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  • Damaris_Medina

    what about the money/stuff that they pawned? they forgot the 1 gold an silver of (35)???? 🤯😰😑

    It was 6,666 taels of gold.
    No Way People Find Cultivation Difficult, Right?
    Eastern · Dark Knight
  • Damaris_Medina


    Back to the 80s to Raise a Wolfy Boyfriend
    Urban · She's a Flower
  • Damaris_Medina
    Replied to Rakshademon

    .... just think of it like a long spear, (but the panel is flat?(round?)/sharp?)

    Du Aiqing cut the wild boar's throat open with his shovel just in case the wild boar was not dead but merely unconscious. It was a bloody scene.
    Back to the 80s to Raise a Wolfy Boyfriend
    Urban · She's a Flower
  • Damaris_Medina
    Replied to Jeanscout


    Number two: Take care of your eyes. Don't spend too much time on your cell phone and computer.
    Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon
    Urban · Emperor Song
  • Damaris_Medina

    hmm? isn't that completely normal though? to sit on your beloveds lap?🤔🤭

    He tapped on his thighs and said, "This is also yours. You're welcome to have a seat."
    Letting Loose After Marrying A Tycoon
    Urban · Emperor Song
  • Damaris_Medina
    Replied to TheRos_08

    🤣🤣🤣👌 oh, yes.... very much so!

    Kiho's residence wasn't as huge as her father's mansion but it was big enough for a family of three. As far as she remembered, the house had fifty rooms each in the west and east wing. The rooftop had also a nice view of the whole Royal Capital. It was especially beautiful there at night because of the city lights.
    Mommy Villainess
    Fantasy · sola_cola
  • Damaris_Medina


    "House Prescott is a part of the Royal Faction," she said. "His Majesty supports the nouveau riche so I want to warmly welcome them to the high society, Father. By doing so, House Prescott could also show the emperor our loyalty."
    Mommy Villainess
    Fantasy · sola_cola
  • Damaris_Medina
    Replied to Ehansa

    I'm pretty sure he's not neutrul. It was mentioned before he was VERY loyal to the emperor. Also, their lineage family is a faction of the royal family. (:

    "House Prescott is a part of the Royal Faction," she said. "His Majesty supports the nouveau riche so I want to warmly welcome them to the high society, Father. By doing so, House Prescott could also show the emperor our loyalty."
    Mommy Villainess
    Fantasy · sola_cola
  • Damaris_Medina

    Her Mana prbly looks weak right now, because she went back in time, since it took a heavy toll, it needs time to recuperate....that and her First life, she never used, so no one could tell she had such a propagant amount of Mana? :)

    She was so overjoyed by the thought of reuniting with Winter that she easily accepted the fact that she was given a chance to correct her mistakes. But right now, she wanted to know how and why did she come back in that time.
    Mommy Villainess
    Fantasy · sola_cola
  • Damaris_Medina
    Replied to sola_cola


    "Captain Kiho is strong," Nia said with a faint smile. "So strong that I want to add him to my little collection."
    Mommy Villainess
    Fantasy · sola_cola
  • Damaris_Medina
    Replied to Damaris_Medina

    pps. think of it like this, if she ONLY had a crab mallet, and nothing else to her, I'd doubt he'd like her in that form. In that way. As a friend possibly, but as a lover? I don't think so. If she didn't respect him, respect others, his bretheren- see any similarities within her that he has, that he likes, be attracted to her physically, and be able to see a future with her, he wouldn't even try. He'd most likely eliminate any blooming feelings he had, if that were the case. Remember, he said, and practiced no *** before marriage, and I'm guessing he doesn't want a loveless marriage. proven true by his various acts of trying to make the relationship work between them in the past life. (was that right??) idk Though I don't doubt he would be disalligned in attraction towards her, As in the past life, he was attracted towards her, though it was thwarted by her various acts of discrepancies. If that were the case, it wouldn't be as coherent. PLUS, I believe her flirting did wonders to boost his liking of her. what little he could garner from the way he interacted with her, he liked. Her jubilant demeanor, her exorbitant gestures- in the way she ate with such lavish, such joy, it brought forth a sort of comradradie in him, I guess? 😅 It isn't just the crab mallet, it's THE WAY IN WHICH SHE PRESENTED HERSELF WHEN she had the mallet. (Has anyone seen someone eat/drink with such joy, your own favorite dish/drink, and did it with the exact same action as you? and they seemed to really enjoy it to boot?? well?? It'll bring down some tingles, for sure. If not, some major cravings!) Her form of Expression showed the type of person she was, and he was hooked. At least, enough to pertain to a conversation, then it elongated, and now we're here. *whew* Nevertheless LOVE itself is segmented by countless strings of interaction, assimilation, devotion, and congruency. It can be supplemented by varied parts of comprehension, and understanding. without it, it would only die. she's learned to be more congruent in her understanding, and he's on track towards it, they're at a good start. It will take more than that though, to form the sort of comprehension needed to form a love for one another. Right now, they're unaligned, as their understanding of each other is still growing. she's learning to get to learn this version of him, and he's just getting to know her. Marvelous! :)

    "Hmm… I guess it's part of the reason," Kiho said, then he put a hand on the top of her head. "But Tilly, I won't get attracted to a woman just because of a crab mallet."
    Mommy Villainess
    Fantasy · sola_cola
  • Damaris_Medina
    Replied to

    Ps. Thank you for reading! **very nice of you :) **

    "Hmm… I guess it's part of the reason," Kiho said, then he put a hand on the top of her head. "But Tilly, I won't get attracted to a woman just because of a crab mallet."
    Mommy Villainess
    Fantasy · sola_cola
  • Damaris_Medina

    ↓↓**note****long sermon here****↓↓ Rules of attraction **because Respect, Honesty, Understanding, Morality, Devotion, Forms of love, and Determination/Will matter* *(it takes two to ricochet) 0.BE WILLING, HAVE A WILL/DESIRE TO LOVE THAT INTEGER(PERSON)✓ 1. Have what scientist call the X factor (physical chemistry, desire, adoration??) ✓ yes, they do- right at the get go! ;) 2. Have raptor/ coherent intellect ✓with her constant jester(flirt), she's kept the raptor going, as has he, with his comical pursuit; similar wavelength in intellect, as she can now see from his point of view, and he seemed coherent to her discomfort so far. 3. Have agreeable commodities ✓They both have similar dispositions, and it just keeps on incrementing, especially since she's been making a great expense in keeping it that way ✓He's done his best to be upfront and honest.✓They are able to be comfortable with each other, a NECESSITY in a relationship✓They can be weird, and uncomfortable with each other+✓They see each other in a bright light+ 4. Have similarities of any kind (likes, hobbies, aspiration etc.) Seafood✓ ✓Way of eating✓Same Faction✓ ✓enjoyment of simplicity? ✓Having a want to be together? Idk (more to come) 5. Life path; beliefs, values, goals etc. (though it can happen without, but it comes much easier, and fluently, when your walking on the same path/goal. It brings about a sort of joy, and comradradie)(like friendship) (you can kinda get hints of it-, through cognitant nuances, daily habits, and forms of speech) ✓She's shown to be amicable, Fair, and more prune to be upright.(morality) ✓ He liked how she respected him, and not as in rumours.(morality, respect, support) ✓ support from her only implemented this ✓her nonbiased attitude towards him, gained his RESPECT and admiration towards her, it could only go uphill from there ✓lets not forget about the CRABS! we need those crabs, MAJOR dose right there! That ignited his Understanding and Passion towards her, an incentive to get to know her. ✓HONESTY never forget that one, it will end biting back if you do(They've done their best) ✓They've shown to be quite DEVOTED to each other, so far. ✓RESPECT has been shown both pertain 6. which brings us Character; the way you come across any individual. (be it someone you love or not)(how you treat a stranger, and a familiar)(how you communicate and verbalize who you are through action.)(we do notice, he did) ✓He seems to REALLY like how she treats everyone equally (kindly) ✓Her gestures bring him great joy ✓She likes how he's so considerate of her, and (past)his devotion towards her ✓again, constant approval and support for each other only inflates one's affection 7.form of Expression; words of love complement each other(verbal, physical,etc.) ✓(I won't even list, we all already know xD) (I know this list doesn't do it justice, but that's as far as my brain can think right now. I'm sure there are many more wonderful things to note, and even though interlaced, they do amount to different cognitants in our brain, that produces love) (I messed this up bad, as I wrote all over, in segments- that could be put somewhere else, but-well, meh. hope you can understand at least. I'm tired, and don't have the energy to rewrite it) There are many ways one can fall in love; and our brains systematically processes any given cues, hints and anomalies that, with our given intellect, any and all information our brains have gathered throughout our life, have been collected, and formed into a compilation of weither to categorize that integer (person) as a possible candidate of a love interest. That compilation then proceeds to the final stage, Do You See A Future With Them?? Do You Wish To Proceed?? If not, then it does a summersault, and stops there. Or visibly cools down the process in which endorphins do, and you don't get attached as much as you could. something called disillusionment,... This is the stage where an image is being drawn, and until it's fermented, redrawn, edited and stooled, it could just as well shatter. But, like a small flicker of hope, it's persistent, and it's vitality strong. It's striving to win, coupled that with will, and- BOOM! we've got a reignition. In this case, with continued supplied confirmation of approval from his brain, and no disillusionment, it turned out that he did, indeed, finds her VERY appealing. Now he's on a bullet train, with no possibility of stopping. He's so ecstatic, 'cause she's checked all the lists in his mind he didn't know he had. so he immediately wanted to rein her in. xD This guy! 🤣 ALL IN ALL, It comes down to WILL, and cooperation ;) The **above** mentioned just makes things easier and fluent to love! (SO NO, I humbly disagree, It's not just crabs. But crabs DID ignite that innate curiosity, passion, and adoration for her. Not quite there, but it is considered a sort of like🥰) **whoop** take it with a grain of salt,....I may have just be thinking too much 😅

    "Hmm… I guess it's part of the reason," Kiho said, then he put a hand on the top of her head. "But Tilly, I won't get attracted to a woman just because of a crab mallet."
    Mommy Villainess
    Fantasy · sola_cola
  • Damaris_Medina

    yup! it totally is +100000

    "Don't worry, I know that I have nothing to be jealous of Captain Ainsworth," Kiho assured her. "I guess it's just a normal reaction to feel a little jealous when the lady I like was alone with another man."
    Mommy Villainess
    Fantasy · sola_cola
  • Damaris_Medina

    I'm sure you'd feel the same way if you were in his position. 🤭

    [Oh, men.]
    Mommy Villainess
    Fantasy · sola_cola
  • Damaris_Medina
    Replied to Dyalathra


    Mommy Villainess
    Fantasy · sola_cola
  • Damaris_Medina
    Replied to LuvBTS_ARMY


    "Okay, I understand," she said when she saw the determination on his face– determination to dote on her. That was so cute of him. "Captain, please get me a nice engagement ring."
    Mommy Villainess
    Fantasy · sola_cola
  • Damaris_Medina
    Replied to Kossuth

    ladybug! Is it the show?? xD

    [Kiho is speaking a lot, huh? He's really trying so hard to get dumped. Did he really fall in love with the "lady with a crab mallet?"]
    Mommy Villainess
    Fantasy · sola_cola
  • Damaris_Medina
    Replied to Mily

    it's not an app,... it's a webpage :) both MTL & LNTL. Personally, I prefer MTL https://***.mtlnovel.com/ here's the site!

    Rebirth: Pampered Wife’s Counterattack
    Urban · Southern Wind
  • Damaris_Medina

    doesn't he have resistance to fire as an ability? or was it ice?

    …Less than I thought?
    Omniscient Reader
    Urban · 싱숑