

2021-05-29 JoinedGlobal

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  • Shail_Ali

    I'll be honest when i started reading this i was excited to read someone use the combo of magics the MC had at the start but not even 20 chapters in and the guy is so freaking OP and he even gotten to the main cast or even started cannon yet. Also the whole water theme got no sense for someone that had Light magic, instead of Poseidon and an underwater city it would have been far more better it was Apollo if you wanted to keep with the whole Greco-Roman gods and give him Take-over magic so soon. Also just letting him get the experience of the previous Take over users of the angel soul was just bad writing, there is no growth no effort and no incentive for the readers to cheer him on while he tried to master this power. Also the axe was a bad choice since he was already using a blade of light in his fight a sword or a spear or even a rapier like freed used would have been a better. Hell no super powerful armor or weapon, dragon lacrema would have been the right choice. I have never read a story that had my attention like this and drop so fast and so hard to the point where I'm not just dropping it but also writing a review about it. The biggest mistake you made was just handing over so much power to the MC so soon, The better option would have been him using the light magic and the word magic (forgot how to spell it) as his main source of fighting magic in the early start of the story and have him slowly master the angel soul by doing partial take over to enhance his light magic. The soul he got from the temple should be the only thing he got and have it be Apollo instead of Poseidon since he is the God of Light, Sun and healing. The Angel soul can be a champion of Apollo or even be an aspect of his so that when the MC gets stronger he can unlock the true strength of the take over form that can go toe to toe with the demons since he is there natural counter. If the story was about his growth in power and his mastery of the take over magic and combining it with the light magic and word magic it would have been a better and more compelling read than this. I truly hoped that this was going to be a better read that it became but this story truly dropped of a cliff for me. And I really wanted this story to be good but it just isn't and the people who are praising it just wants an easy power wank fantasy with the mc getting all the girls and not having to face adversity.

    Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World
    Anime & Comics · Nanutov55
  • Shail_Ali

    I would very much like to read a story in this AU that isn't solely focused on "plot"

    Ch 35 Chapter 34
    Dudley Dursley and the Diabolical Do-Over (Harry Potter)
    Book&Literature · CambrianBeckett
  • Shail_Ali

    an interesting story, I'll keep an eye on it to see where this goes

    Ch 2 Purpose
    Trapped (An Isekai Fantasy LitRPG Full of Traps)
    Fantasy · Nneeil
  • Shail_Ali

    Honestly i don't like the whole modernization and science approach you took with this Harry Potter, The charm of the world was that it was old and mysterious and while i did like you changing up Harry a bit to be a bit cunning I still think you are taking away the magical charm of the world. Now in an earth that is starving for good books and movies i still think it will do good and reach the same level that the books did in our world, it would have been better if you kept the old mysterious vibe. Also I would say not make a very soft magic system for the books but not make it too rigid as well, the harry potter world in my opinion will do well with a medium magic system that still retains alot of the mystery.

    Ch 84 Chapter 84
    My Hollywood System
    Movies · DreamThree
  • Shail_Ali
    Replied to GoodTemperedOrca

    I'll assume you never read the books if that's your take away from it. It is only accused of that because of stupid SJW on twitter, I'm from a country that is very much removed from the major western politics and when i was young This book series was still very much loved in my country, so much so we had copies of in in my school library.

    Consumable - [Harry Potter] Book Series.]
    My Hollywood System
    Movies · DreamThree
  • Shail_Ali
    Replied to TheAligatorFam

    A relationship is work just because there is a difficult moment doesn't mean you give up on it, June didn't cheat or hurt Will she is having trouble will he job also with people writing articles about her relationship doesn't help. The fact people want to use her for her connection to Will also doesn't help, this is the moment Will need to communicate with June about it, and June isn't hiding it from him for bad reasons, yes her pride plays a part but that is not all. She seems to care a lot about Will and his success. A real relationship this is the place were both of them have to talk and grow stronger from it. This is not about June resenting Will for his success, this is just a girl who feels insecure about both her job and relationship and Will can be mature about it and talk it out and help her through it because that is what a relationship is, helping each other through though moments. And if June still can't get over it or grow beyond it then it will be more healthy for her to leave Will till a time she has worked on herself more.

    "John will handle all that. It's been so long since I have seen you, and I want to spend some time with you."
    My Hollywood System
    Movies · DreamThree
  • Shail_Ali

    I do hope you don't have Will and June break up I really like her. Also what happened to the bonus chapter?

    Ch 72 Chapter 72
    My Hollywood System
    Movies · DreamThree
  • Shail_Ali
    Replied to Idealist

    The first villain of the first movie moriarty comes in the second but is mentioned by name in the first.

    Ch 65 Chapter 65
    My Hollywood System
    Movies · DreamThree
  • Shail_Ali
    Replied to dragonNEET2567

    Same, i forgot how much i enjoyed it.

    Ch 57 Chapter 57
    My Hollywood System
    Movies · DreamThree
  • Shail_Ali
    Replied to

    I think it's Legimency, (did i spell that right?). Quinn has a habit of poking in the heads of people we know that from previous chapters so it's not that hard to believe that he read a bit of harry's mind without him knowing so that Quinn can start of on a good impression like a joke. At least that's my take on it.

    "Every mum says that. I was sure that here was the same deal," grinned Quinn. "I know you are a prankster, so I wanted to see if I could pull one under from you."
    HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]
    Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader
  • Shail_Ali

    Daphne might be the best choice overall because for one thing she can be someone who Quinn can be more open with about his goals and actions, like if he had told Ivy that he was learning something like blood magic than she would react like anyone from the light side trying to tell him that dark magic is this and that but Daphne it more pragmatic that that i believe and would be ok and even help him where she can. Also has a way to keep the story moving if you go with Daphne it will give you more of an in with the Grey Faction when it comes to political power, not only is he healing the youngest but dating the oldest the Greengrass family will be great allies when things comes to a head. By the time he needs to use the political powers he would be magically strong enough to keep the Grey Faction together. Also the biggest reason i don't want you to choose Ivy is not because i dislike her, i actually do like her and would want the MC to be with her but with how the path Quinn is going on it doesn't feel right. If he was with Ivy then he would get tagged along with the Golden 4 for the cannon plot and will make it harder for him to do things on his own, also she would be very against Quinn learning any magic that is considered dark and since we all now that Quinn will learn any and all magics this will be a point of conflict

    This chapter has been deleted.
    HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]
    Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader
  • Shail_Ali


    This chapter has been deleted.
    HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]
    Book&Literature · FictionOnlyReader