

2019-03-11 JoinedIndia

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  • Anirudh7

    The story barelyIves ahead per chapter, this one chapter per day system just doesn't work

    Ch 1174 Chapter 1168: Oath 33
    Paragon of Sin
    Eastern · KevinAscending
  • Anirudh7

    I honestly really hope Ryu isn't a reincarnation(except of his own from the start of the story lol), be it him being the Pheonix Sky God, who over many lifetimes created the perfectblackbody soul talent in that middle world or someone else, it just seems way too similar to the nameless immortal god storyline if he is

    Ch 948 Bed of Ice
    Grand Ancestral Bloodlines
    Action · Awespec
  • Anirudh7
    Replied to yhmhfbhhhvb

    Didn't the rules state that MA Zheng has to win all 3 matches to win the position? How can there be a draw? The 3rd match will happen regardless ofc

    Ch 905 Chapter 899: Endless Prosperity, Second Match Begin!
    Paragon of Sin
    Eastern · KevinAscending
  • Anirudh7
    Replied to _mori

    The 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions are only foundation establishment dimensions. The 7th and 8th are the true power based dimensions from what we have read so far, ignoring the 9th for now. Even without this every dimension is way too strong in compariosn to the one right below it, which increases as we go higher.

    <See if you can find a Leonel Morales for me. He should have either a strong Star Force Lineage Factor or ability. He uses a spear as his main weapon of choice. I also believe that he has a body related ability or Lineage Factor as well. It's likely that he comes from a family as powerful as ours if not more so, so be covert about it>
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • Anirudh7
    Replied to Ww_

    My bad i guess, i somehow fused the two

    Ch 822 What is That Supposed to Mean?
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • Anirudh7

    How do aina>joel and lionel each have the segmented cube/dictionary right now?

    Ch 826 Three Hours (2)
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • Anirudh7
    Replied to Ww_

    They're the same thing, he's even using it to store things in the next few chapters.

    Ch 822 What is That Supposed to Mean?
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • Anirudh7

    If the segmented cube was with Aina, how exactly did Lionel use it to find out about the ores in the mine just a while ago?

    Ch 822 What is That Supposed to Mean?
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • Anirudh7
    Replied to AgentBoin

    Now that wuyu is cultivating a completely different and a little superior technique(the blood origin thingy) shouldn't his aura have changed to that? Seeing as he's no longer using the imperial sky method to breakthrough in cultivation anymore. ofc if both methods deal with entirely different facets of cultivation like the blood origin focusing on the body wheres the imperial sky focusing on the energy cultivation then they could potentially coexist

    Ch 805 Chapter 799: Roar of the Earthly Monarch
    Paragon of Sin
    Eastern · KevinAscending
  • Anirudh7


    Leonel felt his strength sore. Beneath his closed eyelids, his eyes flickered with all sorts of colors and even his hair began to dance with a mysterious light. 
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • Anirudh7
    Replied to XIETIAN

    You're answering a different question, it's much more complicated in my opinion at least. The fact is that the forecast for the potential power level isn't everything, the forecast itself is uncertain. Lilith has no idea about the potential of the beings who transcended like Sirius, she only knows of the present strongest, who have impressive legends but seem to be nowhere close to the requirement for transcending. The next thing is that raw power be it of his faction or his personal power is only one part of the equation, a crucial part sure but one part nonetheless. What if when he learns that technically he doesn't need to become a ruler beyond earth seeing as its somehow protected by the soul record he decides he doesn't want the responsibility anyway? What if he loses everyone on the way and loses interest? etc. The goal is soo long term that he's based his entire decision making on uncertain details available to him. If we take this as true then what's even the point of it all? What is the significance of other things happening? It almost seems like if some transcended being sends him a message tomorrow with a huge amount of flair and goes "hey man just saw your potential, so yeah u need to speed up, if we lose out here beyond the soul record whatever you wanna rule to protect your family to control everything is for naught because a sneeze of the 'actual enemy' will destroy your universe', so yeah use that potential and come help us out", and the mc goes "well im gonna rule the omniverse to control everything and make sure nobody i care for dies". Doesn't really make sense does it? What about short term decisions, what about the present environment, what about the changes in the present environment, what's the point of projecting your desires of the future if you don't look at the changes that might take place right around you, or in your own thinking? There needs to be a shorter term goal/decision process, the mc has no idea what he'll wan to do in a 1000 years why already decide when he has no experience, and just descriptions?

    Ch 336 Bai Zemin's second long-term contract: Red, white, black
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Anirudh7
    Replied to XIETIAN

    You're right in the implication, but let's take what we've read so far into consideration to get some perspective - so far the mc has been told he's got the highest talent by Lilith, and lets even take the sleeping part of the soul to be a big part of his thought process. Now if we take the hypothetical situation that its the reincarnated soul of a soul record transcender that makes it even more convincing. But the frank fact is the soul is still sleeping and hes not got any memories just some flaring up emotions. Seeing as there have been more people who have transcended, there are a few equally strong constellations, etc. there is no implication that he's actually the most talented yet. The next thing is that he doesn't really know what ruling entails, he's only doing what he's doing because of fear, because he thinks if he doesn't control everything then he won't be able to protect his people. Right now he has power, plus he knows that a faction gives him power, but if he gets to know that his planet isn't even percievable by most of the world then why would he even want to leave it? What reason will he have to even want to rule? There has been absolutely no indication that he wants to rule for another reason, so the foreshadowing kinda falls flat.

    Ch 336 Bai Zemin's second long-term contract: Red, white, black
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Anirudh7
    Replied to Maian

    For me the foreshadowing is a little too long-term, like I'd appreciate him saying ruling earth, but why rule the universe? Why build a faction, every other old fellow has a faction and they just seem too be wasting oxygen and nothing else. Why fall for sunk cost aversion and not liquidate the faction? Why help the soul record save the universe from the prospective enemies? Why not listen and decide to join the enemies and destroy the soul record and the universe? Knowing that the next 6-8 orders are just gonna lead to an already known foreshadowing kinda bums me out. It feels rigid even though it might not actually be rigid.

    Ch 336 Bai Zemin's second long-term contract: Red, white, black
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Anirudh7

    If this leads to the mc not healing in time to complete all the tasks to evolve to blood mystic and eventually getting forced to evolve into something else as a consequence, then this is the best fluffing plot twist

    Ch 488 Bai Zemin's death?
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Anirudh7

    There are a few fundamental questions that need to be answered : 1. if the person is being put in a body of their requested age, what happens to their ability to think, the development of their brain, the limitations on their thought process? If these aren't there, then does it even matter that they choose a young or old body, with a consciousness that has apparently no resonance/match(?) with the body? Case in point the mc, whatever the case how is there no damage when he's just reading things for ages? Is there no boredom, no desolation? No loss in terms of the time left for the soul to exist? 2. The writing style and thus the thought process/inner monologues of the mc are frankly very similar to the other 2 novels, will the mc again end up looking like the same young fellow with minor differences? Even though we've established that he was an old man when he died?

    Ch 1 Prologue-Soul of the Old Universe
    Spirit Soul
    Urban · HideousGrain
  • Anirudh7

    Is it just me or will earth getting blown up be a great plot twist?😂

    Ch 554 Just Had To
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec
  • Anirudh7

    Didn't he extract long chens War law seed from his soul remnant at the very end after discovering it with the alchemic stars? What happened to that?

    Ch 677 Chapter 672: Mark of War
    Paragon of Sin
    Eastern · KevinAscending
  • Anirudh7
    Replied to FunnyBuns

    Well, not liking her is better than her being in the background, which is essentially the point. You not liking her means she has the potential to be a complex character who could have a proper arc to herself, rather than a simple boring one. Given that there is a harem of women around the mc. And the fact that the author has made it a point to try to at least keep them relevant and not let them become background characters. You'll have to agree Na Xinyi is more rememberable than Xiang ling, even though both have a similar amount of coverage, so... Na Xinyi kinda did her job as a character seeing as she got you hooked.🤷‍♂️

    Ch 584 Chapter 579: Sea of Beauties
    Paragon of Sin
    Eastern · KevinAscending
  • Anirudh7

    Absolutely brilliant chapter, makes it very easy to immerse and feel the emotions the two of them feel

    Ch 465 Incomplete Life
    The Tale of the Void Emperor
    Fantasy · LivingVoid
  • Anirudh7
    Replied to Pasaim

    I think it was about the future affecting the present and not the zones, those zones themselves lead to a tampering of what actually happened and changing it to overcome said event , to help deals with kinks of the world evolution, if its the future it wont really make sense , theres no historic event happening before the evolution , just what happens in every world , so theres not really any 3rd dimension emphatic event possible anymore

    Ch 208 Adurna
    Dimensional Descent
    Fantasy · Awespec