

2020-02-23 JoinedUnited States

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  • Wesley_Redfern

    This story would be ok if it wasnt like, want a Death Star? Cool all yours bro! This story is simply silly power trip with no struggle at all. If it was more along the lines of ‘hey, kill zombies and get tokens or something to use to buy supplies then that would actually be interesting.

    Ch 12 Chapter 12 Supply Run
    The Walking Dead, John Adler
    TV · R00t
  • Wesley_Redfern
    Replied to kurosive

    rain died in the movie, maybe he got points for saving her life instead of saving her from bitten, and who knows who else survived because of him.

    Exchange Points: 15500pts+Brank reward+Up.Cert.3/3
    Terror Infinity: Glitch in the system(Rewrite Ongoing)
    Movies · Om_Nom_Nom
  • Wesley_Redfern

    skipped this entire massive no spaced irrelevant paragraph.

    They say what molds a person the way they are starts with their environment growing up and how the people around interact with the individual, the nature vs. nurture kinda thing... Well having both parents that work overseas, makes things a little intresting. Growing up with my grandparents was, who should I put it... Quaint. Well that's the norm... old people tend to live on the life style they've grown used to and are set on their own ways in things, that means a traditional life style. They wake up before the sun rises and sleep just after it sets, it was an ideal life for a kid ignorant of the more modern pleasures of life like TV's and Handheld games. Growing up I only hand 3 set of toys I play with, yeah sounds sad but that's not how my parents view it. The first toy I every received was a big box of legos with all the primary colors, I have no idea how it started but from then on every toy I received are legos in form of different models cars, planes, boats, castles and whatever is new at the series. But they all have something in common, I have to build it myself and yes they all could be mix with the previous legos I had recieved. By the 5th grade of primary school I could practically build myself a 6 feet long and 4 feet wide bed of legos and sleep on it without it breaking, that doesn't count the small things I make to play with my school friends. By my 6th grade of primary school, my mom sent me something new. It was 5 kilo stack of cards not just any cards they were magic the gathering cards, vacuum sealed to look like some dollar bricks seen in those movie bank vaults, along with a couple of books. Yes my first journey to Dragon Lance, well after my grandparents almost disinhereted my mother for teaching their grandson how to gamble.(They thought all card games were for gambling) There I've met like minded people(their were no kids playing MTG in my area all a bunch of college students and married dudes) to play with and even my grandfather later joined in being an avid reader of the books and the fact that we only have an old radio and a yellowish set of dominos for recreation at home, was not a factor to that at all. That all changed though... the time I was about to enter 2nd year of high school, my mom decided that being a big shot career woman was not her cup of tea anymore and took a shot at being a housewife. So she rented a house with in the city so I had move in with her, and being used to all the amenities of city life... she had all the gadgets to go with it. New place, new people and new hobbies... what draw me in that time was Duel Monsters, Yu-gi-oh is different from what I was use to but, the basic concept is the same. You have to learn to work with the hand your dealt with to win or your soul be forever join the dark game, power of the draw they say... destiny the say...(on the bright side I'm dealing with my age group this time.)
    Terror Infinity: Glitch in the system(Rewrite Ongoing)
    Movies · Om_Nom_Nom