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  • Louay_Kouki
    Replied to Anurag_Rai_4601

    yeah it will be good but i still think an Akbar SI would be very good and very challenging considering most of India is Hindu

    Ch 47 Chapter 47: Rise of a new scourge of god? (Part 4)
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki
    Replied to Jubong

    in the Sui dynasty yes but that was in the 6th century and they were not really Koreans at that time they were called goyero and they still got destroyed by tang dynasty and become the Koreans that we know today

    Ch 47 Chapter 47: Rise of a new scourge of god? (Part 4)
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki
    Replied to Jubong

    the difference that everyone that conquers china becomes Chinese himself , Han is literally a social structure not an ethnicity and if the Mongols jruchen Turks Huns were able to become Chinese by simply conquering china what do you think will happen to Korea who were literally china but with a different language that without mentioning the fact they don't even have a war culture and they rely on china to defend themselves

    Ch 47 Chapter 47: Rise of a new scourge of god? (Part 4)
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki
    Replied to Jubong

    also the notion of Koreans conquering china is stupid because Koreans were heavily sinized you may as well call him Chinese it will be like Chinese conquering Chinese 200 years latter we will be calling them Han too , and btw if you want an Eastern empire you can either go mughal empire and try to conquer the subcontinent and integrate it before Europeans come or simply save the Ming Dynasty

    Ch 47 Chapter 47: Rise of a new scourge of god? (Part 4)
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki

    SI to emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty Alexander III of Russian empire I'm Tunisian so take this with a grain of salt but i think a story united North African Arabian empire would be very interesting specially when Europeans are killing themselves in the Napoleonic wars

    Ch 47 Chapter 47: Rise of a new scourge of god? (Part 4)
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki
    Replied to Jubong

    btw he should be able conquer the Bulgarian empire quite easily the Serbians were the powerful ones at this time , in history eastern Bulgaria was majority Muslim so we already that the Turks can control it very well and it's very important in the context of unifying the Muslim world (don't invade the golden horde in the winter)

    Ch 45 Chapter 45: Rise of a new scourge of god? (Part 2)
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki

    golden horde is still here , i was confused when you mentioned trade to Russia

    Ch 45 Chapter 45: Rise of a new scourge of god? (Part 2)
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki
    Replied to Anurag_Rai_4601

    he wouldn't able to govern Europe and even if he did he would gain nothing financially unless he skipped to the industrial revolution or something , on the contrast with the golden horde Timur and the Delhi sultane they're already Muslim already rich and most of them Turks Timur for example called himself a Turcoman before so he won't have a problem in term of governing and and a powerful Europe is good for the empire when there's no enemy infighting happen , because I don't think you understand if he unified the Muslim world there's would be nothing left for him to conquer except china Hindu kingdoms and states and Europe

    Ch 43 Chapter 43: The Sultans Sword (Part 2)
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki
    Replied to Jubong

    you're right Europe is useless and you will gain nothing for it , i don't think the sultan should ego conquer Rome he should just attack the Balkans Sicily and maybe part of Romania so you can block them from reaching the black sea , should focus on Asia because if he conquered Pakistan and northern India he would literally be unbeatable and that point you only need to govern and integrate your huge empire

    Ch 43 Chapter 43: The Sultans Sword (Part 2)
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki

    i like the direction of the expansion after defeating Serbia he should only expand towards Asia (Timur , golden horde , mamluks ) and north Africa he shouldn't into fight the Austrians this early also if you really want to expand into Europe should only go for Ukraine and Russia Tartars are already there you only need to defeat the duchy of mosscow there's no need to fight northern and southern European because this where the power of Christianity lies

    Ch 43 Chapter 43: The Sultans Sword (Part 2)
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki

    btw interest or riba is harem in Islam

    Ch 42 Chapter 42: The Silent Return
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki
    Replied to Anurag_Rai_4601

    yeah I'm pretty sure that orthodox Christians remember the cursade against Byzantine

    Ch 32 Chapter 32: Campaign Anatolia (Part 5)
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki

    was there ever a precedent of a Serbian ruler converting to Catholicism

    Ch 32 Chapter 32: Campaign Anatolia (Part 5)
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki
    Replied to Anurag_Rai_4601

    the only reason that foreigners find easy to rule over India is the caste system , look at the mughal and the British such system shouldn't even exist even in the middle ages

    Dark Age: Rise Of Java
    History · PharaohUnderware
  • Louay_Kouki
    Replied to Anurag_Rai_4601

    Hindu as a state religion will never work because of caste system that's why i never get the whole a Hindu state you should strive to break down those classes not even for moral reason but for the economic and social improvement of your state

    Dark Age: Rise Of Java
    History · PharaohUnderware
  • Louay_Kouki
    Replied to Anurag_Rai_4601

    there's only 2 Muslim sects i don't even think Anatolia has a lot of shiaa considering that Ismail isn't even born yet to make troubles for Sunni Turks

    Ch 24 Chapter 24: Campaign Anatolia
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki
    Replied to Anurag_Rai_4601

    Indian nationalities will be the end of me

    Dark Age: Rise Of Java
    History · PharaohUnderware
  • Louay_Kouki

    really getting excited about the conquests of the young sultan hopefully he surpass Suleiman the magnificent

    Ch 23 Chapter 23: Consolidation
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki
    Replied to Jubong

    idk the reason beyzid lost in the original timeline was because timur has the support of the other beys if he has a way superior army than the other beys he should just get a mofti (an imam who explains rules for the Qur'an and the hadith) and make him say that a caliphate is very good for islam and there you got your reason , and for the language i think it's very important that it be Arabic because the Qur'an is Arabic and that's the only reason the Muslim world connect obviously we don't need to kill language like Turkish and Farsi (Persian) it's just it's very beneficial to integrate the rest of Muslim world just like they did here in my country Tunisia literally everyone calls themselves Arabs despite not having a single Arab blood

    Ch 18 Chapter 18 Surprise
    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong
  • Louay_Kouki

    I really like this book and hope it will continue

    System Of Total war: Ottoman Conquests
    History · Jubong