


I'm yust a memer.

2018-10-16 JoinedDenmark

of reading


Read books




  • that1dude

    This is the third time you have substituted 'mind' for 'might' in the saying 'might as well'. The saying "mind as well" doesn't make any sense.

    The academy huh? Over the past 5 years I've gotten a basic handle on my reiatsu. I just now confirmed against Toshiro that I'm not lacking in my Shunpo. I have built up a pretty good foundational knowledge of Kido over the years with help from Rukia and Captain Ukitake. The Hakuda fighting style here is very similar to my assassination hand to hand combat style I learnt from grandpa. Main difference is the incorporation of reiatsu and Shunpo in certain movements. This I have a pretty good handle on. Zanjutsu is about the same as well. My weapons training with grandpa was more than sufficient to help me sharpen up my skills in swordplay here. And I've finished reading all the books in the 13th division. The division owned about 1600 total personal books in its private collection. I spent nearly 2 hours every night reading for 5 years. Thanks to my training as an assassin I can average reading about 500 words a minute and retain most of the information I read. In essence if I really really tried I could probably read about 3000 total books in 5 years that average 100,000 words a book if I dedicate 2 hours every day to reading. I could read even more if I dedicate more time to pure reading. Thanks to those books I basically have an understanding of the workings of Soul Society and some of its history. It also helped me expand my foundational knowledge in all my other combat forms as well so I suppose attending the academy wouldn't be a problem. I suppose I could wait another 5 years, but I mind as well get it out of the way. Graduate. And join the Gotei 13. I'd officially get paid then as well.
    Into the World of Bleach
    Theater · natlin1999