


Avid reader. Likes snacks.

2018-11-12 JoinedGlobal

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  • WellofShades
    Replied to Auspicious_69

    I've been struggling to remember for days, but it came back to me. Long Live Summons. Plants had life energy that was a bane to demons, but with ceasefire plants fell out of favor for beasts that were easier to raise

    Of course, there were also spirit qi professionals that chose the Jasmine Lily as a contract fey. However, the Jasmine Lily was a fey of the lowest grade, and it was extremely difficult to evolve.
    Fey Evolution Merchant
    Eastern · Amber Button
  • WellofShades
    Replied to WalkerBoh

    not quite. For food handling safety, temperature checks are done every two hours. if it passed the previous (first) temp check, but failed the most recent check (second), you need to take steps to bring it to safe holding temperatures by the next (third) temp check. if it fails two consecutive temp checks (ie second and third) it is considered unsafe to consume and must be tossed away. although not all food is that sensitive (ie beef), others are more likely to cause stomach problems (ie seafood and chicken)

    Will's in-flight meal ended up being a chicken salad and it was lukewarm from sitting out so long. A sandwich would have been better.
    Hazel in the Demon's Den
    Urban · Mcllorycat
  • WellofShades

    French and Indian War? Also know as the 7 Years War between Britain and France

    [It was a glimpse, but there were rumors that she was able to prevent a war that would have led to the death of millions…] Riley continued to say, [...but due to Megawoman, it ended in a peaceful treaty. More and more accounts surfaced after that– with Megawoman interfering and letting us humans settle our problems in diplomacy… in peace.]
    Villain Retirement
    Urban · Romeru
  • WellofShades

    about 9.46 trillion kilometers in a lightyear, for anyone curious

    "The only creature that could kill me is trillions of kilometers away," she then breathed out; her words, followed by a somber silence as they all just watched as Megawoman seemingly looked towards the stars.
    Villain Retirement
    Urban · Romeru
  • WellofShades

    I was expecting Schrodinger

    "Chonky, you'll be called 'Miraj' from now on."
    I Became The Pope, Now What?
    Fantasy · MisterImmortal
  • WellofShades

    Popular dont mean much. IMO they look over the top

    "Hmm we could try a size five. That will be easy enough to resize. Why don't you come look at some of our more popular styles? Halos are always a hit."
    Once Upon a Time in New York City
    Urban · Mcllorycat
  • WellofShades

    Rule of thumb, dont trust fate

    "Yes! I am not a stalker!" (Rose) immediately replied as if she was already expecting my question. "I don't know why we keep meeting up either but- I don't really mind it you know. I used to think it was fate rather than mere coincidence."
    Reborn as the Princess' Knight (GL)
    Fantasy · Zerin_Lee
  • WellofShades

    Although it's been a while, and ignoring the spider classification, this one is technically unsolvable/can have multiple solutions. If you remember matrix/linear combinations from Algebra 2, we lack one more equation to narrow things down. with L being legs, W wings. and the first letter representing each critter. We have (0W)S+(4W)D+(2W)C=20 and (8L)S+(6L)D+(6L)C=108. In terms of matrices, we lack one more distinct equation to be able to solve. As for linear combinations, I'm not in the mood to reduce it down

    Yue Yang nodded, and said with a brilliant smile, "Alright, I'll give you a problem related to spirit beasts. It's very simple . There are 18 insect-type spirit beasts in total, comprising of spiders, dragonflies, and cicadas. In total, they have 108 legs and 20 pairs of wings. How many spiders, dragonflies, and cicadas are there each?
    Long Live Summons! (Original)
    Eastern · Tushar_Vashishta
  • WellofShades

    I remember doing this in elementary. you just have to put some thought to largely reduce the options. since the sum results in the thousands place being A, A=1. so that means C has to be big enough to cause us to carry a 1 into the thousands when we add up the hundreds place of A+C, so the smallest it could be is 8 (if we get the extra bump into the thousands from a carried value from the tens), the largest is 9. At this point B has to be either 0 or 1 as the leftovers in the hundreds, and we know what it cant be, so B=0. to solve for D we just test for both possible values of C. the only option that works is A=1 B=0 C=9 D=8. 109+989=1098

    "The question is actually very simple . " Yue Yang revealed a slow smile . "I told the Demon General, A is a number, B, C and D are also numbers with different values . If ABC+CDC=ABCD, then what is ABCD?"
    Long Live Summons! (Original)
    Eastern · Tushar_Vashishta
  • WellofShades

    usually the expression is a cornered mouse will bite a cat

    A mouse will attack a lion if it knows that its life was about to end.
    Seduce The Villainess (GL)
    LGBT+ · HopelesslyRomantic
  • WellofShades

    correct. topically a disinfectant, but when drunk it is inflammatory for injuries

    This book has been deleted.
  • WellofShades

    Cult level dedication to the leader

    "The grave and wise Wumianzhe is the core and the basis of the judiciary system, so he must be infallible… Momo, you definitely mustn't reveal this matter! Absolutely never!!"
    Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich
    Fantasy · Angry Squirrel
  • WellofShades
    Replied to Jose_Fellhouse

    I forget the exact part, but I got a close alternative. Pick your preferred search engine. then type "Numbers 31: 17-18". if a woman is pregnant, she has "slept with a man"

    "Even if we couldn't accurately predict the changes of Earth's terrain one thousand years ago, the ancient civilization had the ability to transmigrate through the universe. It wouldn't have been difficult for them to predict the changes of the planet's surface. 
    Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!
    Sci-fi · The Enlightened Master Crouching Cow
  • WellofShades

    Or you know...lost forever

    "That, I can do. I simply have to remove the crystal from the world vein," said Ven'thur. "The loss of a mana supply should destroy the portal, and with the link broken, you will be shunted back to this plane of existence."
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • WellofShades

    humans may not love war, but human nature causes conflict

    The largest group was naturally composed of normal people. Humans were never a race that loved war. 
    Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!
    Sci-fi · The Enlightened Master Crouching Cow
  • WellofShades

    this dude.....

    "The other possibility is that the transmigration propulsion device itself could project a unique energy wave that attracted the ancestors who ate raw flesh and drank blood. The ancient civilization gave them wisdom and taught them how to build a civilization. They then allowed them to build the symbol of a civilization above the transmigration propulsion device. Hence, these cities were formed."
    Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!
    Sci-fi · The Enlightened Master Crouching Cow
  • WellofShades

    the hypothesis was biased to begin with, and he is making conclusions that are even more biased since the fit his views, and refuses to accept anything that might contradict. kinda like religious people. "god doesnt want us to kill babies" while ignoring the part of their holy text where such god instructs his people to rip open the bellies of the pregnant women when they raid a city

    "Even if we couldn't accurately predict the changes of Earth's terrain one thousand years ago, the ancient civilization had the ability to transmigrate through the universe. It wouldn't have been difficult for them to predict the changes of the planet's surface. 
    Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!
    Sci-fi · The Enlightened Master Crouching Cow
  • WellofShades

    very biased. "xxx happened, we dont know how or why, so there must be someone who caused it". kinda the same argument river civilizations had for their gods

    Wu Haibo shrugged and said, "It might sound a little unbelievable, but Dragon City has indeed transmigrated. Perhaps in the eyes of a civilization that can travel through the universe, the boundaries of mass and energy aren't that clear. They can turn the city into pure energy, then use the fluctuations in high dimensional space to transport the city into another location in a 3D space before turning the city into substance again. Who said that the ancient civilization couldn't create this sort of miracle?
    Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!
    Sci-fi · The Enlightened Master Crouching Cow
  • WellofShades

    that never bodes well. what was their Great Filter? And why hasn't it wiped the humans out yet?

    But due to unknown reasons, it was destroyed, and only ruins that recorded its glorious past remained. Earthlings had inherited them when they transmigrated to this place.
    Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!
    Sci-fi · The Enlightened Master Crouching Cow
  • WellofShades

    The Devil. 15th card of the Major Arcana. Addiction and enslavement. The Devil plays on desires

    [You have slain one of <The Devil>'s Experiments]
    Demon's Virtue
    Fantasy · DiceVR