

2019-01-03 JoinedCanada

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  • Kyalaborg

    unless Tenit 2

    • Tenet V. Never kill a Dark Brother or Dark Sister. To do so is to invoke the Wrath of Sithis.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Kyalaborg

    Metaphysically we have always been in this moment Madly dancing to the Thrums of the Dreamer

    "Solace, O' Brother, for we are worthy of life but only those who are awake in the Dream know that we have been here once before." Jon answered.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Kyalaborg

    Why though the rules where not restrictive and allowed alot lf freedom and the only two she would have a problem with where the ones about higher positions and holding respect for them

    Of course he was talking about the way Astrid managed the Brotherhood. She wanted to be the Leader of this Sanctuary and not answer to anyone be it a Listener or the Night Mother or even Sithis himself. This was clear especially when the Five Tenets of the Brotherhood were abolished by her not long after the fall of the last Listener, Alisanne Dupre.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Kyalaborg

    Would that work though I have a feeling that [Blood] has a connection to [Fate] and Old Molag will still hold alot of sway Sithis maybe above Molag but his level of sapiens is anthor matter

    "No, Sithis." Jon said, "Sithis never limited the freedom of anyone since his Chaos requires absolute freedom. On the other hand, his retirement plan is an eternity of Darkness compared to Molag's entirety of Servitude."
    Dragonborn Saga
    Video Games · El_Don
  • Kyalaborg

    I think the father does not know how to show affection and is a harsh teacher

    I ponder for an entire half of a second before nodding "I would be honored serjo" There might be tension between them, but he is still her father.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Video Games · Rastislav
  • Kyalaborg
    Replied to IngisRattus

    To hide or is a sydonim, I think i read somewhere that the morag tong are illegal in even morrowind in fourth era

    Drevis looks at me with suspicion, and a bit of hate. I guess he learned my full name, thankfully he is forbidden from spreading the information or I would be getting visits form the woodsman's guild real soon.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Video Games · Rastislav
  • Kyalaborg

    due to game limitations the only spells i used where clairvoyance, Invisibility, Night Eye And muffle and Clairvoyance was when i was a knew player Illusion has so many possibilities and a master would be no different then Aizun of Bleach

    The illusion professor smirks "You thought you were waiting for that long, but in truth you were sitting there for a whole minute." Many gasps are heard.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Video Games · Rastislav
  • Kyalaborg
    Replied to Dominic_Zibuda

    Yea but the danger of such a spell in combat reminder what happened to Szayelaporro Granz from bleach that would be the worst way to die

    The illusion professor smirks "You thought you were waiting for that long, but in truth you were sitting there for a whole minute." Many gasps are heard.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Video Games · Rastislav
  • Kyalaborg
    "Very well, I am glad that you welcome me on your adventure Jake. Ah, I cannot wait to see how well I can sleep tonight as I hold you within my arms." She said with a bit of warmth and expectation in her voice that made me deadpan as I realized this crazy would-be cultivator was going to be a shoe-in for the harem with how I could already see Lumine all but drooling over her.
    A Hunter In Teyvat
    Anime & Comics · Azazyel
  • Kyalaborg
    Replied to WONDAWAE

    not that level yet she is simply feeling calm for the frist time in century's

    "As for intimacy..." Shenhe started somewhat haltingly and paused for a moment before she continued. "I feel comfortable with you, and thus I wish to remain in physical contact with you." Shenhe spoke and I wore a wry smile as I realized that Shenhe herself was going through her own emotions in this situation. "I feel... Cold and disquieted at the thought of you leaving my sight, I feel anxious at the thought of remaining home in Liyue while you go to Inazuma."
    A Hunter In Teyvat
    Anime & Comics · Azazyel
  • Kyalaborg
    'My aura is calming her own soul?' I thought in some interest before she wiggled around before sighing while my eyebrow twitched as her backside all but ground itself within my lap as she got comfortable.
    A Hunter In Teyvat
    Anime & Comics · Azazyel
  • Kyalaborg

    Cloud Retianer did you teach your childern about Baby making

    "Don't you think this is. Kinda too intimate?" I eventually asked dryly. I knew that Shenhe wasn't some easy woman or whatever. But her actions towards myself, who lived within the popular society rules, I had no idea what was going on in her head honestly.
    A Hunter In Teyvat
    Anime & Comics · Azazyel
  • Kyalaborg
    Then Shenhe seemed to have an Eureka moment as she looked down towards me. "Jake, would you mind if I sat in your lap so I could keep stirring the pot comfortably?" She asked innocently with her head tilting to the side slightly in question.
    A Hunter In Teyvat
    Anime & Comics · Azazyel
  • Kyalaborg

    then why not where normal travel shoes

    Lumine coughed loudly giving Lisa a gimlet look. "Hey... Don't hog my transportation, you aren't the only lady who is in high heels and don't want to walk miles in such heels."
    A Hunter In Teyvat
    Anime & Comics · Azazyel
  • Kyalaborg

    God is a drunken waste no no say it can't be true

    After a moment of silence where we recollected our thoughts, everyone looked to Venti to light the way as the god of the land... Or actually Amber wasn't having the town drunkard Bard be the god she had been worshipping. "Wait you are Barbatos! I have carried your drunk ass into the drunk tank!!!" Amber cried out stamping her feet into the ground as her worship of the Anemo archon visibly collapsed into pieces.
    A Hunter In Teyvat
    Anime & Comics · Azazyel
  • Kyalaborg
    Replied to origin_seth

    Yea this makes sense to this story

    'She knows I am grieving about it? But how? Should I just attack her? No, she is one of the Jinchuurikis, killing her would cripple the village. Besides, I really don't want to kill young children if I can prevent it. Since Genjutsu doesn't work either, I'll have to trick her with lies.'
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Kyalaborg
    Replied to Maerry

    Good choice

    This is what defeated her. Her little brother's cuteness. She simply can't say no to that sunshine-like smile and those big blue eyes. The first time Naruto gave her the puppy eyes she almost had a heart attack.
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Kyalaborg

    I wish this was cannon but clearly is not

    It is a bit of a pity that the Kyuubi wasn't sealed in the vessel he prepared, but the current situation is pretty good as well. After a year or two, he will spread the rumor that those two are the demon fox. An incredible stupid rumor no doubt, but the civilians will swallow it up without a doubt. Sooner or later the twins will be completely isolated and that is the moment he swoops in. A few kind words. A promise of power. And before Hiruzen even notices what's going on they will be loyal to Danzo.
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Kyalaborg
    Replied to GnomeBob

    oh my

    Back at his Root headquarters Danzo couldn't help but smirk a little at how easy his plan succeeded. When he leaked the information that Kushina was pregnant and that she would give birth soon he only thought that he would get his hands on the Kyuubi. He naturally had a loyal container ready for it. However, things went completely different than he anticipated. To be more precise they went much better than he had expected. Minato was dead. That means the Kage hat will finally be his. The Kyuubi was controlled by a Sharingan and the people noticed that. That means the people of Konoha would be even more suspicious of the Uchiha clan. It wouldn't be long before he can finally get rid of that clan just like he did with the Senju. Konoha doesn't need a clan that towers over the others. Although there still is the Hyuga clan left. Luckily, they are way too busy praising themselves and enslaving their own clan members to even notice that no one cares about their opinion anymore.
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry
  • Kyalaborg
    Replied to Lv_TuBe

    Which is a big hole how wouls the other Hokaga reacat when the leaf gets two more nukes I understand the Cloud has 2 Tails, And 8 But still i think it needs to be said

    "Civilians? How can a jinchuuriki be considered a civilian Danzo?
    Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister [Completed]
    Anime & Comics · Maerry