


In love with reading new stories. trying new genres...😊

2018-09-28 JoinedIndia

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  • miniac23

    once a preacher, always a preacher!! Peter please talk less at the face of death😂

    "I was lost in my thoughts and you're not supposed to say hell in church! Just save me," Peter whined as he felt the tip of the dagger at his throat. 
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23


    "Engaged for less than an hour and think we are family. Nothing needs to be fixed. No matter how many times you approach me, I won't consider anything you have to say in regard to Kate. Mind your soon-to-be wife and I will mind mine," Edgar replied. He never had an issue with Simon but his constantly mentioning Kate was moving him from a two to a seven.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23
    Replied to j_kurkkari


    "Kate, stop looking around for him. You are starting to look desperate. Let Simon search for you. In the meantime, if there is anyone who wants to dance with you, do not turn them away. A little jealousy might push Simon to make things serious," said Katrina. Just like Kate, she wanted the night to end with good news.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23
    She could not believe someone could have such audacity. To force her away from her granddaughter but still want money when Alessandra was not even getting the gifts or money she sent. If only she could dig up his grave and give him a couple of slaps he might feel wherever his soul is. 
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23

    Old habits die hard...Right kate?

    "Is this how you plan to hurt Edgar? When will you take her mother? Would I be able to see her before she is taken to William? I must repay her for how she embarrassed me today. If William does not mind, I would love to release my frustration on her. Perhaps by destroying the other side of her face. He might be more intrigued if she covered her face completely," Kate said whilst imagining the torture she could put Alessandra through.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23

    Peter, Peter, Peter....!!😂

    "I knew I was going to die today," Peter cried as the two men grabbed him.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23

    aha!!! our killer.

    Kate was nothing but perfection. Each time he commanded her, Kate would force a smile and do as he wanted because she sought after his affection. She was not like the other girls who couldn't keep up their innocent facade. Kate was so perfect that he had to change the game.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23

    Doesn't kate tick all the boxes too. SIMON is the killer (the feeling is getting strong )

    "Friends say they were mean-spirited, a heartless bitch, two-faced, good at playing nice," Edgar listed the names young girls were happy to give him. "I checked the relationship between the girls and most of them did not know each other so it wasn't like they had come together to gang up on someone and now this person was getting revenge. The only clue we have is that this person loves anyone good at pretending to be something they are not."
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23

    Why am I feeling that the SIMON is the killer?

    Edgar had been using old cases to help him see what this person's train of thought was. The theory that the killer wanted these young girls to act as someone wasn't far-fetched. "We still don't know what this person is looking for besides the young girls being able to play a role. No one else from the theater went missing after those four. Girls with no desire to act were starting to disappear."
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23

    Now all I have is REGRET!!

    "It is not. You used to visit at least once a week and send me a letter three times a week to keep me updated on the case. Now, look at you. You suddenly took a trip out of town and punched a relative. Don't look at me like that. I didn't have someone stalk you. Again," Tobias added since he had someone keep an eye on Edgar before.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23
    "Of course, nothing gets by you, Alfred. I've given Alessandra my heart and she has given- Hey!" Edgar exclaimed. He quickly released Alessandra's hand and rushed to hold Alfred before his body could hit the ground. "This is what I mean when I say you are too dramatic, Alfred."
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23

    really .......

    "No offense Edgar, but with a mother like Alessandra, your children are not bound to be little devils like you were. I will make sure of it," Alfred said as he would free the world of having to deal with many more Edgars. "Wait! Little versions as in more than one? Do you wish for more than an heir now?" 
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23
    "Is this the Edgar that I raised?" Alfred asked.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23
    Alessandra blinked repeatedly, trying to process the fact that Alfred had fainted. "Is he alright?" She asked and walked up to where Edgar had luckily caught Alfred. "Edgar, is it honestly this bad that we are giving our hearts to each other?"
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23

    Alfred you are tooo cute!!

    "Of course, nothing gets by you, Alfred. I've given Alessandra my heart and she has given- Hey!" Edgar exclaimed. He quickly released Alessandra's hand and rushed to hold Alfred before his body could hit the ground. "This is what I mean when I say you are too dramatic, Alfred."
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23

    something is fishing here!!!

    "The Baron was a good man and he raised a fine young lady. I hope this doesn't sound bad but I believe it is fate that I accidentally spilled my drink on you. I am quite curious about you, Kate. I have not stopped thinking about you all night. Is there anyone who has captured your eye? Are you soon to be engaged to anyone?" Simon asked as he wanted to court her. 
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23

    She is thinking about leaving when edgar clearly made the contract for forever!!😂

    Alessandra slowly turned around for Edgar to place the necklace around her neck. She was surprised he was going to talk with her about finding a way for her to have her own money rather than convincing her to only spend his money. The future is completely unpredictable and if their contract had to suddenly come to an end, she needed her own money to leave with.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23

    Such a tease you are Edgar 🫠🤤

    "This is the first time I am excited to retire to bed," Edgar tilted his head back so he could look at the bathroom ceiling. Normally, it was only him after he had dinner, but now there was someone to share his bed with when night came upon Lockwood.  "I can hardly wait to make her heart wish to escape her body."
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23

    And Action!!

    "The man I have been married to for seventeen years has just been killed and I am pushing myself not to break down because I have a daughter to remain strong for and a house to deal with on my own. Don't you think I wish to cry too?" Tears started to run from Katrina's eyes.
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167
  • miniac23

    Now will katrina use William or William use katrina???

    "No, I do not regret it. I am angry with myself for not letting you kill him the first time you offered it. He did not deserve to live another second. I am not surprised he would just stand there and let me be treated that way. He has let his wife and daughter do worse. I should have killed him myself right after you proposed to me."
    The Duke's Masked Wife
    History · Violet_167