


Chill, Polite and a JoJo fan... Kind too :)

2019-05-06 JoinedUnited Kingdom

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  • JustABoxWithAmmo

    But cursed energy ISN'T inferior to shinsu tho? It's quite way better. Idk why you'd present it as inferior Secondly gojo never reached peak of jujutsu. Sure, he and Sukuna are the peak of the world but they can still visibly improve in barrier techniques, domain expansions, CT etc. Even gojo's limitless has almost actual limitless potential to begin with. For example, Neutral Infinity is the basic rotation activation technique of a CT. Lapse Blue is forward rotation x2, something which nobody else has ever done in the series bar Kenjaku. Red is the reversal of Neutral Infinity. But guess what he has never done? Reversal-Reversal or should I say reversal x2. He could potentially create more techniques too through infinity (which is what gojo is stated to use to create red or blue or purple). After all, it manipulates the concept of infinity that can manipulate space-time, (or well create it's own and manipulate it) Aside from that. He can further improve his RCT. Just like how he created reverse cursed technique circuit/relay in his brain to make RCT far more efficient.

    Ch 9 Minor Damages
    Gojo in Tower of God
    Anime & Comics · Spectat0r
  • JustABoxWithAmmo

    Yo! Welcome back! 👍

    Ch 13 Announcement
    Genshin Impact: No Limit
    Video Games · abraX
  • JustABoxWithAmmo

    Yo. Any plans to continue this story? Would be great if you could since gojo fics really do be cool. ... ....................................................................................................

    Gojo in The Multiverse
    Anime & Comics · GoldenOsiris
  • JustABoxWithAmmo

    W. Hmmm thinking about it now. Gojo's talent would easily allow him to rise real quick in training and combat especially when he has motivation to improve and is trying unlike gojo who is kinda lazy.

    Ch 12 Breaking A Friend Free
    Genshin Impact: No Limit
    Video Games · abraX
  • JustABoxWithAmmo
    Replied to abraX

    Np. Just sent you the friend request.

    Ch 11 Control And Submission
    Genshin Impact: No Limit
    Video Games · abraX
  • JustABoxWithAmmo
    Replied to abraX

    Thanks! I'm glad you like it. You should give JJK a complete reread if you haven't already. The anime can also be watched, and is basically considered to be canon given Gege's supervision of it. Additionally I wanted to clarify. That "He can do anything he tries" is based on Gojo's terrifying talent. Even the fanbook (a guidebook by Gege) calls him a rare prodigy even without the six eyes. ["Panel caption: Gojo Satoru, a rare prodigy also blessed with the Six Eyes. The Six Eyes allows the wielder to see cursed energy and for incredibly fine control of cursed energy. Those who possess it are rare even in the history of the Gojo clan."] gojo nowadays (given his desire to have somebody equal to him or so, so that he won't felt lonely given his strength) doesn't really train anymore as it says there in that scan, due to future generation, to allow them to prosper and all that. He also doesn't wanna grow that much anymore due to not wanting to get all that impossibly strong where nobody can ever reach his level. But we saw how he started growing when he puts his mind into learning. Like with the new way of using Purple, a far unique and far better way of using RCT, and a new way to use Domain expansion. And yet despite all of this, he is still growing. Not to mention Limitless, which has almost no limit, given the wide usage and versatility of it. There's still so much gojo can invent with it, and I'm sure Dani is also probably thinking the same alongside Gojo. Like using red for his fist to punch, or even a mini hollow purple infused into his punch. Maybe even further improvising teleportation further to where one can teleport others with just a thought by Warping space directly, or teleporting red and blue or hollow purple next to a opponent. Lots of ways. By the way, to get good at limitless you most likely need to get good at math and physics. Gojo should be an absolute genius and the best when it comes to that, given the properties that Infinity controls. Do you perhaps have a discord account? I'd like to send you a link to some JJK Jump Giga article explaining limitless. It could give you some ideas if you ever need any in regards to Limitless cursed technique.

    Ch 11 Control And Submission
    Genshin Impact: No Limit
    Video Games · abraX
  • JustABoxWithAmmo

    Btw thanks for the chapter!

    Ch 11 Control And Submission
    Genshin Impact: No Limit
    Video Games · abraX
  • JustABoxWithAmmo
    Replied to JustABoxWithAmmo

    "Natural Genius" Especially with that new brain surgery gojo did on himself at chapter 235, creating a unique new RCT circuit to have a high level of output despite the massive brain damage nerf he had. If gojo had survived and regained his peak condition, his RCT would be outrageous. Would I be right to assume that the gojo in Dani is the one after chapter 236? Hope it is.

    Ch 11 Control And Submission
    Genshin Impact: No Limit
    Video Games · abraX
  • JustABoxWithAmmo

    Sukuna: "Heal yourself" if you know you know. I think Gojo has already told him about the process already hasn't he? He already has a good explanation for rct and to some extent core of CE. And what somebody like Gojo lacked, was a proper explanation to make him do "Anything he tries"

    Ch 11 Control And Submission
    Genshin Impact: No Limit
    Video Games · abraX
  • JustABoxWithAmmo

    Ok but That domain expansion would cause brain damage bro Also she doesn't even have the power or capability to even push Gojo. Neither is she so fast that gojo would be helpless without his six eyes. CE reinforcement is what makes him particularly really fast and strong here. In reaction speed and all that. He could already just one tap her out with a simple punch given the strength difference honestly. Raiden is the only one who he could use blue and red normally on, but still easily win. Point is: Gojo is easily top 3 in Genshin verse. His defense hax makes him #1. Domain expansion #1, etc.

    Ch 20 Curiosity Injured the Cat - Chapter 19
    Pretending to be Anime Character in Genshin to See Their Reaction!
    Video Games · MochiGreenTea
  • JustABoxWithAmmo

    Thanks for the chapter! Also yeah that might be the reason as to why gojo can't use limitless that well. I gotta say - the six eyes is some special genetic trait, that is also linked to chains of fate, specifically to Tengen, who's the equivalent of a Buddha so to speak in JJK, residing in a "vessel", but is infact a higher realm being (she stays in the human world to essentially preach and teach morals and Buddhism) Six eyes is in short a special eyes, that can't really be destroyed (gojo's eyes were damaged but he healed it through RCT. See Gojo surviving in Sukuna's domain, chapter 225-226), is a innate talent and linked somewhat to fate. And also has the potential to further awaken.. Infact, in a official illustration by Gege with words on it that says six eyes will awaken. Some translations differ like saying: "Those one-and-only eyes reflect the whereabouts of the Infinite. Will they open again in this difficult time?!" ///////////// "The Limitless is reflected in his surreal eye. Will the chaos before him finally open it?" By open it means awaken since he did awaken in the past. His six eyes and limitless got better through awakening... Guess what allows you to awaken or grow far more quicker? Life and death battles. Which is how gojo from one life and death battle against Toji, (Gojo at that time was dead, physically speaking, like Yuji was, but both were alive and in their innate domain aka mindscape, and was able to revive themselves through RCT. One with the help of Sukuna, and the other through learning RCT) was able to gain enlightenment. Awakening in JJK = enlightenment (more so of a Buddhist term for JJK. Because sorcerers in JJK use Buddhism one of their core fundamental influences on growing as a jujutsu sorcerer both mentally and physically, like with Domain Expansions.) What I'm tryna say is that: the quickest way for Dani to become stronger is to experience pressure, through battles a lot. Especially ones where life and death concerns him. A equal or stronger opponent in short. Yuji himself grows quickly mainly through battling those that are equal or stronger than him. Gojo going through these would grow as quick as a rocket would. Anyways, good luck with College! And don't feel bad about not releasing chapters quickly. It's fine.

    Ch 9 To The Snowy Mountains
    Genshin Impact: No Limit
    Video Games · abraX
  • JustABoxWithAmmo
    Replied to abraX

    You're welcome

    Ch 7 Dream Of Merged Souls
    Genshin Impact: No Limit
    Video Games · abraX
  • JustABoxWithAmmo

    Well I was somewhat right with my prediction (not quite but some points somewhat) Also the space gojo and Dani are in is the innate domain. Precisely Gojo's. Secondly: Dani doesn't have good output, at least I don't think Gojo would say so. In order to have good CE output there are two only factors: Cursed energy capacity/quantity/reserves whatever you call it, and cursed energy control. Let's say your maximum ce capacity is 1000. That's the maximum level your output can reach. How to reach that level of output is based on CE control. Additionally a increase in ce reserves increases the base of the output, percentage type of thing. Sukuna for example has more than 2X ce reserves of that of Gojo. But gojo's CE output matches that of Sukuna despite the disparity in ce reserves. That's because gojo has vastly better ce control. Hakari's output increases with the increase of his CE reserves. The main increase in output is kinda got to do with CE control. But nonetheless both play a role in the increase of CE reserves. It's just that CE control is what allows you to make more use of your CE reserves. Anyways having the six eyes ≠ the same level of ce control as Gojo. Pre rct gojo and adult gojo has a wide disparity in strength for example. It's just that six eyes from the get go gives you high level of senses, precision and control already.

    Ch 7 Dream Of Merged Souls
    Genshin Impact: No Limit
    Video Games · abraX
  • JustABoxWithAmmo
    Replied to JustABoxWithAmmo

    Prevalent in JJK that is.

    Ch 6 In Cahoots With The Enemy
    Genshin Impact: No Limit
    Video Games · abraX
  • JustABoxWithAmmo

    Looks good. If I had to theories as to why his CT or six eyes isn't working as intended - Then it could be due to "body = soul" issue. Gojo Satoru's will or something like that is still there. So for somebody like Dani who probably hasn't fused in properly with this new body, that might be presenting issues like these (compatibility). Him assuming a different identity (Dani) or viewing himself as somebody else might be that issue as well. Either way there are conflicts. So he needs to understand his true self/inner self, the wills and the like from the gojo Satoru. Or it could be new world = different from the world gojo Satoru's body was born in especially with the power systems. I'm leaning on the former tho. (Body = Soul is quite prevalent in the story after all)

    Ch 6 In Cahoots With The Enemy
    Genshin Impact: No Limit
    Video Games · abraX
  • JustABoxWithAmmo

    Hope you get better! Take a rest.

    Ch 15 Me, Myself and I - Chapter 14
    Pretending to be Anime Character in Genshin to See Their Reaction!
    Video Games · MochiGreenTea
  • JustABoxWithAmmo

    Agree with Shiny above me. Also, it's true that the increase in Ce control is permanent like the Manga says. The more you do it, the better you get. Some even eventually reach awakening. Good chapter so far. Looking forward to more.

    Ch 5 Curse Of Misfortune
    Genshin Impact: No Limit
    Video Games · abraX
  • JustABoxWithAmmo
    Replied to Yuri_Lover23

    Eh, sure.

    Ch 11 The Gojo Elders
    Between Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The One Squished Between Softies
    Anime & Comics · Yuri_Lover23
  • JustABoxWithAmmo
    Replied to Yuri_Lover23

    1. The elder's wishes are just the typical looking higher ups wishes tbh, which Satoru and Kiryu don't "like like" 2. Eh, having raised him sure, that doesn't mean her advice is good. What she is doing is looking at power here, that isn't at all necessary given the amount of women he has. And then trying to impose her will on him. Which don't really swing well here given his own shown attitude in the story so far. She isn't just securing the clan here, she's literally explicitly pointing at power here, too. Which isn't at all necessary with having Maki for it, lol. Though I'm not sure why there's so much focus on marriage and bloodline in this story. That's not so much helpful when it comes to JJK sorcery powers at all😭

    Ch 11 The Gojo Elders
    Between Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The One Squished Between Softies
    Anime & Comics · Yuri_Lover23
  • JustABoxWithAmmo

    I don't think he should take her trying to force her will onto him here. I don't even feel like he does these things for the sake of power and the like, either, by marrying and stuff. Imo, I think he should decline. For starters this kinda goes against Megumi's own free will, to trade him around and force him into this political stuff. For second, Kiryu shouldn't really follow the elders will really and just do what he himself thinks is right. Those elders care far more about power here. Unlike Kiryu who's more of a moral character like Satoru.

    Ch 11 The Gojo Elders
    Between Heaven and Earth, I Alone Am The One Squished Between Softies
    Anime & Comics · Yuri_Lover23