


I'm an introvert and a bookworm.

2018-12-02 JoinedPhilippines

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  • ReyHolywater
    Replied to ArrodesKinnie

    Wala na bih. Yaan niyo na, at least unique MC here HAHAHAHAHA!

    Shang Jianyao nodded slightly and said, "I'm just considering whether I should participate."
    Embers Ad Infinitum
    Sci-fi · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • ReyHolywater
    Replied to MrPickle

    Well, I hope I can shed some light to some of your questions and I do hope that you can believe in what I am about to say. So let's start off with this, WE, as in ALL humans are actually multidimensional creatures. We are all actually in Heaven already, as angels. And the quote in the bible, about how man is made in the image of God, is actually true too, but not in the a physical sense like what the mainstream religions and other people think or interpret. No, we are made in God's image spiritually, because our Omniversal God is NOT a fudging physical being. And yes, you are right, we CAN do what the Omniverse God can do, eventually. We are here in the 3D or third dimensional plane as mortal beings to give our higher dimensional selves an experience that they could NEVER possibly be aware of in the higher dimensions. The mainstream religion is right about one thing though, we ARE technically children of the Omniverse God, but that's about the thing that they got right. Because mainstream religion, especially Christianity or Abrahamic religion in general, believe that we are only children and we are stuck like that. No. What does a child do? They eventually outgrow their parent and will make a family for themselves and things like that. In a sense, that is what we are doing in this spiritual journey. We will grow from our experience and we will eventually transcend this Omniverse and create an Omniverse of our own, where we will be the same status as our Omniversal father. So yah. To recap, we exist in infinite realities in the 3D since an angel is essentially too powerful to be contained in a single reality. Yes we are living in a matrix created from the mind of the Omniversal God, where we are being cultivated or nurtured to grow and eventually become like Them (I said Them is because our Omniversal God is the same as us before, lower dimensional being that experienced being a male, female, it, them[?😅], and many more. Then transcended Their previous Omniverse to become what They are today.) We already exist in Heaven since Higher Dimensions are technically out of time, or doesn't really have a concept of time. AAAAAAND the long ass traffic in my area is almost over, and I hope that I was able to shed some light to some of ya'll questions.😘

    Long Yuehong was stunned for two seconds before he smiled bitterly. "I just want to stay in the company, find a good wife, have two cute children—a boy and a girl—and strive to allow them to have meat three times a week…"
    Embers Ad Infinitum
    Sci-fi · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • ReyHolywater


    Long Yuehong, Meng Xia, and the others held their breaths as they waited for the assignment's results to be announced.
    Embers Ad Infinitum
    Sci-fi · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • ReyHolywater
    Replied to ReyHolywater


    Ch 1135 Jiang Baigui Winning Over Yan Yunxi
    Tales of Herding Gods
    Eastern · Zhai Zhu
  • ReyHolywater

    i just hope that this is a very very long break from TL😅

    Ch 1135 Jiang Baigui Winning Over Yan Yunxi
    Tales of Herding Gods
    Eastern · Zhai Zhu