

2019-02-26 JoinedGlobal

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  • NEETsoc

    16 isnt 6 lads. Bunch of sanctiminious retards in the comments. I for one hope the mc acts like a teenage boy and not a celibate monk

    I think the biggest misconception that readers have regarding isekai protagonists was how they assumed that just because they were mentally old that they should no longer have any desires.
    The Author's POV
    Fantasy · Entrail_JI
  • NEETsoc
    Replied to TheLonelyGod

    Why do so many people act like 16 is 6? Losing your virginity before 16 is nothing shocking

    "Of course!" She answered instantly and blushed until the ears. "He is the most handsome, kind, and smart person I know. But I will not tell you his name." She said softly in a nervous tone so the maids could not hear. Then, she looked at me with a half-expectant, half-scared gaze.
    Fourth Prince's Debauchery
    Fantasy · Aidka
  • NEETsoc
    Replied to Tatsumi810

    Just like you can comment your appreciation for this others can do the opposite cuck

    A Pervert's World
    Fantasy · Slayer104
  • NEETsoc

    The MC just gets treated like a living dildo and a battery. I wouldn't mind if there was atleast a hint of the MC finding out and giving the girls punishment but no he's completely clueless and seems to be led around by the bitches

    Lewd Apocalypse
    Sci-fi · thegrandmagi
  • NEETsoc
    Replied to whoknew123488

    There no good person in this fic. Not a single one.

    Sarah's goal is to eventually fully embrace Leo as her partner. She cannot keep their sexual activity during his sleep a secret forever. One way or another, they needed to face each other on open terms. However, she was afraid of one thing after she witnessed the potential of what Leo could do. Leo's stamina and prowess when he is fully serious in heat was something Sarah knew she could not handle. She often dreamed of herself losing all of her personality and becoming a mindless sex slave for her little brother, craving for his monster perpetually. It sounded absurd but that was a half serious reason; simply speaking, she had been fantasizing becoming a devout worshipper of Leo's monumental tower in her wet dreams that she scared herself of it ever becoming real.
    Lewd Apocalypse
    Sci-fi · thegrandmagi
  • NEETsoc

    oof down boy

    "You look great!" Leo answered honestly without any impure thoughts. Leo swore, his relationship with his sister was pure and innocent. "But isn't your chest a bit too tight?" Leo continued his feedback by pointing out the only flaw in this lingeries set.
    Lewd Apocalypse
    Sci-fi · thegrandmagi
  • NEETsoc
    Replied to owais

    He's 12 and has not shown an iota of attraction towards them. His mother and sister are the ones who are bitches in heat

    The trivial talk lasted until the end of the breakfast. Sarah won't stop complaining about how heavy her breasts had become and how it affected her balance in high paced fights. Leo listened to two women talking about their oversized breasts with a straight face while eating breakfast and focused his thoughts on how he should hide the wet blanket without mother knowing.
    Lewd Apocalypse
    Sci-fi · thegrandmagi
  • NEETsoc
    Replied to ManiacalRereader

    No it shouldn't be you psycho. How often do woman lie about rape? Far too often. And where are you getting this nonsense? Are you confusing rapists with serial killers?

    Ryan was given his own vaccine that made him impotent and gave him permanent erectile dysfunction. He could no longer do anything to the girls.
    Secret Killer
    Urban · NoWoRRyMaN
  • NEETsoc

    Homeless people arent even a burden.

    [Today's date- 12th September 20XX. Time- 18:18. Due to the increasing population and advanced technology, thousands of homeless, uneducated, unemployed, and criminals roaming in the country are a useless burden to the world. So the government has come to a solution that on every 13th of the month, from 12 AM to 6 AM, all the crimes, including murders, would be legal.]
    Secret Killer
    Urban · NoWoRRyMaN
  • NEETsoc
    Replied to Pokiterp

    Science was never considered the devils work and the clergy was responsible for many of Europes advancements during the medieval period. Less hollywood more history books

    Having the memories of Julian, Berengar was now a closet atheist. Nevertheless, he still put on the appearance of a devout Catholic because he knew the consequences a man of science would endure in this primitive era. It would take decades, but maybe he could usher in the scientific revolution a bit earlier than in his own timeline if he worked hard at it.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • NEETsoc
    Replied to Belg4r

    The Bible has remained the same. Do you think they rewrote the bible 100 years ago? The ignorance of atheists is astounding

    Having the memories of Julian, Berengar was now a closet atheist. Nevertheless, he still put on the appearance of a devout Catholic because he knew the consequences a man of science would endure in this primitive era. It would take decades, but maybe he could usher in the scientific revolution a bit earlier than in his own timeline if he worked hard at it.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • NEETsoc

    Oh great another follower of science rather than a scientist. I'm out with this atheist power fantasy tripe

    Having the memories of Julian, Berengar was now a closet atheist. Nevertheless, he still put on the appearance of a devout Catholic because he knew the consequences a man of science would endure in this primitive era. It would take decades, but maybe he could usher in the scientific revolution a bit earlier than in his own timeline if he worked hard at it.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • NEETsoc
    Replied to okmangeez01

    In part the Renaissance was also due to the collapse of the Byzantine Empire and the immigration of Greeks fleeing the turks into Italy.

    Berengar was expecting such a question, and as such, spun a large tale of how he encountered some traveling merchant from the far east, who had traded the blueprints with Berengar for a small fee. Though his father was skeptical of this claim, he had heard the stories of how advanced the far eastern countries were and thus decided to act upon Berengar's request.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • NEETsoc
    Replied to Cewu

    The Roman Empire was Christian longer than it was pagan lad. Enough with this unfound bias.

    Berengar was expecting such a question, and as such, spun a large tale of how he encountered some traveling merchant from the far east, who had traded the blueprints with Berengar for a small fee. Though his father was skeptical of this claim, he had heard the stories of how advanced the far eastern countries were and thus decided to act upon Berengar's request.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • NEETsoc
    Replied to DattaRaviTejaG

    "more healthy" in what way? Restricting your diet is not healthy

    "I've decided to make some changes in my lifestyle. Starting today, I will eat meat and get some much-needed exercise. I can't go on living life as a vegetarian wastrel!"
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • NEETsoc
    Replied to Bob_Bob_5302

    The Crusader States lasted a long damn time with little support from the Greeks. With the Byzantines helping they would have a far better chance to last longer

    Because the Byzantines were not considered heretics by the west by the time that the Crusades were declared. When the Holy Land was retaken from the Saracens, it was granted to the Byzantine Empire as they had the most rightful claim to the land. Thus The Byzantine Empire remained a powerhouse in the Mediterranean and never suffered the massive losses from the Fourth Crusade, which eventually would lead to its destruction not too far in the future.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • NEETsoc

    Holy based

    Because the Byzantines were not considered heretics by the west by the time that the Crusades were declared. When the Holy Land was retaken from the Saracens, it was granted to the Byzantine Empire as they had the most rightful claim to the land. Thus The Byzantine Empire remained a powerhouse in the Mediterranean and never suffered the massive losses from the Fourth Crusade, which eventually would lead to its destruction not too far in the future.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • NEETsoc

    Incoming atheist power fantasy cringe where the church will be pure evil

    While the timeline of Antiquity was mostly intact, what happened after changed drastically from the world Julian was from. The East-West Schism never occurred within the church; as such, the Orthodox and Catholic Churches never drifted apart. Instead, the relationship between the two churches was rather Cordial, thus the Papacy held even more power than it did within our timeline.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • NEETsoc
    Replied to settapong29

    fuck off retard. The church was responsible for Europes progress

    While the timeline of Antiquity was mostly intact, what happened after changed drastically from the world Julian was from. The East-West Schism never occurred within the church; as such, the Orthodox and Catholic Churches never drifted apart. Instead, the relationship between the two churches was rather Cordial, thus the Papacy held even more power than it did within our timeline.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • NEETsoc
    Replied to Eric_Fanguy

    The taliban is not like isis moron. They were the rightful state before the US invaded and installed a puppet state

    I mean, sure, the Afghan National Army could use the bridge for tactical purposes, but could they seriously not build it themselves? That was obviously a rhetorical question he was asking himself, as he was well aware of the degree of competency he could expect from the ANA and was not impressed.
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister