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  • Crazzycrasher

    This answers my previous question of if a master can escape to the dream realm in a fight. You definitely won’t get minutes of uninterrupted concentration in the middle of a fight.

    It took him several minutes of intense concentration to grasp the elusive sensation of the Dream Realm anchor. Then, he circulated his essence in a swift, complicated pattern… and disappeared.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to Tom_LeGrande

    Could he do it to the rhino?

    Technically, the rifle was too heavy and powerful to be wielded by a human. It was meant to be utilized by a soldier encased in a full exoskeleton armor suit, or even serve as a light weapon for the smaller humanoid war platforms. But as an Awakened, Samara was just strong enough to manage.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher

    If a master can instantly travel to the dream realm from reality with a thought, could they use that as a last second safety measure to suddenly disappear from a fight right before the final blow? I know it takes time to make an ancore to return to but can’t they travel to the dream realm any time?

    Everything had already been settled. He was leaving on another long expedition… this time, in the waking world instead of the Dream Realm. Somehow, it promised to be even more of a nightmare.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to Sakura_Moonflower

    The problem with earth is mostly that it has been polluted, resource drained, and destroyed by wars. There is no way to restore it. So while you still have the issue of nightmare creatures no matter which one you choose, it’s the choice between a near dead planet covered in monsters vs a near brand new and rich world covered in monsters.

    Were they even wrong?
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to FO0l

    Yes but there are less than 1000 masters in the world, the number of saints is probably in the tens or early hundreds. they cant bring over a significant amount of people with just that, and it would only be the most important.

    "The Great Clans have given up on Earth a long time ago, Sunny. Instead of trying to protect humanity's old home from falling apart, they set their gazes at building a new one. They have big plans for the Dream Realm..."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to Myskira

    It’s the snake taking the form of a spire messenger

    As a gale of wind raised by mighty wings threw some of them off their feet, a repulsive creature crashed into the deck. It resembled a giant lion with the head of a raven, its body gaunt and entirely black. The creature had two powerful hind legs and six limbs protruding from its wide chest, each ending with a set of long talons.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to Tims232

    While that would be dope I feel like the only reason solvane survived is because she is part of the nightmare creature/host to it. Also if they are all that suicidal after like what was it? 1000 years or so? They probably wouldn’t make it the thousands more that have probably passed for every other human to be killed.

    Noctis stood at the steering oars, slouched, with a pale face and dark circles under his eyes. He did not seem to be doing too well, but his hand was steady as it controlled the ship.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to VitaminCdotC

    I think he may have the wormvine inside him, it keeps mentioning something moving under his skin and solvane became its host in his ship, plus it seems to have come from under his place

    Noctis stood at the steering oars, slouched, with a pale face and dark circles under his eyes. He did not seem to be doing too well, but his hand was steady as it controlled the ship.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to ACaS90

    A threat is a good motivator

    Those several years were, perhaps, the countdown to the blossoming of the Nightmare Seed. If no Awakened appeared to challenge the Nightmare by then… the Seed would have bloomed? Was that the logic? Seeds blossomed when the conflict inside them resolved itself and fate repeated unchanged?
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to Duncan_2066

    But that point is actually invalid because mirror dude(forgot his name) killed the north lord with the ivory knife he got from the future. How would that knife have survived until the future if it for one fell into the void and two was used to kill her? It seems like the stories behind those knives disappearing were more of a way to get around there being two copies of the same fate.

    "...And that is what I intend to do. You, Sevras, Solvane… I'll kill you all, break the chains that bind the Demon of Desire, and set her free."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to Sakura_Moonflower

    The objective is to leave through “a” gate, not specifically the nearest one

    In fact, Sunny suspected that there had never been an Awakened as powerful as him… except, of course, for Mordret. At least until Nephis returned from being lost in the Dream Realm and Awakened herself.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to Silent_luck

    It’ been said a few times but we did see one become a wyvern and one a giant bird

    "You must have already guessed that Ivory Dragon Sevirax is also Sevras, the Ivory Lord. One of the Hope's eternal shackles, a Transcendent whose Transformation Ability allows him to turn into a dragon. He is a human… or at least was a human once, a long time ago. And so, he spoke to me."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to Banaman

    I think their reply would be that if everything is perfect why would it need to change? And also they are so far gone that they couldn’t imagine not wanting it, so if it was volunteers it would take forever to decide

    "The whole city was insane. Perhaps… perhaps one could argue that a few dozen souls a year are a small price to pay for a paradise. But what is a paradise built on blood worth? …Worthless. It's worthless. And even if it's not, at least the wretches could have made the sacrifice without the ghoulish joy. Without the songs, and the zeal, and the kind, warm, sincere smiles on their beautiful faces."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to Nicellio

    The fate trapped inside the sword is his death so I believe they are addressing the sword as such

    "...She has come to take back that which belongs to the shadows. To retrieve the death of the Ivory Lord from your hands… whether you are willing to return it, or not."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to Undoctored

    So are wood and glass ok then?

    "You see… in the beginning, there were seven knives, entrusted to the seven of us to hold the fate of another in their hands. The Iron Knife, the Wooden Knife, the Ember Knife, the Glass Knife, the Ivory Knife, the Obsidian Knife… and the Ruby Knife."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher

    This book is by far my favorite web novel and my second favorite book of all time, not first due to nostalgia. Incredible world and characters, funny humor and in tense drama. This book keeps me entertained every day with new releases.

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher

    Wasn’t it a white and a black dragon flying around when they fell into the abyss in the vision?

    Sky Tide shielded Sunny and Cassie with her body and glanced at the other Transcended warrior, her beautiful face as cold and stark as always, her vertical pupils full of calm, grim resolve.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to Aidinthel

    Or she doesn’t want to anger him.

    "She is doing great. She is a devil already. Now stop bothering me."
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to Air_Wind

    The place is hanging from the bottom of the island, but that also would not explain the normal floors so I don’t know

    The interior of the somber cathedral was as bizarre as its exterior. Sunny expected the actual floors to be constructed properly, and some of the corridors they walked through were. But other parts of Night Temple were upside-down, as well, the flat floors serving as ceilings and the arching ceiling serving as uneven floors.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • Crazzycrasher
    Replied to Crazzycrasher

    Other than in her foresight visions that is. I was mainly talking about the 1 second stuff but that distinction feels necessary.

    The blind girl silently turned her back to him. Sunny hesitated for a moment, then did the same. His shadow looked away, too.
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree