


Normal dude I suppose.

2020-01-07 JoinedUnited States

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  • TragicHysteria

    I think you need balance both, life doesn't stop when you catch feels and the story can't either. Obviously there will be quiet romantic moments, but in a story like this moments like that should be something the Mc earns and fights for. There are two major conflicts in a story usually, the Mc vs the world and the Mc vs themselves and these conflict should reflect and influence each other. Try to pair an achievement or power increase in the story with a romantic or personal realization, it lends much more emotional weight to the happenings in the story and allows the reader to relate to Mc's achievements in a way through relating to the emotions she's feeling. Basically pair personal emotional growth with power growth to make the moment feel more personal and relatable.

    Ch 520 Chapter 520: Helplessness of the Weak!
    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasy · godadi
  • TragicHysteria

    she didn't break through yet?

    'Ummm... I have obtained several new overpowered abilities now... After my cultivation breakthrough to Foundation Establishment Stage and increasing my level with royal jelly and honey from Sapphire Armored Wasps, I should at least be able to become the predator, right?' Tang Li Xue considered carefully.
    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasy · godadi
  • TragicHysteria

    what about the exp from consuming the royal jelly?

    Ch 504 Chapter 504: Defense Type Divine Ability!
    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasy · godadi
  • TragicHysteria

    didn't this come from her own fox flame? why does she have to use perfect assimilation to use fire at all now? honestly seems kinda dumb to have to go super saiyan just to use any sort of fire power.

    'So, its weakness is fire. Then it would be easy to solve!' Tang Li Xue thought as she urged her deep blue Phoenix of Pride to wake up and perform [Perfect Assimilation] with her.
    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasy · godadi
  • TragicHysteria

    it's clearly best to have both

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasy · godadi
  • TragicHysteria

    still pretty dumb that a famed sword like that just breaks so easily

    "Eeeeeehhhh?! It... it broke in two just like that?! What kind of crappy product is this sword?! I must complain back to that tomb owner old man if I have a chance later!" Tang Li Xue complained with a tone filled with distress.
    Reincarnated As a Fox With System
    Fantasy · godadi
  • TragicHysteria


    Next, only the main support beams would be needed that connect some of the ribs to each other from one side of the ship to another, as well as the on-board 'hut', which Eisen thought of as the 'Head', considering all of the 'spine' and 'rib' references he had been thinking of all the time.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • TragicHysteria

    why wouldn't he just enchant his tools with his size changing skill? isn't using his own skills as enchantments something he's done like alot by now?

    He explained the situation to the farmer, who was currently the only one that saw him in his natural form so far and just wanted to make sure that nobody got worried, scared, or confused. Of course, Eisen also made sure that the farmer knew about what was about to happen. Eisen increased his size since he would be working on tools for this current Giant-Form. He might also make some for his shrunken-down form at some point, although he really didn't see a reason for that for now.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • TragicHysteria

    dudes this whole world IS real and Samuel for some reason is maintaining the deception to get the five that peaked back into the world. The box being there and Samuel not knowing makes me think that Eison knew what was going to happen to him before hand and may have even been complicit in it for some reason!?

    "Just the box that you guys put into my Soul Storage. We're trying to figure out how to unlock it right now, and I wanted to ask if Trygan knew anything." Eisen explained before Samuel looked at him with a surprised expression, staring at the box in his hands for a little while. Confused, Eisen looked at him with a frown. "Something wrong?"
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • TragicHysteria

    the great deception slipped for a second and they thought Eison figured them out lol. Samuel saved it in the end.

    "Samuel, even if they know they are artificial intelligence, it's a bit rude to say it like that, isn't it? They have actual emotions, actual worries, and fears, so saying that they are 'fake' isn't right, now is it? And to them, this is obviously still their real world. Even if we didn't actually spend thousands of years here, Trygan just talked about me not remembering the life I led in this world. That's not something he would say just for lore, is it?" Eisen pointed out before Samuel looked at him in surprise, and he seemed not to be the only one that felt that way. Even Gonor, who was one of the more hot-headed and witty Gods in this hall, didn't know what to say. But soon enough, Samuel scratched the back of his head before speaking up. "Sorry, I guess I should have worded myself better. I just now realized that this sounded pretty villain-esque, huh? Of course, to them, this is a real world. But we know better, we know that they're not actually real. I mean, I was there when this world sprouted into existence with the press of a button. Guess I did forget what our AI specialists managed with this one. They are like real people, so you're right, I shouldn't talk like that."
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • TragicHysteria

    either that or there in on the deception that this is just a game

    As Samuel explained this, it became more than evident that all of these gods were aware that this was actually a game, despite being AIs in the end.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • TragicHysteria

    he just needs to find a druid and a healer and he should have everything then

    "Ah, this! I told you there was this necromancer in the wastelands, right? I met him, completed a quick quest for him, and then he offered me to become a necromancer like him. But due to my preposition in regards to taming, I got a different class. I'm a Life and Death Minion Master now. I was quite surprised, and the occupation titles are quite long sometimes." Jyuuk said with a smirk as he waved his hand and a black smoke appeared from his fingertips before changing shape into a humanoid figure, albeit only being made of bones.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • TragicHysteria

    kinda redundant then isn't it?

    "Although, as I mentioned before, Giants can teach their half-blooded kin the ability of growth as well, so it may be possible for you to increase your size-change range quite a bit if you visit a giant. But I cannot say for sure, as I never had the pleasure to give my gift to a Half-Giant before." Bol pointed out before Eisen nodded happily.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • TragicHysteria


    -Become a King
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • TragicHysteria

    what trouble? ugh, he just scared some people, he didn't cause any great evil or anything of the sort, is he just martyring himself at this point, ugh.

    Make people fully trust or admire him even. And all that while he was in the 'Golden-Eyed Demon' form, which he initially created to look scary in the first place. It may be a bit hard, but in the end, Eisen was sure he would be able to get there at some point. After all the trouble he'd caused in Ornier, he had to pay it back to this world somehow, didn't he?
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • TragicHysteria

    I hate that

    "Yes, but you're still my Knight. I'm a Champion for the sake of being a craftsman, so they couldn't expect me to go everywhere without any protection at all, now could they? Besides, you're the son of their King, so they shouldn't mind." Eisen told him, walking up behind him with a smile and placing his hand on Kiron's back, pushing the Half-Dragon forward.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • TragicHysteria

    honestly why couldn't they just fight them ugh

    "M'Lord, you don't mean using that form, right?" The half-dragon asked, but Eisen quickly nodded. "No, I mean exactly that. I'm going to use my 'Golden-Eyed Demon' Form to scare the goons away, and I'll complete my form as well. And I'll need the help of all of you to increase the effects further."
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • TragicHysteria

    well they're definitely going to show up again.

    Ch 119 Golden-Eyed Demon
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • TragicHysteria

    I think it has to do with realization of its purpose. It has been said that to know somethings true name is to have power over it. It's that sort of thing, he can't unlearn the elements purpose so any time he uses it from now on he will unconsciously add the concept of creation or crafting into the magic, similar to the image aspect of enchanting. Though if he learns flame magic he should be able to feed a combat flame with his weaker flame of the earth to create a stronger combat flame elemental magic.

    Now that you found its use, combat damage will drop significantly, while its usefulness during any type of craftsmanship will rise in return.]
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • TragicHysteria

    no pommel or pommel nut? how is he keeping the handle on? it can't just be pressure fit?

    And then, after making sure everything was not perfectly joined together and wouldn't budge even if Eisen tried pulling them apart, he walked over to the grinding wheels again to finish the sword off. Beginning with the roughest wheel, he ground the edge to be sharper and sharper, then moving on to the next finest wheel to continue.
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR