to himself, "Damn it. Don't you think I want to give you something good? I would give you some tanks if I could. But do we even have something like that here?"
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309
    Replied to Josh_Williquette

    I think cartels are technically organized crime groups

    Any organized crime group in America who committed any one of these deeds would suffer.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309

    shouldn't it be the DEA?

    Robert said, "The FBI is here to bust the Carlos Family's smuggling route. They received intelligence that the Carlos Family has spent the past few years looking for a suitable smuggling route. Our town is part of some of the routes being considered. That was why the two traffickers you guys caught were here."
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309

    yeah because they barely train the police

    Of course, Selina's aim wasn't as good as Robert's. In fact, her aim was much worse. That was because she only had a police background and her training was generally in accordance with how the police did things. And in terms of handling guns, there was a difference between the police force and other professions.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309

    big difference from LOM. mc got like 30 a day for free to train with.

    Selina nodded. "Yes. Therefore, to quickly improve your aim, the easiest way is to come here and shoot a gun about 100 times or so after work each day. Of course, if your hands can take it, firing 200 or 300 shots would be even better. In a few months, your aim will naturally improve."
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309
    Replied to DarkDragonGoddess

    born in the 80s. it's 2003ish now

    Only then did Luke realize that he had accidentally spoken Chinese, so he quickly changed his words. "In other words, so long as I have the basic skills, I only need to achieve a degree of familiarity and my aim will improve along with it. Am I right?"
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309
    Replied to Plot_Armor

    ? no they're taught to hold them on the ground with their knees while they get their handcuffs out so they can't get up. anything after the handcuffs are on is unnecessary

    Next, Luke jogged around the car and pounced on the driver, keeping him on the ground.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309
    Replied to kishenkp

    I think that's the point? that it's unhealthy?

    But Selina insisted that they get fat together, and she wouldn't allow Luke to drink plain water when she was drinking some fattening beverage filled with sugar.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309
    Replied to mohamed4215

    it's a small town. there's probably no companies, or very little to deal with it they mostly rely on sheriff's in those type of towns

    As for other cases such as water leaks, gas leaks, wild animals, and so on, those were similarly dull cases.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309
    Replied to Plot_Armor

    in small towns like this with sheriff's they call the cops for a lot more things than they do in other places.

    For example, issues such as quarrels between married couples, or quarrels between neighbors, accidents, drunk people creating trouble, and so on. With everything added together, there were still around 30 to 50 tasks for the entire police force to handle on a daily basis.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309

    it's a small town in Texas. shouldn't they know the names of everyone on the football team?

    Robert and Selina asked blankly, "Lorde?"
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309

    oh I didn't expect him to be so small

    Luke was only about 5'9" in height and only weighed about 170lbs. He was comparatively much smaller than George.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309

    isn't that something the officers could use? to find out a main suspect?

    It was most likely George, as Luke had heard from the cheerleaders that George and Michelle had entered the house together earlier that night.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309
    Replied to True_Sheol

    I mean, Texas has huge houses for cheap. you can get a 8-9000 sq feet house for less than $300k depending on the area. so 11k in a small town owned by someone with a lot of money isn't rare

    Her house had three floors, and the building was close to 1,000 square meters in size. Behind and in front of the house was grassland big enough to be a soccer field. There was also a garden which had several large trees in it, adding to the beauty of the estate.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309
    Replied to Forgetful

    ??? houses are huge and cheap in Texas, besides parts like Austin, Houston and Dallas. Any small town or city would have big houses for cheap.

    Because of that, Martha's house was very big, even among other houses in Texas that were already generally of a larger size.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309

    it's 20% of what you got for becoming an officer?

    It was only two points, which was almost negligible.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309

    no just a concussion

    Robert let go of the brake and stared at Luke in shock. "You… do you still have a fever?"
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309
    Replied to Spade_Z_

    honestly, as an American I thought we were some of the worst. but I've since realized that's not true. a ton of foreigners who come to the US to live or for vacation say great things about the people here, when I went overseas I got treated really well because they said they always love when Americans visit because they're always friendly and willing to help if need be.

    After living in this world for more than 10 years, Luke finally shed the longing for his previous world, and became an American born and bred here through and through.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309
    Replied to Alukadance

    coca cola? thats barely moved since the 90s.

    That was because his memory of his previous life stopped at the year 2018, but here, he had been born in 1985.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance
  • Andrew_Edwards_1309
    Replied to DarkTidings

    if you ever go to the countryside it's pretty much all you'll see. the gas station across the street from the house I grew up in had about a dozen pickup trucks there every morning before school, no cars other than pickups. and the school parking lot was like 90% pickups

    Filled with anger, Robert jumped out of the driver's seat of his F150 and ran into the building.
    Super Detective in the Fictional World
    Sci-fi · Icy Plain's Three Elegance