

2018-12-07 JoinedGlobal

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  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to xGhillie

    Spoilers! They're not dead. He just saved their life

    Leo's eyes moved over the two kids' shoulders, right where a swarm of yellow-caps was sneaking up on the three of them. And then, with his hands already on their shoulders, he pushed them right into the open arms of the silently charging, yellow-capped fiends.
    My 7th Hero Summoning Brought Me Home To Fight The System?!
    Urban · MotivatedSloth
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to LuluViBritania

    Actually I have no problem with it.

    dracule:excuse me sir are you really grandpa universe or am I just imaging you as such as I cant comprehend your true form.
    Anime & Comics · draculemorningstar
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Donny_Manga

    Just a year from that particular vr. You can still go to the other ones. Raven doesn't have the authority to ban them from other places.That's not his

    Bodies in Altissia were like bodies in the real world. They would rot and decay...obviously, Mr. Oscars wants Altissia to be like the real world as much as possible. To that end, if you die in Altissia, you are banned from Raven's entire Multiverse for one year before having the ability to apply again, even then you're not guaranteed another spot...
    Earth's IP Game Designer {BOOK I COMPLETED}
    Anime & Comics · Moonwolf1235
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Kibbinz

    They're turtles they already do that

    They will also be the only characters that will keep their memories and experiences after each reset as they are essentially caretakers of that world that I will check in with from time to time to ensure everything is running smoothly.
    Earth's IP Game Designer {BOOK I COMPLETED}
    Anime & Comics · Moonwolf1235
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to PsyLoRD

    Reset happens after how long though. Some stories it could last for literally a hundred years, and it would be fine. They'll have an entire lifetime with their people.

    Secondly, Travelers are not allowed to divulge where they are from and what they are, the inhabitants of my worlds will be 'real' people with 'real' lives. The travelers are there to experience the creativity of my worlds whether they enjoy it or not, this will all be listed in the Gate of Worlds building and they will each have to sign legal releases. This agreement will be bound by their very Will since accepting a binding contract (AN: It can be inferred that the VR's AI can force users to adhere to contracts if bound) will be required before entering each my multiverse.
    Earth's IP Game Designer {BOOK I COMPLETED}
    Anime & Comics · Moonwolf1235
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Seeker7157246

    Never mind my comment is no longer valid.I just went and read some more and it's not true

    Next, starting from the very center of the island a city began to arise, and a 1:1 replica of Altissia (Final Fantasy) began to appear. There were no people or beasts only the architecture, however soon the only creature that will reside in the Origin of my VR began to appear. Seraphs both male and female began to pop into existence, some small and some tall, however, all were beautiful and flawless beyond belief. I willed them to be completely loyal and faithful believers in the creator and have a strong sense of justice and very little individuality. They will be polite but stern with the goal of their existence being to execute their duties. This may sound cruel but what I needed is peacekeepers and guides who will ensure that Travelers are protected while in the city and that people know where to go to ensure they get to whichever of my worlds they want to go.
    Earth's IP Game Designer {BOOK I COMPLETED}
    Anime & Comics · Moonwolf1235
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to RagingDrake

    They're not true a i. Or at least not sophisticated enough to question their own existence.

    Next, starting from the very center of the island a city began to arise, and a 1:1 replica of Altissia (Final Fantasy) began to appear. There were no people or beasts only the architecture, however soon the only creature that will reside in the Origin of my VR began to appear. Seraphs both male and female began to pop into existence, some small and some tall, however, all were beautiful and flawless beyond belief. I willed them to be completely loyal and faithful believers in the creator and have a strong sense of justice and very little individuality. They will be polite but stern with the goal of their existence being to execute their duties. This may sound cruel but what I needed is peacekeepers and guides who will ensure that Travelers are protected while in the city and that people know where to go to ensure they get to whichever of my worlds they want to go.
    Earth's IP Game Designer {BOOK I COMPLETED}
    Anime & Comics · Moonwolf1235
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Moskov81

    I do believe that he is grading himself on a scale of 1 to ten on how handsome he is

    With the last word of the AI, everything goes silent and I fill as though I am floating in mid-air. I entered into my VR with my new body's original appearance and sense I have dominion over reality here, I see all that exists within my domain. Thus, I see my current appearance; I am bare, in the void in my birthday suit with wavy black hair that reaches my ears on the side and piercing blue eyes both of which I inherited from my mother. The build is average with a height of about 1.8 meters so I'm not too gorgeous but not ugly, a solid 7.5 if I do say so myself.
    Earth's IP Game Designer {BOOK I COMPLETED}
    Anime & Comics · Moonwolf1235
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to CuteWhale

    None that are willing to take the chance and claim the throne. So to speak, since everybody else was dying

    Of course, with such power comes greed and many of the families saw infighting as they wanted to inherit the right to "Rule their Reality", as a result, the Vent and Allen families were decimated and all heirs were killed. The result is that their VRs now exist as un-ruled realities and due to this much of the VR populace chose to migrate to these solar systems since people don't like the feeling of oppression. The BSA observed this phenomenon and publically gave control of the BSV back to the blockchain and it can never be recovered now, the only universe that is still "ruled" in a sense, is the Norman's VR but they seem to be fine with little to no public traffic and are content living in their reality with the AI as their populace since they see AI as real people, which to be honest is almost the truth with the current technology. ' If they just had a soul... but what is a soul? eh, never mind, let's leave that to the "Will of the Multiverse" or whatever. '
    Earth's IP Game Designer {BOOK I COMPLETED}
    Anime & Comics · Moonwolf1235
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Gumpta

    He already did

    Of course, with such power comes greed and many of the families saw infighting as they wanted to inherit the right to "Rule their Reality", as a result, the Vent and Allen families were decimated and all heirs were killed. The result is that their VRs now exist as un-ruled realities and due to this much of the VR populace chose to migrate to these solar systems since people don't like the feeling of oppression. The BSA observed this phenomenon and publically gave control of the BSV back to the blockchain and it can never be recovered now, the only universe that is still "ruled" in a sense, is the Norman's VR but they seem to be fine with little to no public traffic and are content living in their reality with the AI as their populace since they see AI as real people, which to be honest is almost the truth with the current technology. ' If they just had a soul... but what is a soul? eh, never mind, let's leave that to the "Will of the Multiverse" or whatever. '
    Earth's IP Game Designer {BOOK I COMPLETED}
    Anime & Comics · Moonwolf1235
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Quin_Bland

    I see what you're talking about. Hopefully, it's smart enough to do some research to avoid that, though. It would add some realizement if it happened

    [Finally, I will explain your purpose in this world and the compensation granted to you in recognition of delaying your arrival in the afterlife and dedicating yourself to enriching this world if you so choose. In short, you are to use the Earth's IP system to enrich this world by transferring over some of the most creative and unique ideas your original world produced. The avenue by which you do this is left to you and this life is your own. The Will of the Universe will not force anything upon you and you can end this new life at anytime again, this new life is your own].
    Earth's IP Game Designer {BOOK I COMPLETED}
    Anime & Comics · Moonwolf1235
  • Seeker7157246

    They said she was bought from a black market, But I think it's more like there is a school.Set up to teach them and then auction them off. I don't know if the girls go there willingly. Or not though probably not

    Lady Wang walked past Lu Xuan with graceful, doll-sized steps, causing a gust of fragrant wind to hit Lu Xuan's face.
    I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates
    Eastern · Hear about the Way in the morning
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Ghanendra_Lawati

    You probably had to buy them from different people

    After thinking for a long time, Lu Xuan finally bought ten pounds of Spirit Rice at the price of thirty Broken Spirits per pound, and two pounds of Spirit Rice at fifty Broken Spirits per pound, a total cost of four Spirit Stones.
    I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates
    Eastern · Hear about the Way in the morning
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Daoistl4XZch

    Probably had to buy them from different people

    After thinking for a long time, Lu Xuan finally bought ten pounds of Spirit Rice at the price of thirty Broken Spirits per pound, and two pounds of Spirit Rice at fifty Broken Spirits per pound, a total cost of four Spirit Stones.
    I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates
    Eastern · Hear about the Way in the morning
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Shimano

    Pattern recognition

    "It's good that you have recovered, I am counting on you to guard the Spirit Field."
    I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates
    Eastern · Hear about the Way in the morning
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to LostRider

    👋 good luck!

    "Seventy, I can't go any lower than that."
    I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates
    Eastern · Hear about the Way in the morning
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Daoist_shini

    After reading so many stories of typical cultivators, screaming "How dare you" every Which way this is actually rather nice.

    On the surface, he seemed to have given up cultivation and became a spirit plant master dedicated to farming. His actual desire for power, however, was still strong.
    I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates
    Eastern · Hear about the Way in the morning
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Kamitenbatsu

    Because so far, no plant has ever provided him with something that another plant gave

    Of the two types of mature plants, only the Spirit Firefly Grass could reward him with cultivation level upgrades, so he planned to plant more of them.
    I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates
    Eastern · Hear about the Way in the morning
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to Nada_Amore

    The grass is only useful as an alchemist ingredient. The fruit, it's not useful for anything besides taste. Rich cultivators buy them to put out a snacks when they meet

    Lu Xuan took out the mature Moon Erosion Fruits and Spirit Firefly Grass from his cloth bag.
    I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates
    Eastern · Hear about the Way in the morning
  • Seeker7157246
    Replied to OukisLips

    Also, he has no idea if that guy has friends as backup. By naming him, he's also naming himself the enemy of anyone who was friends with that guy

    "There was a blind thief who tried to break into my place and steal my spirit plants. I caught him and took care of him."
    I Practice Farming While the Rest Cultivates
    Eastern · Hear about the Way in the morning