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  • gotum39
    Replied to Raistlins_Ghost1

    In the book, Sirius makes it clear that Snape took any opportunity to cause James harm too. Second, it was not just him defending himself because he was attacked, no even Lily calls Snape out for not leaving them alone. The book does Imply that he had a prejudiced view even before joining Hogwarts and yes that includes Petunia. (The point being the DE weren't that much of an effect on his views.) and before you start to think it he was only a little racist, nope he was pretty racist. apparently, he called everyone who was muggleborn a mudblood. We know this because again Lily calls him out on it.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Movies · IIIShameIII
  • gotum39
    Replied to Raistlins_Ghost1

    The Books make it clear that Snape was just as bad as James if not worse OK, first James' only fault was that he was a bully and arrogant. Now Snape was not only racist and a supporter of Voldemort but he was also open about it and made it clear he planed to join from very early on, and none of it had to do with the bullying. Snape was racist long before he went to Hogwarts, so blaming the other soon-to-be DE dosn't work. Now the books never actually tell us or shows us but the book does hint at Snape bully other with his frineds. However, we do know for sure that Snape did bully James as well. so it was a back and forth type of thing.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Movies · IIIShameIII
  • gotum39
    Replied to Xion_77

    Ok, First apologies I didn't properly reply to your comment sorry I got some parts mixed up with another reply. (I don't want to be a jerk but almost everything you said was wrong). That wasn't meant for you. Yes, Snape did not join the DE until much later But in the book he was very Open and very supported of the cause from very early on as well as making it clear he planned to join.(He was racist even before going to Hogwarts) As for when he burns his bridges with Lilly it is not as simple. People think it just came out but it didn't. In the book, he used that word many times (Mudblood) and she calls him out on it many times. Plus the fact that he was going to join the DE and his behavior being just as bad if not worse than James which she really dislikes at the moment,(basically they both bullied each other. Like he did stuff to James just as bad) The Books hint that he himself also bullied others with his friends too, but the Books never actually shows us or tell us. There is even a scene in which Lily tells him that she is done making excuses for him, Why because as I have been saying he was just as bad. As for why I think Snape start the Feud that is more debatable but in simple terms. The first thing Snape tells James is an insult toward him. I know some would say that it's nothing how could that start a feud, but that's how most problems actually start with a small thing. Sorry for the rudeness from my previous reply.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Movies · IIIShameIII
  • gotum39
    Replied to Tripeace

    bro how about you give the sauce to your avatar image

    (Is being rewritten in another novel.)
    Anime & Comics · SyberisLevoca
  • gotum39
    Replied to Raistlins_Ghost1

    Because Snape was also a bully at this time. Also, the book makes it clear Snape did just as much bad a thing towards Jame maybe even worse because Snape would use Dark Arts. Snape was openly racist and he was racist even before he joined Slytherin. He was also very open about becoming a death eater. There are quite a few reasons just look them up and you will find many

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Movies · IIIShameIII
  • gotum39
    Replied to Shin_Chan_5334

    Like one of the dudes said on the tread please go look it up before posting

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Movies · IIIShameIII
  • gotum39
    Replied to reflex_seam

    Before you comment why don't you take a little of your own advice.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Movies · IIIShameIII
  • gotum39
    Replied to Raistlins_Ghost1

    Than you need to read up what i said was canon

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Movies · IIIShameIII
  • gotum39

    I mean yea the Marauders were terrible at this point, but so was Snape he was just as bad as James, and Snape was the one who started the feud between them to begenn with.

    This chapter has been deleted.
    Movies · IIIShameIII
  • gotum39
    Replied to SkunkSystem

    Nah I should be apologizing after going back and rereading I can see why you would come to that conclusion.

    After taking a few breaths, he said, "Akabane's talent is indeed legitimate. At such a young age, his chakra is slightly lower than mine."
    Creating The Manga Of Naruto On Naruto World Become My Ultimate Goal!
    Anime & Comics · Levaa
  • gotum39
    Replied to SkunkSystem

    Look dude next time please read the comment thread carefully. We were discussing whether excessive yin chakra causes the body to get weaker which it doesn't appear to be mentioned in canon. I know I heard something similar, but I don't remember whether that was from fanfiction or canon. It seems you didn't understand what we were discussing.

    After taking a few breaths, he said, "Akabane's talent is indeed legitimate. At such a young age, his chakra is slightly lower than mine."
    Creating The Manga Of Naruto On Naruto World Become My Ultimate Goal!
    Anime & Comics · Levaa
  • gotum39
    Replied to FluffiaBeard

    I couldn't read your response, it was deleted.

    Harry turned to her and said, "He probably has his reasons and if we tried, we might be able to guess them. But does it really matter?"
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • gotum39
    Replied to DragonGodAsurA

    It's just been 2 chapters, and the author has made it clear he is in his character from, For Honor. what would be the point in making that clear if he wasn't going to have that character skills. Many people understood this fact so it's not that big of a deal should the author maybe word things better sure but I think he got the message across.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Game Of Thrones: A Knight's tale.18+
    TV · Kagetanehiruko
  • gotum39


    This book has been deleted.
  • gotum39
    Replied to

    I Apologize I shouldn't be this rude, but that is the most idiotic thing I have ever heard. Please go back and reread what you just wrote. Snape is supposed to be a spy meaning he needs to integrate himself into Dumbledore Circle. How does Snape being distrusted/hated by those of Dumbledore circle help him as a spy? Even Lucius Malfoy would not advise acting the way Snape did. He tells Draco in Book 2 that it is not wise to appear less than fond of Harry Potter. He is supposed to be a spy he needs to get along with the people he is spying on he needs to gain their trust Becasue HE IS A SPY.

    Harry turned to her and said, "He probably has his reasons and if we tried, we might be able to guess them. But does it really matter?"
    Harry Potter The Mutant Obscurus Gamer
    Book&Literature · GnomeBob
  • gotum39

    Sansa for sure it fits.

    This book has been deleted.
  • gotum39
    Replied to jojojajahelp

    yea I mentioned that when it comes to Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Kido I could understand, but the sentence clearly said "I don't understand what any of this means"

    "I don't understand what any of this means." He said with a blank expression.
    Bleach! The world of Fang and blade!
    Anime & Comics · Lavalord115
  • gotum39

    Pretty great so far, I was originally worried about the talking system, but I think you handled that well.

    Ch 10 Chapter 10: Heated exchange between rivals!
    Bleach! The world of Fang and blade!
    Anime & Comics · Lavalord115
  • gotum39
    Replied to jojojajahelp

    That's not a very compelling argument. considering he was in a restroom and not in a life or death situation. sure a little stressful considering where he is at but unless he completely lost his memory there is no way he wouldn't recognize what was before him. Confused wondering how such a thing is possible sure, but to say he doesn't understand what is clearly something out of a video game? The way I see it the MC understood what was in front of him, kind of like how when your start a new RPG game. he understands the basic mechanics of the game but not the more in-depth details and how do they apply to this world. I don't fault people for calling it out because the way the author fraised his sentence makes the MC who works in the video game industry look like an idiot.

    "I don't understand what any of this means." He said with a blank expression.
    Bleach! The world of Fang and blade!
    Anime & Comics · Lavalord115
  • gotum39
    Replied to Lavalord115

    Sure if he was asking about Zanjutsu, Hakuda, or Kido but you wrote that he understood none of it which makes no sense considering the man's background which you introduced. But think I get what you're trying to say. But I also don't fault others for finding that confusing.

    "I don't understand what any of this means." He said with a blank expression.
    Bleach! The world of Fang and blade!
    Anime & Comics · Lavalord115