


I'm only here because of Chrysalis.

2019-02-24 JoinedSwitzerland

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  • Benrex777

    If I count my socks individually I get also to a decent number of clothes.

    Isaac put the VR Helmet back in the box and placed it gently in the wardrobe, behind the hundreds of clothes he had.
    White Online
    Games · Alekzi
  • Benrex777
    Replied to aoi_hoshi_cath88

    Low quality iron has impurities in there. And those impurities come from when they were still ores. And sure, the iron part of that iron is strong as iron, but the non iron part is not as strong as iron. And then we end up with the saying "the chain breaks at the weakest link".

    After the iron melted, I got a wet towel and hurriedly drew out the pot then poured it on the mold. It didn't take time for the iron to cool, especially after I drenched it with water to make it bend. Soon I had a rectangular iron plank.
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • Benrex777
    Replied to Hopehard

    Thanks for that.

    Throwing away all my constructs and residual fire mana, I task all of my minds with one particular job: drawing out and crushing my gravity mana. With all of my brains working together, we can crunch one together pretty darn quick! Standing still, I allow Crinis to protect me as she works double time holding the monsters back, giving me time and space to work.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777
    Replied to Chris_Langlois

    That proposal of yours just contradicts my statement as I said it should have a food chain. But let's go with your statement. Wouldn't it be interesting if there would be some Ents evolving and everyone was just, "they are plants therefor we can eat them".

    I was wrong. He kept so much from me, when I was child. What I saw was so, so much worse than anything I could have imagined. How could a good world possibly stand for such things to exist?
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777
    Replied to Chris_Langlois

    He knows about the sleep enforcers and sometimes uses it to put ants into an uncomfortable situation. So he isn't completely innocent and clueless.

    Good work, I sign to the air.
    Poison God's Heritage
    Eastern · Biako
  • Benrex777
    Replied to Hopehard

    If I'm not mistaken he can't put gravity into any constructs at all. That's what he is hoping to get when he level's up his elemental mana thing.

    Throwing away all my constructs and residual fire mana, I task all of my minds with one particular job: drawing out and crushing my gravity mana. With all of my brains working together, we can crunch one together pretty darn quick! Standing still, I allow Crinis to protect me as she works double time holding the monsters back, giving me time and space to work.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777
    Replied to Chris_Langlois

    Not where I live.

    The veins of mana that permeate the Dungeon are present here as always, pulsing bright with a green tinged light. The level of mana is so abundant that I feel as if I'm swimming through an ocean of it rather than walking through air. Perhaps it's like humidity was as a human, if I can even remember what that was like any more. High humidity, as I recall, felt like the air would stick to you as you walked around. This level of mana feels far beyond that to me as a monster. It's like the air is literally water. Or even thicker than that. Jelly, almost. My core sucks it in the second I lose a single MP and fills right back up again. The mana being absorbed through my legs is absurdly dense, to the point I almost feel like I move slower because of it.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777
    Replied to Painspider

    How would brainless zombies be smart enough when it is time to stop attacking so that the attack works?

    [You have acquired soul power of Strength Zombie level 15. Strength +6, Health +5].
    Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse
    Fantasy · XIETIAN
  • Benrex777

    I stopped getting fast passes for the daily activities. As I don't want to spend money here this probably means I have to stop reading your novel, unless they come back somehow.

    Ch 208 Sheyla's internal conflict (part 2)
    Return of the Woodcutter
    Fantasy · YoanRoturier
  • Benrex777
    Replied to Minkle

    You probably know it by now but I write it for all the newcomers. Crinis is more like a backpack than a coat. Anthony probably wouldn't tolerate it if the shining was covered up.

    In the centre of the wall, surrounded by the thickest number of insects, that huge hulking figure loomed. Even in the dim light, its carapace glittered and sparkled, at least around its eyes. Myrrin suppressed a shudder. She swore she could feel the malice and rage emanating from it across the tunnel. Just above it flittered the small shape of the demon pet that appeared alongside it, the green light of its eye a tiny point of light in the dark. Looks like she was going to experience another battle in the presence of that creature, the most powerful ant in the Colony. She drew a deep breath. At least it didn't have that….
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777

    The last action of Minerva is, to protect the Colony from being discovered, as the lizards won't be able to tell anybody. Of course it will get known anyways, but way slower. I'm curious how up to date the legion is on the colony. Do they know about their activity in strata four or that Anthony almost nuked one of the mountains there?

    Ch 828 Chapter 939 - I'm Home pt 1
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777
    Replied to Ryan_Wagner

    I like how this scene got turned into a meme and now has the opposite meaning.

    Ch 828 Chapter 939 - I'm Home pt 1
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777

    You know you could open the door. You don't have to destroy it.

    Suddenly an arm punched through the door, the jagged edges doing no harm to the hand or arm as it pulled back through. Rather, it was the metal that bent as the skin brushed against it.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777
    Replied to Ssnake23

    Then you would still have an unstoppable army at the hands of a single person. At least in our world I wouldn't want that.

    "What the Ka'armodo have done, creating a race of monsters to do their dirty work, has been done before, even as far back as the Rending. No matter how hard you try, no matter what restrictions you place on them, eventually the monsters go wild. Every time, no exceptions. Even worse, the Ancients had the ability to dominate monsters that came anywhere near them. The servants that had been so carefully reared turned around and decimated the fools who had raised them by the millions."
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777

    :) So they know by now the colony isn't evil.

    "The Colony, as you call it, has been put on the back burner for the time being. We have so many fires to put out that a group of monsters who are actively helping sapients rather than eating them is hard to commit resources to. As long as we can stamp them out before the mana gets too high, it should turn out alright."
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777
    "Don't think on it too hard, I guarantee your mother didn't. Her role as Consul is to faithfully follow the founding principles of the Legion, not to engage in petty politicking. We aren't sophisticated enough for that. We don't compromise, we don't bargain, that's it."
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777
    Replied to FearlessCloud01

    They will and nobody will notice.

    She didn't like dealing with the politics and the wider implications of what the Legion did, but lately she had forced herself onto the path of leadership and so she'd done her best to pick up everything she could. Even so, decisions like this made her knees weak. The repercussions of what her mother had done would resound throughout all of Pangera for decades, possibly centuries!
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777
    His arms folded across his chest, Titus was an imposing figure. A stern expression was carved into his features, as usual, and the steely glint of absolute confidence could be found in his eyes. Seeing it, Morrelia began to doubt her objections until her head began to swim. She brought both hands up and scratched her head furiously.
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777

    I still love that. Because that means they won't notice if the colony eats the entirety of the termites and takes over half of their terrain.

    "She cut ties between the Legion and the Ka'armodo, completely."
    Fantasy · RinoZ
  • Benrex777

    Since logistics wins the war, there is no war which the ant's won't loose.

    "The three main fronts of concern are still the central, eastern and north eastern of course, the fighting there is intense I'm told. There was a counter offensive launched down the main tunnel thirty minutes ago which eased the pressure but they had to pull back to avoid supply lines being cut by tunnelling forces. The counter tunnelling efforts are draining a huge amount of antpower, but if they keep the termites off of our carapace' then it's all worth it of course. Anyway, thanks for the chat Eldest, I really need to get going."
    Fantasy · RinoZ