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  • Overseer123
    Replied to Kirozen

    the undead never get tired

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    In Marvel as a Skeleton
    Movies · Berserk_Asura
  • Overseer123

    was this supposed to be chapter 38?

    Chapter 39
    Harry Potter :Magic injuries
    Movies · FDRowling777
  • Overseer123
    Replied to Vekay_Legend

    I have looked, am I missing something?

    Crossing his arms unknowingly his mandibles clicking as he was in his thought process, one of the Goddesses looked at his physique seemingly in silent approval was purring causing Vak'tor to look at her as he clicked in exasperation ~Xon'nar klyr'ta nuk lok'har va'ur vok? Ya'nutan va'deh jha n'xen'kai va'hra n'za'la'ki n'li'ya? ~
    Rise Of The Forgotten: Yautja Ascension
    Movies · Vekay_Legend
  • Overseer123
    Replied to Vekay_Legend

    where's translation at?

    Crossing his arms unknowingly his mandibles clicking as he was in his thought process, one of the Goddesses looked at his physique seemingly in silent approval was purring causing Vak'tor to look at her as he clicked in exasperation ~Xon'nar klyr'ta nuk lok'har va'ur vok? Ya'nutan va'deh jha n'xen'kai va'hra n'za'la'ki n'li'ya? ~
    Rise Of The Forgotten: Yautja Ascension
    Movies · Vekay_Legend
  • Overseer123
    Replied to SanderTomson
    "Penis size: 5 cm"
    Simple man with his overpowered army
    Fantasy · SanderTomson
  • Overseer123
    Replied to Manan_Singla

    he's like 13 and already on the road the lose his balls

    "Don't worry Tonks, we are going to owl you instantly he gets in trouble so you can whip in shape."
    Fate & Magic
    Book&Literature · LieV
  • Overseer123
    "Penis size: 5 cm"
    Simple man with his overpowered army
    Fantasy · SanderTomson
  • Overseer123
    Replied to Tanyaz

    my favorite one

    As for Rex, he received an opportunity: he could obtain a Pokédex and an Egg of one of the starter Pokémon from Professor Birch.
    Pokemon: I'm a Farmer
    Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
  • Overseer123
    Replied to Tales_de_Mileto

    trying to say only Pokemon can get caught in a pokeball as seen in anime no human was able to get caught. so how can it catch anything that's not considered a pokemon and I'm just throwing out there what if it changes things it catches on a genetic level allowing it to evolve and be concerned a pokemon.

    Until today, his treasure chest was filled with various strange items from other worlds, including a headband resembling the Leaf Village from Naruto, a katana that looked like something from Bleach, a Master Ball.
    Harry Potter: Journey to Godhood
    Book&Literature · bobthewriter
  • Overseer123


    Ch 4 Edited Do you want Brock in team or not
    I AM Ash
    Anime & Comics · Nishadraaj
  • Overseer123

    about time a MGS fanfiction was made, keep up the good work.

    The Man Who Won the World (Quiet x male reader)
    Video Games · the_reluctant_hero
  • Overseer123
    Replied to Bierbart

    something like "bringing the farm to live in another world" would be cool.

    Like some very average devil fruits, for example, Kiro Kiro no Mi
    Minato May Have Been Your Father But He Ain't Your Daddy
    Anime & Comics · Life_sa_Beach_
  • Overseer123
    Replied to Storm2023

    Don't worry she will only burn the "dark" books. so like 90% of the library? to be honest it is a bad idea to give an outsider ALL of the family's knowledge accumulated for hundreds of years and then hope harry leads the black family good, hell should have just handed over full power to her. for all we know it will end up donating to someone, maybe Dumbledore.

    The paper glowed and then there was the silver image of Sirius Black. "I, Sirius Orion Black, being of sound enough mind and body, fifteen years in Azkaban will do that to you, what? Damned Goblins..anyway..I, me, being of the things I said, do name Harrison James Potter as my heir, thus making him a legal adult and as such is now the Lord of his own house, house Potter. To Harry, I bequeath my properties and ninety percent of the Black fortune. The rest will be divided in this manner: to my dearest cousin, Narcissa Malfoy, I bequeath one knut and a box of sketchbooks that she used as a child. Cissy, you are entitled to an additional two hundred and fifty thousand galleons provided you have your marriage to that blonde twit Lucius within the month. To my cousin Andromeda Tonks, I formally bring you back into my home. I ask that the new Lord Black see fit to give you two hundred and fifty thousand galleons, and treat her as a member of your family. To my cousin Bellatrix LeStrange, I leave you one knut and a box of muggle records and a record player, I think you know the one. Bella, it is my hope that you will find your way from whatever darkness that took you from us. If you are unable or unwilling to claim them, then I leave them to the new Lord Black to deal with as he sees fit. I also make the same offer of two hundred and fifty thousand galleons if you annul your marriage to that bastard LeStrange. To my friend Remus Lupin, I leave one hundred thousand galleons and the instructions to buy some new clothes. Moony, you look ridiculous and this is coming from a man who work prison rags for nearly two decades. To Peter Pettigrew, I leave a boot to your ass, to be delivered by the new Lord Black at his earliest opportunity. To Hogwarts I leave one hundred thousand galleons to be used to purchase quidditch supplies for under privileged students. Albus Dumbledore, you get nothing except a warning to stay out of Harry's life. To the Weasley family, I leave one hundred thousand galleons, take care of Harry for me, he might be an adult now, but he's going to need you for a while yet. To Hermione Granger, I leave the Black library and fifty thousand galleons. Let's face it, Harry won't read them unless you force him to. Finally to my niece, Nymphadora Tonks, I leave fifty thousand galleons, take care of yourself Nymphadora, I don't want to see you up here for many years. This is my will and last testament." Harry tried to take all of this in, he looked at Bellatrix, she wasn't crying, but it seemed she was close to it. He reached over and took her hand, she tensed and looked at him as if she expected him to strike her.
    HP: Partners?
    Book&Literature · ChaoticPlayer
  • Overseer123
    Replied to Cadenadeaventuras

    i hope so too

    The house elf was currently dealing with the rather odd side effect of Nick becoming a realm lord. The magical bond between them had caused the house elf to start a sort of evolution in an unknown direction. As a result the pitiful creature was pretty much bedridden for the time being as the dense mana on the island helped nourish its changing anatomy. Which direction this change was heading Nick had no clue but it should be interesting at least.
    Harry potter: The ringmaker
    Book&Literature · loskro
  • Overseer123
    Replied to Tacoma12

    does the MC know about the storyline or no?

    With this I put the spear down commiting completly to reading. Soon I finished the book. It talked about earth bending, the start of its kingdom.
    Collecting Stats
    Anime & Comics · Tacoma12
  • Overseer123
    Replied to HereForGoodRead

    plus i don't think she had all the black money just enough for her well-being and house upkeep or her own savings which probably wasn't much after so many years.

    With disappointment in his voice, Arcturus spoke to the portrait, "This is why the house is in such a state. You wasted the money meant for its maintenance on this nonsense. Now it's clear where the money went."
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • Overseer123
    Replied to

    it would if most the money went to supporting "the no nose's" fight.

    With disappointment in his voice, Arcturus spoke to the portrait, "This is why the house is in such a state. You wasted the money meant for its maintenance on this nonsense. Now it's clear where the money went."
    Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian
    Book&Literature · TalesByJaz
  • Overseer123
    Replied to Jazpex

    i also just check Google because I'm curious, it said he's and astronaut and former USAF test pilot.

    Maria Hill chimed in, "The big guy, Ben Grimm, is practically indestructible. He's got a history military trained and an astronaut. While Johnny Storm, might be a wildcard. He's young and a bit of a hotheaded."
    Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.
    Movies · TheMainPlagiaris
  • Overseer123
    Replied to Jazpex

    true it's not been long since he went to space

    Maria Hill chimed in, "The big guy, Ben Grimm, is practically indestructible. He's got a history military trained and an astronaut. While Johnny Storm, might be a wildcard. He's young and a bit of a hotheaded."
    Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.
    Movies · TheMainPlagiaris
  • Overseer123
    Replied to

    he did go to space tho, it counts right?

    Maria Hill chimed in, "The big guy, Ben Grimm, is practically indestructible. He's got a history military trained and an astronaut. While Johnny Storm, might be a wildcard. He's young and a bit of a hotheaded."
    Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.
    Movies · TheMainPlagiaris