


I hate clichés and love good worldbuilding. Creativity is King

2019-03-11 JoinedUnited States

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  • GloveWithHoles
    Replied to JadeAncestor
    Inside it, more spiders were crawling out from the walls using their powerful legs to obstruct the road, but Noah didn't care.
    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Eastern · Eveofchaos
  • GloveWithHoles

    Rewriting this review: As I have shifted my taste from the crappy and cliche novels on this website to the more sophisticated and polished korean novels; I find this novel to be one of the only ones that could possibly compete with the koreans in quality and craps on them in regard to the frequency of updates. without a doubt, the best novel on this horrid website and deservingly stays at the number 1 spot of the power rankings. I'm caught up and I can say that this is the only original novel here that I have not dropped yet. Everything about this novel is at least decent and there is not much to criticize. There are things to nitpick about like the repetitive words like "abomination" but those are extremely minor. This novel should be what every other author should strive for and is essentially my golden standard for a progression fantasy novel. The cleverness and uniqueness of SS makes it stand out from all of the other novels and makes everything else in this website seem amateurish. I genuinely believe that this is worth publishing to the public as a hardcopy with volumes instead of rotting away in this crappy website. This novel ruined my view of every other original in this website and just the overall professional production of SS slaps everything else here. Genuinely, this novel is a great mix of the typical progression fantasy concepts and more Western elements that incorporate metaphoric symbolism with an actual meaning behind each chapter. I thoroughly enjoy this novel and will continue to read in the many more chapters in the future. G3, you have genuinely talent that I cannot deny as this seems to be your first long novel that you have committed to writing. Despite that, it is this good, keep up the work.

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • GloveWithHoles
    Replied to VasiliosReid

    A masterpiece would be stretching this to the extreme. By no means is this a masterpiece at all. The plot feels forced and although the side characters are good, the main one is illogical to a degree that it wouldn't be excusable under the pretense that it is "Just apart of the fantasy genre". The author's decision for the protagonist to be antisocial and make very little friends does not make sense; especially when the protagonist was very extroverted and sociable in his past life. Shang's development feels very forced and illogical, especially when the author explains the logistics of something to great detail as well. Character development is subjective to a degree, but not as much as you make it sound it out to be.

    Sword God in a World of Magic
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • GloveWithHoles

    This is a book that i enjoyed a little at first and the topic interested me at first but i feel as if the worldbuilding is a little lackluster to me. The characters are great in my opinion but the plot just does not interest me enough, the first couple chapters were great in my opinion due to the mystery of being in a new world that had so much things to explore but as of chapter 460~, there is a clear goalpost and the allure of mystery is gone now. At that point, it didn’t really become an adventure novel anymore but just an action one with Shang just progressing to become a god. Additionally, it just gets stale with Shang fighting mages and beasts all the time, no variety. I feel like the trial reward after reaching the 4th realm is a crutch to the plot of the story and it really eliminates any potential of mystery to Shang’s end goal of becoming stronger, additionally, it elimnates any creativity that could be had with him navigating his problem of having his affinity found out. Although it is the premise of the story, Shang’s enemies lack variety too. Shang’s decision to make little to no allies really dulls down the story as he doesn’t interacts with other humans to a deep degree. George is really the only person so far that was a genuine friendship and he died off without much closure. Jerald was another but their relationship is more of a “I scratch your back and you scratch mine.” George’s connection to Shang really felt like they were in it together to defy God. All in all, i belive that the characters are great but don’t really get the spotlight enough and Shang’s character development into becoming more coldhearted for his obsession with power is pretty decent. But I think the story lacks worldbuilding and diversity overall. The way in which the story develops leaves a bad taste in my mouth too as Shang’s way to gaining power seems linear. Objectively, I don’t think this is a bad story, but it just isn’t to my taste. The novel honestly feels less like a story but more of like a game where the goal is to get the most power with Shang being the player; to me atleast. I hope you respond to my criticism mr author. For now ill take a break from this novel unless Elver, Astor, and Sarah come back. They were honestly my favorite characters but the road to the top seems lonely for Shang.

    Sword God in a World of Magic
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • GloveWithHoles
    Replied to Lestda

    Irrational but not childish. Feeling guilty from intentionally killing someone and becoming mad because of it is not childish.

    Alex destroyed the piece of Ice Wood in his hand.
    Sword God in a World of Magic
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • GloveWithHoles
    Replied to The_Unrecorded

    Hes not close minded for thinking that, its just true. all of these kids in the comments have become so delusional in their own fantasy of edgyness. Trying to be a sociopath is NOT cool and killing other humans is not normal whatsoever. I’m not sure where you got the “killing is within our genes” thing from but thats simply not true. There is a reason why soldiers get PTSD from warfare and killing others

    Alex destroyed the piece of Ice Wood in his hand.
    Sword God in a World of Magic
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • GloveWithHoles

    The novel started off very well in my opinion (refer to my earlier review of this novel) but it has sadly fallen off a huge cliff after the hiatus Kevin took, granted I haven't read the latest 130 chapters though. The newer chapters are honestly unbearable to read and FULL of filler. The more recent characters are one dimensional from what I remember and have no depth whatsoever. Kevin constantly repeats known information and when mentioning an individual, he goes the extra mile to throw in extra words. If you're reading this Kevin; I understand that this is a novel that appeals to the brainlets that are on this app but please start another novel with more creativity. The moment the Soldier of War arc was over, I could tell you were already burnt out and afraid of the backlash of another hiatus.I know you do this stuff for money, especially when you increased the cost of privilage last time I remember. I honestly understand if you are desperate for money but man... It really is unbearable how the novel had so much promise. Even though the idea was fairly generic, the execution used to be so great but now that is butchered. Kevin, I really hope you create a novel in which you enjoy writing instead what this novel has become.

    Paragon of Sin
    Eastern · KevinAscending
  • GloveWithHoles

    SPOILERRRRSSSSSSS (starting at 2nd paragraph) The characters and story of this book is really good and suits my taste very well. I'm currently caught up to the latest chapters and the thing I noticed the most is that some people complain about the amount of filler there is, I personally enjoy that part of the book. Reading the filler of this stuff makes the story feel like you're following the life of Sunless and not really his heroics or his legend that would be written down on a book. The filler that I despise however is the filler that just stretches out paragraphs and describes every action and thought in unnecessary detail, that makes my blood boil. cough cough the latest chapters of Paragon of Sin cough cough. One thing I do dislike about the novel is the fact that Sunless is so attached to his sister despite the amount of connection they have. Sunless doesn't really move on from his days as a kid from the outskirts despite being at the top of society with even a movie based on his cohort and him. I get that he's hanging onto the last thread of a happy memory of his younger days but he should really just let it go. I can tell that he's just going to keep hanging onto it instead of just leaving it behind him with how the story is progressing. Another thing that I'm sort of on the fence on is the fact that the "Fated" attribute is sort of used as a scapegoat for extremely unlikely events to happen in order for the plot to move on and progress. Like getting Weaver's bloodline for example or the events that transpired on the island with the mind attacking tree. It's not that big of a deal to be honest and I'm just nitpicking. It would be pretty hard to just rely on hard work and grit to keep the story going with this type of worldbuilding. I've seen some of the readers saying the character design of this novel is bad (Sunless in particular), I don't agree with it but I can see why people dislike it. This story is (In my opinion) a pretty good depiction in how humans would act in their current situation with the Spell in all of that. Sunless relies on the strategies that he's succeeded in order to survive in both the outskirts and the dream realm. The strategies being that he's very cautious and does not take his chances. He's also very introverted too which I believe contributes to his unlikeable character, he is also very confident or arrogant depending on how you look at it while showing envy sometimes when other characters get praise. He pretty cunning and shows it particularly well when faced against humans. I could go on and on about his character but I wont, this is just to describe Sunless and I actually like him at times and at times I also dislike him too. This makes him seem really human and also makes him pretty interesting for me. Anyhow thats my very uncoordinated rant and sort of review that came off the top of my head for this book. gud book in general.

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • GloveWithHoles
    Replied to Kotario

    Surprised you dont delete comments like this, don’t know why you wouldn’t due to the fact that hes probably trolling. My man doesnt use proper grammar and is clueless on what is happening on the book so hes most likely trolling or something.

    Darius Supreme
    Fantasy · Kotario
  • GloveWithHoles

    Holy, the bad grammar and the complicated process makes my head go boom

    As he thought up to this point Sam felt like he was enlightened and heading in the right direction. 'Now that I already know the input and output of the energy flow. If I can calculate the individual change in links one by one, then it will be possible to understand the energy flow. Since, I am also part of the gear train and I know my specifications, it will be much easier. Since, Sam is the one inputting the energy standing in the circle, he is also a link of the energy chain created and an important link at that. So, Sam turned the page over and wrote the ideas he got and stood up.
    Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer
    Fantasy · Suryaboddu