


I'm just your average dragon wolf : I like reading, trying new things, and eating my prey raw. dang it's cold here.

2019-03-18 JoinedAntarctica

of reading


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  • Dracolupus

    It's great so far.

    Ch 1 I'm In a cave?
    I Was Reborn As a Bat
    Fantasy · Rayith
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to Lami_the_sheep


    [I b-betrayed them in the past. They seek my death! If they aren't stopped, there will never be a safe place for me in the Dungeon, or anywhere on the planet. They grow so quickly! You haven't seen what I've seen! The enemies they've defeated, the rate of their spread. Already they have a dozen nests, each with two Queens! They produce thousands of young each week. Already they can fight against you, they pushed you away from the garden didn't they? What will happen when there's a million of them? Or a hundred million? I might want them dead, but they are a threat that you cannot deny! Already they've defeated the golgari and the Legion. Will the kaarmodo be next?]
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to R_Kirbs

    1) I didn't say take them all on at the same time. I said power level your warriors. 2)No, it wouldn't take that many mages. it has already stated that a single mage doing a high tier spell pulled ridiculous amounts of mana out of the air. Remember during the legion fights the mana in the air became depleted during a wave, and had to replenish itself. It is why the legion has mixed units. So, when their mages run out they send in the others. 3)The system is balanced. Monster grow faster, but class systems can be stronger. The legion fighting the colony were the newbies, and they even said they were undermanned and they still held the line. and those newbies were made in less then a year because they got introduced at the same time as Antony. And if you don't want to use the legion as an example there are many other dungeon dwelling humans who have yet to fall. 4)Humans already know how to restrict spawn points - dungeon towns. They can make choke holds on those points, and kill them as they come out. Also, it has been stated that mana is needed for those spawn points to work, and Antony has destroyed them before - the centipedes. They monsters that do spawn are shown to have organic problems the same as regular creatures. The colony used this to their benefit when they made the farms. 5)Most of the monsters shown has not been that smart. Most kept charging as they died. Those who did try to run away died because no one is going to let you run away to regroup. 6)During the wave the legion covered this. They were mentally exhausted, but due to rotations and sheer human will still won. 7) All problems can be solved with mental know how. We've already seen parasitic mana that eats mana, so it is not a giant leap to imagine humans (who turn bacterium into weapons) wouldn't make this into some kind of mana disease that spread through the hordes of monsters.

    That gave Grokus pause. The Abyssal Legion had swept through the third stratum once during his lifetime, leaving death and destruction in their wake wherever they tread.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to Eric_Mahan

    Yeah, dolphins can be jerks

    But the termites are quick and clever, I can see it from across the vegetation. They work together, scissoring the vines apart with their monstrous mandibles, protecting and shielding each other from harm as their very presence seems to wither the garden. The other thing I notice is the visceral reaction the termites have to our appearance. The moment they detect us charging their entire disposition changes and the garden no longer matters. I can practically feel the fury radiating from them as they organise themselves into a loose battle lane and rush to meet us in battle.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to Chris_Langlois

    its a fire whip .

    I mean, with Leeroy and her crew, they'd probably be insulted if we tried to avoid hitting them. May as well just unleash hell.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to Eric_Mahan

    Yeah, but someone would have already stolen that one.

    "They don't have to be left behind, but they have to be patient. The ants are monsters, they don't suffer from mana-sickness, but we do! How many of our people have already become too adapted to the Dungeon? How many can no longer walk on the surface without pain?"
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to Wang_Fei_He

    sorry it's taken me this long to reply . The holes you dare referring to care called spiracles, and are used for breathing. But sweat wouldn't work for them because the carapace is still a hard chitin shell. The heat dissipation would be inefficient, and kind of worthless. Yes, hairs are useful, but you'd have to cover your entire body in them and successful as a full skin .there's more surface area on skin. also skin does a lot more like absorbing vitamins. molting is a problem for many reasons. 1) It is super energy dependant. you literally have to reform an entire skeleton. 2) It makes you vulnerable. snakes, spiders, and more don't hunt during this time because they can't. Also they normally get killed during this time. 3) not being frequent is not really true. it is when ever they need to grow. Soft skin animals can continue to grow until they reach their desired size unimpeded, but those that molt can take days at a time being vulnerable to predation.

    Our plans made, the council disperses, Vibrant disappearing over the horizon before I can so much as blink. Although… that could be a long measure of time, since I can't blink. I'm actually starting to forget what it was like to close my eyes, to be honest. I mean, how long can you go without eyelids before you forget how they felt? I've been in a carapace so long, I'm starting to forget what skin felt like! It just seems so weird to me now, being squishy on the outside and hard on the inside. How does that make sense? Don't you want the squishy stuff protected? Not to mention the possibilities for shiny perfection that I have embraced through mutation!
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus

    oh, yes! crack that whip .

    I mean, with Leeroy and her crew, they'd probably be insulted if we tried to avoid hitting them. May as well just unleash hell.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to Flick_Lick

    water, electricity, and then fire . Bada boooooom

    The order comes rolling down the line and the response is immediate, mages stepping back and switching from direct fire to combined, arcing projectiles as a line of soldiers steps forward. Climbing over each other, the termites rise like a wave to reach the top of the wall and then the hard stuff begins. My minds continue to spin as I produce spell after spell, rattling them out at more than one per second even as my acid continues to fly and I ready my jaws.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to TrevorTNT

    I'll be back in a week .

    Colony v Colony pt 1 (of two hundred)
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to Bobbydale_Murr

    What is this? China. Wait... wait I didn't mean it. Guys help m... Draco has caught a cold, he will be gone for a while.

    "I don't think even they could survive in there."
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus

    He don't need one, he likes to rest .

    "One in every shadow…" she whispers back. "But wait, Eldest, wouldn't it be twenty thousand?"
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to TrevorTNT

    nah, the guy who has a vendetta.

    "Do you think… they… are here?"
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to Bobbydale_Murr

    You mean like this

    With my assurance, the plant life finally settles down, though I can tell she still isn't happy about it. I'll have to be careful she doesn't get back at me once her children are finally safe. Countermeasures will have to be put in place. Having finally dealt with the incursions, the Colony can finally get down to the business of properly fortifying our position.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus

    I love crocodilians. They smart l, efficient killers. American alligators even climb to drop on their prey.

    She swats me with one paw and I brace to prevent myself from flinching as she rocks my carapace with one swipe. Dammit Sarah! How the heck did you get so strong?! Is this the kind of power that Garralosh would have been capable of had she managed to escape into the second stratum? She might not have even needed to evolve in order to display a far greater power than she did, simply having enough mana to properly fuel her core might have been sufficient. If she'd stayed in the Dungeon rather than rising to the surface then I might never have won that fight.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to Infernal_gates

    No, I can't. I don't blame the victim .

    [Hey, I know that, and you know that, but Jim? He's crazy. Not that I can blame him too much, according to the Dungeon, we're all crazy.]
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to Infernal_gates

    He isn't. You can see it in how he thinks. He still doesn't grasp certain aspects of life. Oh, I starved? Too bad. His insanity just isn't flashy .

    [Hey, I know that, and you know that, but Jim? He's crazy. Not that I can blame him too much, according to the Dungeon, we're all crazy.]
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus

    I know humans... They will die to kill their god's enemies .

    "The mana is too thick. The humans are willing to come, but won't be able to until they've adapted to the higher concentration of energy. It could take weeks before they can stay down here for any length of time."
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to Benrex777

    yup, kill on sight kind of relationship. Though it tips towards the dolphins mostly. Sharks have been known to flee at the recordings of dolphin/orca calls . They got ptsd .

    But the termites are quick and clever, I can see it from across the vegetation. They work together, scissoring the vines apart with their monstrous mandibles, protecting and shielding each other from harm as their very presence seems to wither the garden. The other thing I notice is the visceral reaction the termites have to our appearance. The moment they detect us charging their entire disposition changes and the garden no longer matters. I can practically feel the fury radiating from them as they organise themselves into a loose battle lane and rush to meet us in battle.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Dracolupus
    Replied to chaoticCatholic

    You'd be surprised what humans will do when faced with an enemy.

    Termites that literally consume souls. Such a thing is surely an abomination in the eyes of almost every race on the planet! Imagine if the Legion got a hold of something like this?! They'd go ballistic! If they think the Colony is something that needs to get wiped out, then I can only imagine that something like this would send them right off the deep end. It might seem a little odd for me to reach out to those nutcases, but someone definitely should. If we can get them on our side for a change, I'd more than welcome it. At the very least they might be able to put pressure on the kaarmodo to end this madness.
    Fantasy · RinoZ