


There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights.

2019-04-08 JoinedUnited States

of reading


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  • Blitttzzzer
    Replied to Salty_Breeze

    No I mean that makes sense. He does not need to know, he is trying to cover those bases. You can’t reveal intel you don’t know

    "I'm sorry, Mage Verhen, but that's a secret." Queen Sylpha shook her head. "The members of each unit only know their own mission so that even if they get captured and tortured, they can only give the enemy useless information."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Blitttzzzer
    Replied to Sage_OfOld

    Also she doesn’ just whine. Jirni would not be able to stand such things. I recommend going back and reading when they met… basically re read the story. New perspectives come up

    To make matters worse, it had also cranked his paranoia and overprotectiveness up to twelve. Lith now saw everyone but himself as weaklings that required the protection of a Guardian.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Blitttzzzer
    Replied to

    When I read for the first time, I was also a Phloria stan. On my second re-read I learned to like Kami so much better. A comment summed it up pretty nice a few chapters ago. Phloria was a great character to break Lith out of his shell and Vice versa. After the academy, Lith still had a lot left to grow as a person while Phloria was moving on in life and probably needed a commitment then and there, which Lith couldn’t give. Kami allowed Lith to develop and stayed even when he turned the world upside down time after time, even after the Solus reveal. I’m here for Kami now. I converted (also I’m still ready for Solus best girl)

    To make matters worse, it had also cranked his paranoia and overprotectiveness up to twelve. Lith now saw everyone but himself as weaklings that required the protection of a Guardian.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Blitttzzzer

    And the senioritis sets in. There is a reason Lith and Lich are one one letter different

    'I already didn't like bringing Tista along and now this? The fucking Royals want her presence to make sure that I give my all and Raagu is doing the same. They are just bright blue-cored kids, dammit!' He thought. 
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Blitttzzzer

    Isn’t this a crazy tracking spell if someone has an imprinted item? Unless it has a range

    "That's just another common misconception. Corporal Assa, if you please." At Kamila's request, the Guard cast a quick spell on the amulets that made a blue string of energy sprout from their surface and reach Sazar.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Blitttzzzer
    "Well, since you are so willing to try something new, I guess tonight you can sleep on the couch for a change."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Blitttzzzer
    Replied to Jp067

    I also caught this!!!! Either it was Leigon adding to the moment and slipped up. Or it’s a sneaky lore drop

    'Yet seeing another Abomination being crowned Magus, witnessing the achievements of someone who is more similar to me than my own children, I feel proud of Lith as if he was my own. My only regret is to not have taken different decisions in the past.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Blitttzzzer
    For Aldrich, his determination came from his drive for vengeance. For Adam, it seemed like the guy had been homeless and this was his only ticket to getting off the streets. Either way, it was evident that the two of them had the highest drive out of anyone in the group by a long shot.
    Super Necromancer System
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Blitttzzzer

    Mommy? Sorry

    "For the gods' sake, enough with honorifics. Call me Vastor, Zogar, anything but Professor or the M-word." The Master had no idea if amulets were being tapped but in times of war, it was hardly a novelty.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Blitttzzzer

    Fun word that can add a little variety- stoic. Just a sugge stion

    "I'll be fine," Finn replied briskly, without a hint of emotion in his voice.
    The Legendary Ghost Hunter
    Fantasy · Cyclxne
  • Blitttzzzer
    "… Storm. Are you finally awake?" Archon asked coldly, glaring at the boy who lay on the couch before him. Everyone went back to their own rooms after that incident, with the exception of Archon and Reaper, who now stared at Storm. The former erected a sound barrier on the house to prevent disturbing anyone else, as Blacksmith Angelica users weren't just limited to weapons but objects as well (excluding armor).
    The Legendary Ghost Hunter
    Fantasy · Cyclxne
  • Blitttzzzer
    Replied to Xelto_Oreventa

    Great movie

    The Voidfeather Dragon, instead, with its unstable psyche and without the interference of the other life forces, was easily riled up. Lith jumped out of a window so as to not damage the building as he used air and Spirit Magic to turn himself into a flaming meteor.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Blitttzzzer
    Replied to Biojest

    I think Legion more so means the colony at its largest cant grow

    On the other hand, it made their race incapable of growing in number over time. The chances for a fungal colony to manage to Awaken was night zero because the process was individual, and the mycetes had to find a way to share the technique before their demise.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Blitttzzzer
    "Devourers and Destroyers, led by a beast who calls itself Star Devourer."
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Blitttzzzer
    Replied to Lil_Stubbs

    We are now friends

    Some of them had yet to be cured of the "mysterious illness" that plagued them.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Blitttzzzer
    Replied to XIETIAN

    How does it lock then? Magnetism? Typically electronic vault doors send a signal to activate a process to unlock the bolts on the door.

    Like a knife slicing  through hot butter, the Xuanyuan Sword's blade easily cut the military security door open in half in a matter of seconds.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Blitttzzzer
    "Ah! You're finally awake!"
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Blitttzzzer
    Replied to Keerith

    We need more female authors tbh, or male authors that keep their pants on. Ive been reading my whole life, and if you can’t make a character appealing outside of their appearance, you may want to try hobbies outside of writing. the last thing the world needs is more woman objectification. not saying this is the case here, only chapter one.

    On one hand, presently in the room there was a beautiful woman with long blond hair and crescent moon-shaped eyebrows. Her eyes were a beautiful purple and she had skin as clear as snow, so beautiful that it would not be a lie to say that any man would do anything to win her heart. But the features that would catch one's attention the most were her long, beautiful legs and large breasts.
    Rise of the White Dragon
    Fantasy · Lruska
  • Blitttzzzer
    Replied to charon413

    He also has a skill that makes him cave hard after its broken

    While listening to her melodious voice, Bai Zemin could not help but silently admire her. Dressed in a small police uniform that accentuated the curves of her body, Lilith looked like a brave warrior which was a new sight for him.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Blitttzzzer
    Replied to Erikbongo

    Well a succubus is also a master of charm, and maybe he knows a little about demonology, which could create a seed of unease in the author’s mind

    Bai Zemin's breathing became slightly heavy as he heard that charming tone of voice and it took all his willpower not to turn around to rip the clothes of the beauty behind him. Something told him that if he tried to do something like that, he would probably regret it for the rest of his life.
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN