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2019-08-23 JoinedGlobal



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  • Wicked132
    Replied to Rigchel

    not exactly

    Ch 28 X #28
    The Average Crossover Experience
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to The_one_who_learns

    Google lovandr next and read her paldex entry.

    Within the clearing, a peculiar creature roamed carelessly. It was an odd mixture of a ferret and a wyrm, resembling a wingless, long-bodied dragon. Its body was cyan with a pale blue underbelly and dark blue markings, some of which resembled scales or ice crystals.
    The Average Crossover Experience
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to Humbuub

    I wouldn't say recycle, but yeah there will be a Swallow Island adventure, and with the same characters.

    Ch 24 Disapointment #24
    One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to MrIIIo

    It's probably a case of Vergo thought his Haki was stronger.

    I couldn't help but smile as I reflected on Law's fighting prowess, thoroughly impressed, convinced, and satisfied. While he couldn't match me in sheer physical strength, his devil fruit ability was undeniably potent, enhanced further by his strategic mind and adaptability.
    One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to Alesand

    You were asleep when it happened...

    Ch 25 Unfair Fight #25
    One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to Scarface3699

    this scene actually is. I was running late and tired af so I just had chat gpt finish the chapter.

    In response, the first mate emerged, strolling to the railing and peering down at the captain with a furrowed brow. "What's the meaning of this commotion, Wellington? What warrants your disruptive outburst?" he demanded.
    One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to MrIIIo

    I'm right there... you're just not looking in the right place...

    Author's note: donate power stones or I will personally pay you a visit and kiss you goodnight. 
    One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to Doctor_Blue

    no. way before that.

    Floating serenely on my back in the calm sea, I gazed up at the vast expanse of the sky, feeling a profound sense of tranquility wash over me. With each gentle rise and fall of the tide, my body bobbed effortlessly, as if I were one with the water itself, yet anchored in place by an unseen force.
    One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to DarthCerdac

    pillow, though i have no idea why i wrote it like that....

    Reacting swiftly, I seized my bellow and hurled it at the intruder. With impressive reflexes, he sliced the projectile in two with his sword. But that split-second distraction provided me the opportunity to rise to my feet and charge at him, driving my shoulder into his chest. His body slammed against the wall, and before he could recover, I delivered a solid punch to his jaw.
    One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to Idkyk

    good look, mate.

    Ch 19 Final Farewell #19
    One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to Doctor_Blue

    Yup. it was my very first fic.

    Floating serenely on my back in the calm sea, I gazed up at the vast expanse of the sky, feeling a profound sense of tranquility wash over me. With each gentle rise and fall of the tide, my body bobbed effortlessly, as if I were one with the water itself, yet anchored in place by an unseen force.
    One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to Daedalus19
    Word Padding
    One Piece: Lost in the Tutorial
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to Zomvenom

    Frieze is his nickname, Fries is his actual, goverment registered last name.

    Dr. Victor Fries, rebranded simply as Dr. Fries, found redemption and legal absolution with the assistance of Jean-Paul Valley, also known as Azrael. With his wife, Nora, now cured and revived, Dr. Fries emerged as the leading scientist in the company's medical research division. Leveraging his vast network and the company's resources, Dr. Fries assembled a team of top-tier researchers to aid in his endeavors.
    DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to Random_Entity

    yup, most of it from you.

    Ch 62 Detective Work #62
    DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to MrIIIo

    That's just something I picked up from watching too much one piece where memorable characters always smiling. I know I use 'grinning' a lot but it's mostly intentional.

    Batman's silent glare attempted to bore into me, but I met it with a grin. The legendary bat-stare might intimidate most. However, I wasn't about to be cowed, knowing that glaring was all he could do right now. 
    DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to DvD_007

    Ay yes, the good old salty card, an internet troll's ace in the hole. I'm not salty, my dude. I just don't feel like wasting my time or yours-- that's why I told you stop reading, and it worked. Cya hopefully never, and I hope you get a life.

    "Darkseid... I'll make you pay," I muttered through gritted teeth, only to be halted by the protective barrier of my Guardian Veil. My determination surged despite the physical limitations. "A hundred times... a thousand times... even if it's the last thing I do in my life," I declared, pausing to catch my breath. 
    DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to DvD_007

    He is enjoying his time despite everything and that's what matters. And sure, Darkseid is definitely did nothing wrong by filling up his tech with propaganda and spreading it across the entire universe to get more minions to hel9 him find the anti life equation to then enslave all living beings. Like I said, my dude: this mught not be the story for you so do us both a favor and remove it from ur library.

    "Darkseid... I'll make you pay," I muttered through gritted teeth, only to be halted by the protective barrier of my Guardian Veil. My determination surged despite the physical limitations. "A hundred times... a thousand times... even if it's the last thing I do in my life," I declared, pausing to catch my breath. 
    DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to DvD_007

    If you're expecting an over powered infallible MC then you're in the wrong place, my dude. This is a story about guy wnjoying his time in his favorite fictional world and doing things at his own pace. I thought that much would be pretty clear by now.

    "Darkseid... I'll make you pay," I muttered through gritted teeth, only to be halted by the protective barrier of my Guardian Veil. My determination surged despite the physical limitations. "A hundred times... a thousand times... even if it's the last thing I do in my life," I declared, pausing to catch my breath. 
    DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to ErozothDraeor

    Well, you're the fugging idiot who wants to see high iq from a guy who just got into another world... my stories don't work like that, lil bro. I found the joke funny and so did other people, then again there's always an edgy teen or two like you who can't apreciate a bit of a lighthearted humor and that's fine too. I'm sure you can something that will suit your sense of humor on Instagram reels or something.

    With a mix of apprehension and determination, I clicked on the amulet to check its price. The number started with a tantalizing '1,' teasingly close to what I could afford. But then, the digits unfurled like a cruel joke—196 points. 
    DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132
  • Wicked132
    Replied to ErozothDraeor

    Yup just k y s

    I stood there, mouth agape, taken aback by the response. "Well, fuck you too!" I finally retorted after a moment.
    DC: System Shock (COMPLETED)
    Anime & Comics · Wicked132