

2019-02-24 JoinedGlobal

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  • criticalhit

    (this review is more of a vent because i have to, not the best in giving you an outlook to the novel, but here are my ramblings) Loved this novel, spent a few sleepless nights and procrastinated some very important task just to read it. Regrets come after, they say. Novel started out great, loved the way author introduces things and progresses the story. If there's anything that makes this novel so addicting, it's the fact that the author slowly intrigues you with the mysteries of world and there are moments where I felt genuinely excited because of the adrenaline rush. However, things took a turn, albeit not instantly. Novel slowly became a messy pothole that my limited brain capacity can't even comprehend anymore(maybe if I wasn't speed-reading, but it's too late). Shit started when the great arc of tournament came(looking back, I still don't understand how it was actually a tournament). A clusterfuck of problems started surrounding the MC, and before he solves it, another one came. Yay! This made him irritable(quite understandable), which also made me irritated at him. The lack of progress in his cultivation was what started irking me. It was tolerable, despite him stagnating for hundreds of chapters. Then we are introduced to seemingly OP shit for him, and you'll be like, "Oh great! Finally," only to have the MC rendered useless the next moment and incapable of steering shit himself. My guy can only follow the flow and when he tries to dictate things, boom! More problems! What prompted me to stop reading was the story development(maybe because I'm getting used to these fast-paced novels) which I used to enjoy but now can't understand anymore. I still hold on to a thread of hope, because I can see that the author actually puts effort into the novel, and will play the long game of thousands of chapter. Due to the time invested in this novel, I decided to just pause and come back when there's more chapters. Until then, best of luck and maybe put into mind that not everyone can keep up ;-)

    The Dawn of the New World
    Eastern · Shinigami8671
  • criticalhit

    Literal worst garbage of a novel, absolute fogging waste of time. Never wrote a review, so i'm dumping my complains and a few of my thoughts here. Started out with massive potential, one of the most excited i've been, only to be severely disappointed hours later. I have quite the high tolerance in regards to these fast food novels, and it's the first time i'm getting so triggered it haunts me to sleep prompting me to wake up and write a review the next morning. MC can do runes with english(system) and even hints of other language being present. Very OP. Too OP that the author decided to nerf him altogether by changing the content of the novel. Should've stopped reading after spotting a few massive bruh signs. TL Quality: Grammar and stuff is fine, lots of inconsistencies with the namings, but still readable. Updates: Don't bother reading up to the latest chapter, appreciate whoever is translating(?) this though. Story Development: Alright, here's the thing. If you're hooked because of the title/ synopsis of the story and is hell-bent on giving it a try, i suggest wasting your time reading the first 100 chapters or so, at most until he enters the academy. Reason? Shock! the novel is about beast taming! My guy threw his whole dam companions to the abyss--they're just gone and never mentioned again. All previously established thoughts/ levels/ system is broken such that it's an entirely new novel. With the occasional naming errors, it do be like that. Not gonna go too deep into this because it's just... fvvk. Character: If there's one thing the novel is good at it's that there is character development(degradation). At the start, MC seem to be using some of his brain capacity to get creative and think of the most common logic to use his system, nothing too surprising with these kinds of novel. Then his previously mature(tf) thoughts slowly adapted to his current body age. (stopped reading around 130s because of a comment i saw warning me of the story -- read the titles of the future chapters, decided to drop this) Can't say much about this part because i'd say it's still too early to say there has been a largely apparent character development. Literal character design? Your usual handsome casanova and smooth as silk pale as milk beauty. World Background : No defining separation between power levels. Can't even think of words anymore, realises i've been wasting time reading and writing this combined... Shouldn't have done both. tldr: read only the first 100 chapter prior to starting his academy class, if you're into Shock! the spell is in english! novel took a big U-turn and Shock! i can now catch pokemon?!?! if you're into that type of novel then go on, you've been warned. .

    Shock! The Spell Is In English!
    Fantasy · Soy Sauce San