


Likes read fantasy reincarnation stories like alchemy emperor.

2018-12-02 JoinedUnited States



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  • killua32829
    Replied to Old_puppy

    *Author casually quickly typing & changing everything he had planned* *Old_puppy:* HE'S ONTO ME I HAVE TO CHANGE MY PLAN, ABORT MISSION DO NOT GO!

    Ch 12 - Tentacles
    Lord of Mysteries: The depths
    Book&Literature · Old_puppy
  • killua32829
    Replied to Old_puppy

    ...Well seeing you mentioned that the his Pathway is mind related yet I'm a more Eldritch way. I wanna say that they're inside of his mind itself or something like his spiritually or soul.

    Ch 12 - Tentacles
    Lord of Mysteries: The depths
    Book&Literature · Old_puppy
  • killua32829
    Replied to killua32829
    Ch 12 - Tentacles
    Lord of Mysteries: The depths
    Book&Literature · Old_puppy
  • killua32829
    Replied to Old_puppy

    Also, I saw you liked my tentacle gif in some else's comment & let's be honest. If monsters existed, be it ones with tentacles or not, be it dangerous to humans or not, WE WOULD STILL HAVE PEOPLE WHO WOULD WANNA GET FREAKY WITH THEM EVEN AT RISK OF DEATH, ENSLAVEMENT & OTHER REASONS WHY YOU SHOULDN'T!

    Ch 12 - Tentacles
    Lord of Mysteries: The depths
    Book&Literature · Old_puppy
  • killua32829
    Replied to Old_puppy

    HA, I WAS RIGHT!? I knew it, I was like 'Ain't no way this man used that before & it doesn't have any future relations towards stuff... it must be this." Hehe, I love when my guesses & theories are right. So, spoil away simply my question & not something else, but was the hallucination from the Specific 8 Hooded Figure Sequence he's on or was it related to the one or both the things you mentioned?

    Ch 12 - Tentacles
    Lord of Mysteries: The depths
    Book&Literature · Old_puppy
  • killua32829

    I'm so intrigued by what I just read & yet so confused. The whole tendrils thing with black sludge makes me wanna think it was Mother Goddess of Depravity, not likely it was Mother Tree of Desire seeing as how no one ended up pregnant as far as it showed. I mean MAYBE, it might slight be related to the Primordial Darkness with the whole youth thing but it feels like a stretch, who knows new maybe you made another new entity besides the Mc pathway? Speaking of the Mc, ...What in the HECK was with that hallucination? It was sea related Sea God Kalvetua or the God of Storms but if it was him I feel it would have been more of a storm, hence why I wanna think it's Kalvetua though it's not actually a God if I remember correctly plus not near the Mc as far as I know. So perhaps it was related to the Pathway of the Mc himself, seeing as how in the beginning chapters when going mad the Mc heard whispers telling him to go to the ocean to swim & eat.

    Ch 12 - Tentacles
    Lord of Mysteries: The depths
    Book&Literature · Old_puppy
  • killua32829

    Welp, this time I'm late to read cause I was so tired that I had fallen back to sleep twice after waking up, one near the morning & one near afternoon lol.

    Ch 12 - Tentacles
    Lord of Mysteries: The depths
    Book&Literature · Old_puppy
  • killua32829
    Replied to SEEKER

    Hehe, I mean...

    - Tentacles
    Lord of Mysteries: The depths
    Book&Literature · Old_puppy
  • killua32829
    Replied to killua32829

    ...tf is this gif, I saw it when I did the one I'm replying to.🤣

    Ch 23 Chapter 23: Coming of the King (Part 2) [NSFW]
    Sewer King - An SI in Gotham
    Anime & Comics · DaoOfGay
  • killua32829
    Replied to Verethragna74

    Nope I have, I forgot a few decent amount of it for smaller stuff & so when it mentions how Klein is seen with fog around him assumed it was similar for them as well. Never really read the actual comic/manga of it though, just the text version of it on here since I could read it quicker than having to scroll between separate images. Also good to you when calling me out on the comments & actually giving your thoughts on them which I made when I was already in a bad mood irl, I mean I would have possibly made similar comments that I have depending on if they would have bugged me as it had when how I was feeling like that irl, but not in the same way I mean it would have been somewhat better thought out & typed albeit not by much as putting my thoughts into texts properly plus grammar ain't my strong suit. If there's one thing worse be it in a bad mood or not, is when someone comments upon another person in a rude way or tells them off on their own thoughts, & then REFUSING to explain why they think as such by not elaborating & adding to the original comment.

    Ch 23 Chapter 23: The Lover of Justice
    Lord of Mysteries : The Undead Do Not Die from Kindling the Fire
    Book&Literature · Lives954
  • killua32829
    Replied to Verethragna74

    Was it? Thought their souls eroded which in turn makes them turn mad as well as lose their memory? My mind had associated it that way usually.

    Ch 17 Chapter 17: I Choose feixue, He Knows the Rules by Heart
    Lord of Mysteries : The Undead Do Not Die from Kindling the Fire
    Book&Literature · Lives954
  • killua32829
    Replied to Verethragna74

    Eh, was more so thinking when I had commented this, that since the LOTM verse people didn't understand him & the Mc didn't either then since Klein tends to speak the LOTM verse language from the region Klein is from due to the fog making it so he can understand the other members s& they him (if it was how that worked always forget the small stuff), it would have made more sense for Klein to hear what the Mc was saying but in the LOTM verse language Klein's region. Can't remember what the part this comment was about, think it was only the language making it seem to reveal to Klein right away that the Mc is transmigrated from his own world. & true about the Audrey thing, point taken though my mind associated that due to the Mirror she had which was related to the fog hence why Klein seems to be able to bring people into the Castle. The Mc who I forget at this point if he did have an item related to it, but due to being seemingly at the moment seems to be from our world & Dark Souls rather than LOTM verse, had me think the Mc would need to have an item or have a new makeshift Pathway or Pillar of his own (though not yet shown he doesn't) for some LOTM verse abilities to work on him except the overpowered ones.

    Ch 13 Chapter 13: How to Overcome the Language Barrier?
    Lord of Mysteries : The Undead Do Not Die from Kindling the Fire
    Book&Literature · Lives954
  • killua32829
    Replied to Verethragna74

    I was saying how I would find it odd though not directly in the first part how it would be odd if Klein can, be it no mu if that Mc is from the Dark Souls world & from ours, into LOTM or somehow from LOTM verse & then went to Dark Souls first before LOTM to Dark Souls, the Mc had some sort of protection from the Dark Souls verse like the a part of First Flame or the Dark Soul to prevent such things. It would in a way make sense if Klein's powers don't work on him or at least fully since he was from Dark Souls due to that possibility. The other part was supposed to be more a [Klein shouldn't seem to instantly assume it's possibly someone from his own world, cause who's to say that he would be since he now knows it's possible for the Dark Souls verse to exist.] He simply seemed so sure it had to be true which given how random yet not random his guesses are makes sense, but he didn't even seem to have entertained the other possibility. The second & third part was pretty much the last 2 on if Klein seems to remember that Dark Souls existed as a game in his world aka the past. But if he remembers that then he should likely not just due to it, have passed off that the Mc might legit be a person from Dark Souls into LOTM, after what Klein has experienced. & the last part was about how Klein despite such thoughts & luck, has indeed thought of many possibilities from bits of evidence & knowledge before while using those to try the best possible actions to take hence why I said it shouldn't be passed off by Klein to only seem to assume the Mc is from his own world. Better explained compared to the other comment when annoyed & dealing with irl things at the moment making me in a bad mood already when I was reading, probably not better explained by much though.

    Ch 12 Chapter 12: Klein’s Deadly Curiosity
    Lord of Mysteries : The Undead Do Not Die from Kindling the Fire
    Book&Literature · Lives954
  • killua32829

    ...How big we talking lol. Just by the way it sounds, it makes it seem like he's 12 inches in length & 14 inches of girthy width, while having large cantaloupe sized balls lol. That would if it's as exaggerated as how it sounds would be the length & width of about the average calf of a person's leg.

    Ch 23 Chapter 23: Coming of the King (Part 2) [NSFW]
    Sewer King - An SI in Gotham
    Anime & Comics · DaoOfGay
  • killua32829
    Replied to killua32829
    Men Kissing! Men Holding Hands! Perhaps even more! 
    Sewer King - An SI in Gotham
    Anime & Comics · DaoOfGay
  • killua32829
    Men Kissing! Men Holding Hands! Perhaps even more! 
    Sewer King - An SI in Gotham
    Anime & Comics · DaoOfGay
  • killua32829
    Replied to killua32829
    Ch 21 Chapter 21: Return of the King (Part 2)
    Sewer King - An SI in Gotham
    Anime & Comics · DaoOfGay
  • killua32829

    La GASP, ONLY AS JESTER!? LIES, FALSITY & DECEIT, ATLAS.... is only best kept & able to be his CONSORT, NOTHING LESS!

    Ch 12 Chapter 12: Humble Beginnings (Part 1)
    Sewer King - An SI in Gotham
    Anime & Comics · DaoOfGay
  • killua32829

    Had something I was gonna say but my mind blanked, so I guess I'll just say thx for the chapters.

    Ch 11 Chapter 11: Renovations and Investigations (Part 2)
    Sewer King - An SI in Gotham
    Anime & Comics · DaoOfGay
  • killua32829

    My my, Atlas how bold of you trying to pierce the body of Killer Croc without a first date.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10: Getting Away (Part 1)
    Sewer King - An SI in Gotham
    Anime & Comics · DaoOfGay