


The lord of all that is unholy.

2019-03-17 JoinedUnited States



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  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to R_patrickstar

    At the moment, I'm focused on Reverend Ecstasy. When I'm done with that, we can talk about FT.

    Profane Prince of Domination
    Fantasy · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to XX_Rach1

    1) He did lose fights. 2) If you paid attention, you'd know that foreign gods (like the Overlord and the Warden) have limited influence in the lower realm. Them not being able to conquer the mortal worlds has nothing to do with strength. 3) This story isn't for everyone.

    Profane Prince of Domination
    Fantasy · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to DraskelClan

    Oh yeah. That use of "pursue" to replace "follow" or "carry on" was a bad habit I picked up and dropped years ago for reasons I don't remember. It is not incorrect, per se, but bad writing for sure. As for "revolt" being archaic, that's correct. Today I'd argue that in a formal war context, it can still play a role and add gravity to the situation. That aside, yeah, it doesn't make for fluid writing. As for why WN authors prefer it, I don't know. Maybe they also speak French, in which case it makes perfect sense. But judging from my inkstone data, French isn't a common second language here.

    Ch 477 Bloodline Breakthrough
    Profane Prince of Domination
    Fantasy · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to DraskelClan

    I don't know man, I wrote this a long time ago and need some context to fully address what you're talking about but... 1) In the sense of "rising in rebellion," Revolt and Rebel are interchangeable verbs (unless you're going into political semantics—I want no part in that). 2) I often used "pursue" when talking about the Grand Dao, Supremacy, or related Xianxia terms. In that sense, it means "chase" and is also correct. Now, I'm sure there are words I've used incorrectly. Maybe even these two, depending on circumstances. But I'd need context to address that.

    Ch 477 Bloodline Breakthrough
    Profane Prince of Domination
    Fantasy · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to comedyisland

    Thanks for the love mate.

    In the meantime, Konrad delivered the greatest cock-pounding of his profane life, indulging in excess and debauchery across days with no rest. Only when his weaker partners could no longer endure, did he stop, and bring the lot back to the future to carry on with episodes of the Profane Prince's Eternal Dominion.
    Profane Prince of Domination
    Fantasy · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to ChatterboxV2

    Hi, I created a new account (Evil_Dao) and am writing a new story there (Reverend Ecstasy).

    In the meantime, Konrad delivered the greatest cock-pounding of his profane life, indulging in excess and debauchery across days with no rest. Only when his weaker partners could no longer endure, did he stop, and bring the lot back to the future to carry on with episodes of the Profane Prince's Eternal Dominion.
    Profane Prince of Domination
    Fantasy · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to Klip

    That's not the case. 579 is the final chap.

    In the meantime, Konrad delivered the greatest cock-pounding of his profane life, indulging in excess and debauchery across days with no rest. Only when his weaker partners could no longer endure, did he stop, and bring the lot back to the future to carry on with episodes of the Profane Prince's Eternal Dominion.
    Profane Prince of Domination
    Fantasy · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to Daoist_Culture

    It's fine. I retire.

    Nine Venoms Sect Founder
    Eastern · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to _mori

    Most of the answers require spoilers. What I can tell you for sure is that Ancestors here = Almighty in PpoD.

    Ch 156 Purgatory Coffins
    Nine Venoms Sect Founder
    Eastern · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to FaceSlap_MaxLevel

    Either you skimmed through pages or you outright didn't read the story. If you did you'd know that by the end of the first volume, there are only three named females. One is the mc's lover, another is an enemy, and the last turns into a subordinate. So where exactly are the "thousands of goddesses?" In the very first chapter, it is written black on white, that the mc dallied with plenty of princesses in his homeworld, he just never considered them to be relationship material. What is wrong with that? Not being fazed by random beauties after nearly two centuries of existence is a natural occurance. How did that also become a problem? You seem to be specifically looking for smut-oriented cultivation novels; I've never advertised this as one. Not sure why you bring such complaints here.

    Nine Venoms Sect Founder
    Eastern · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to PlushySovereign

    Gods only.

    Ch 149 Plague Worshipping Cult (Part 2)
    Nine Venoms Sect Founder
    Eastern · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to Daoist_Culture

    There's a Shameless Mc tag not an Anti-Hero mc tag. I've warned people that the harem is small and will therefore be introduced slowly, with the second candidate coming soon (this is only the second volume). You don't like the romance or story, that's fine. But I didn't try to market this as what it isn't. Please don't put words in my mouth.

    Ch 145 Unyielding (Final Part)
    Nine Venoms Sect Founder
    Eastern · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to Pedro_Sousa

    There's clearly something fishy going on.

    "Cleanse this world of its corruption, exterminate all cultivators, and enslave the gods!"
    Nine Venoms Sect Founder
    Eastern · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to Omnidoa

    Now, this is what I call idiocy. Among all the harebrained fools I've ever seen, you definitely deserve the royal crown. Let me get this straight. You checked an author's profile, saw that he has three stories with 4.8+ star ratings and concluded that he has to delete reviews...because his stories are harem based? That made sense to you? Let's not even mention why your words show a textbook blend of hubris and bigotry. Your time is so worthless to you that you wasted it by dumping a meaningless review on a story you're not even reading. What are you, a man in diapers? Grow up and go find some meaning to your life, because clearly, you haven't already. As for spamming, feel free to try. Webnovel has wisened up to trolls like you. It won't take me 24 hours to get your account suspended.

    Nine Venoms Sect Founder
    Eastern · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to Damp_Towel

    Hi, thank you for giving this comprehensive review. Though I do not agree with all you've said, you've raised several points where I could have done better. There's a lot of merit in your words and, if you're willing to, I'd like to engage with you and find out precisely some of the events that turned you off--so to speak (though I can guess some through your review). However, you've cited some points that are untrue. Even at the latest chapter, there is no Heavenly God capable of defeating, much less slaying Dao Emperors. Perhaps you were referring to Xerzan, who can only defeat Empyrean Monarchs, and for that is the number one talent of our current world. Another point is Dao Emperors being the highest level achievable, which is also untrue, that title belongs to Ancestors (as mentioned at the end of the Grand Cataclaclysm arc). I personally dislike stories where the mc is the only one (or one of the rare few across 2,000 chapters) able to fight above his cultivation level, so I like emphasize the value of the cultivator's Foundation, and show that it's more about the tools they possess. Regardless, I'm not sure what chapter you stopped at, but I'd enjoy hearing more on the topic.

    Nine Venoms Sect Founder
    Eastern · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to Free_Toons

    The first (or second, depending on how you see it) harem member appears in V2. As for R-18, I don't really mind or care, but from what I'm seeing, nowadays it's really bad for business so...I don't wanna shoot myself in the foot.

    Ch 139 The Mantis Preys on the Cicada, Unaware of its Corrupt Venom (Final Part)
    Nine Venoms Sect Founder
    Eastern · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to Pedro_Sousa

    Nah the peak of the fifth step is for something else.

    Sitting on top of Mukri's back, Jiyan meditated on Harun's Attachment Venom, building on the insight she previously gleamed from the Corrupt World to forge her own venom. But though she already had a thorough understanding of the Attachment Venom's roots and could see countless paths toward success, Jiyan lacked a driving factor, that unique ingredients that'd craft a specific poison out of her understanding. At that time, after half-an-hour of struggle, Weeping Soul broke free of the Abyssal River's shackles and stretched out his oak branches.
    Nine Venoms Sect Founder
    Eastern · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to PlushySovereign

    Yes. For several reason, Refiners and Cultivators are distinct entities (mainly because Cultivatiors pursue the Dao while Refiners want to free their fleshly bodies and lives, in a larger sense--from all restrictions--to achieve true freedom. You can see them as the anarchs of the cultivation world).

    Ch 132 The Fisherwoman (Part 1)
    Nine Venoms Sect Founder
    Eastern · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to Pedro_Sousa

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Are you referring to the mental weed? Cuz that's just trolling. He's not running from anything, but also believes that he can't hold himself accountable for every person hit by a domino effect of his battles with Gods and co. The line about those he directly harmed referred to his past enemies, for whom the tribulation also makes him experience guilt.

    Ch 123 Suffering Stage
    Nine Venoms Sect Founder
    Eastern · Devil_Paragon
  • Devil_Paragon
    Replied to Wolfery

    I knew I saw that somewhere. Shame on me, fixed.

    Ch 122 Please Accept Me!
    Nine Venoms Sect Founder
    Eastern · Devil_Paragon