


Easy to please when not expecting much, hard to please when expecting much, hypocrite that will submit only to logic or what i think is logical.

2019-01-25 JoinedUnited States

of reading


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  • EverlastingBoner
    Replied to JrrGBaro

    Their is a difference between calling out bullshit as an Atheist verses discrimination of a religious group.

    Realizing This Is A Wuxia World After Cultivating For 300 Years
    Eastern · Sole Cloud Flying Cave
  • EverlastingBoner
    Replied to troutrun

    Because Chinese words mean multiple things, and when they translate books they rewrite them for some reason, prob to not get sued by the real author if they didn't get permission.

    Mecha: Defeat The T-Rex Robot From The Start
    Sci-fi · Northern Lake
  • EverlastingBoner
    Replied to EverlastingBoner

    Link is dead so It might really be right as they for sure wouldn't want you to know they rewrote most of someone else's work. They are the same company so they can delete it if they don't want you to know about it. I hate their corrupt business practices so much.

    Mecha: Defeat The T-Rex Robot From The Start
    Sci-fi · Northern Lake
  • EverlastingBoner
    Replied to Azathoth_PlotGod

    Can and did, anything that looks so bad artistically and has fans only because it was free says it all. You guys do know their are pirate sites with all the anime on them right, plus movies and shows. Most might not work atm because of "flashplayer" but even now a lot still work. They are pretty hidden but it's not hard to find them if you really look.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    My Hero: Quirk Evolution
    Anime & Comics · ZeOwl
  • EverlastingBoner
    Replied to frontlinemedic

    I meant design wise.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    You gained 15 EXP!
    Fantasy · mrant12
  • EverlastingBoner
    Replied to Corrupted_Puppet

    IDK all I know is it was the Manhattan project

    This chapter has been deleted.
    You gained 15 EXP!
    Fantasy · mrant12
  • EverlastingBoner
    Replied to frontlinemedic

    I believe he is Celtic and Pagan based so it would make sense to have tribal tattoos as they started the dang thing.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Rogue of Borderlands
    Video Games · GrimsReaper
  • EverlastingBoner
    Replied to SquirrelFlyTree

    This guy thinks my dumb ass would be able to find links to these papers when I looked at them well reading people discuss god to atheist on a website and one of the people there showed them proof to disprove some of the wackjob theories that people think mean god has to be real. The kind this guy threw back at me as a way to prove gods exist when he just made himself look stupid. I went to church my entire childhood and weekend church groups and it was obviously indoctrination but I was lucky in my case as my church is supper chill and up to date on how the world works and not stuck in the past like lots are, so it had almost no chance of really brainwashing anyone like some people seem to be, my mom is crazy about the god thing and it's just weird at times.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    You gained 15 EXP!
    Fantasy · mrant12
  • EverlastingBoner

    Mood killer

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    My Hero: Quirk Evolution
    Anime & Comics · ZeOwl
  • EverlastingBoner

    It's a pointless job most the time so yes, all I care about is warning us of meteors and global warming affects on the atmosphere as they let us know we need to fix these problems, though that will prob not happen anytime soon as all people seem to worry about related to space is taking a rocket past the first barrier to space and calling that going to space when they didn't even have to go into orbit which if you actually went to space you would have to.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    My Hero: Quirk Evolution
    Anime & Comics · ZeOwl
  • EverlastingBoner
    Replied to NobodyiGuess

    You must be very easy to get along with I know multiple people who's personality rubs me the wrong way constantly and it's torture to be around them.

    But as her family grew richer and richer, she grew increasingly bored with her other lovers. About the only people she'd met recently were upper-class snobs from her part of town. There were many attractive men, well versed in having mistresses and lovers, who knew how to keep such things a secret. But it was all so formulaic that she no longer found any pleasure in it, aside from the pure physical joy of having sex. She yearned for something more emotional, more forbidden and unpredictable.
    6 Times a Day
    Urban · Snake_Empress
  • EverlastingBoner

    Is Trait Dominance the trait I thought of that causes humans to see him as superior and on instinct become wary of for men and woman to subconsciously think of the MC as a good potential mate(should be a real possibility with how his kids would literally all have their Moms quirk with the ability to upgrade overtime from stimulus)

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    My Hero: Quirk Evolution
    Anime & Comics · ZeOwl
  • EverlastingBoner
    Replied to Dieudonner_17

    Yeah but they also made Jiraiya weak for no reason besides some injury excuse that doesn't hold up considering what he was able to do to pain before his forced death in cannon.

    Type: stamina [+30] (no of uses:1)
    The Scion of Uzumaki clan (R)
    Anime & Comics · Spiritlord
  • EverlastingBoner
    Replied to Dieudonner_17

    This might of been edited but I don't feel like going and looking at a book I gave up on for nerfing things left and right for no given reason like this very comment making no sense to his bloodline and is a serious nerf and makes his bloodline pointless if it doesn't even have what makes it special.

    Type: stamina [+30] (no of uses:1)
    The Scion of Uzumaki clan (R)
    Anime & Comics · Spiritlord
  • EverlastingBoner
    Replied to BillNyeThePGGuy

    Try glasses and less stress and they might disappear like mine did but I out grew the throwing up with headaches as a kid so idk if this helps also try not to swallow lots of spit it was what made me throw up most the time.

    (A.N. What a surprise, only a couple of days after I get an upload rhythm going, I get sick for a couple of days which completely destroyed my work flow. Once again, I shall try to set up an upload schedule, but I've been extremely unreliable recently.)
    Warhammer System in Marvel
    Movies · BillNyeThePGGuy
  • EverlastingBoner

    Korean's? This is hardly even racist at this point as it's a known fact and they deserve no respect for following extreme beauty standards almost nobody is up to.

    Even simply walking through the restaurant, these two stood out from everyone else. Most present were men who were overweight as they could afford enough food to fill their mansions and the women were mostly gold diggers who needed 2kg of makeup to look presentable.
    Warhammer System in Marvel
    Movies · BillNyeThePGGuy
  • EverlastingBoner

    I didn't get any of this from the chapter.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    My Hero: Quirk Evolution
    Anime & Comics · ZeOwl
  • EverlastingBoner

    Why didn't he just hit his opponent with his fist and knock him out.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    My Hero: Quirk Evolution
    Anime & Comics · ZeOwl
  • EverlastingBoner

    Me when asked any question I don't feel like thinking about. When teachers called on me In school I just answered IDK as they would then just ask someone else. I also pretended to be working on my paper when I wasn't, though this got me moved to the side of the teachers desk halfway through each year, and when I wasn't at near them they walked passed me whenever they could to see what I was doing). Thanks for listening to my how to be lazy in school and get c's d's and mostly f's. My parents didn't care if I did homework and let my run around the neighborhood everyday after school. first grade straight A's second grade straight A's third grade C's forth grade B's fifth grade D's and F's till I dropped out my second year of high school( how I get B's in forth grade is because most of the year was made up of solo projects)

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    My Hero: Quirk Evolution
    Anime & Comics · ZeOwl
  • EverlastingBoner
    Replied to ICallOutIdiots

    This is basically the start of 100 novels.

    "You can't leave! Atleast, teach me how to cultivate before leaving! This is the Douluo Continent, a world where you can cultivate. How can I survive as a mortal?"
    Saving Zhu Zhuqing from the start
    Anime & Comics · dragonNEET2567