



2018-09-23 JoinedIndia

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  • knockturnalley
    Replied to vahidavahi

    can u please tell me how to open the website? I'm unable to find the book

    No One Will Inherit My Wealth
    General · Zhan Jiuxiao
  • knockturnalley

    Yo seems like i was right about this snake

    Xia Mengrui perceived him as a colossal hypocrite. "Don't pretend to be innocent. You know very well what you've done in the past. Even better than me."
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley
    Replied to christin_friedrich

    Yeah the author will throw that in in the future

    "He says it's not cheating if you were intoxicated. Remember, you even mentioned that your drink was mishandled. It wasn't really your fault."
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley

    Wow the previous chapter seem to have vanished into thin air

    Xia Lihua had encountered numerous men whom she considered outstanding. None of them had ever made her heart skip a beat quite like Yang Lingyun did. As she sat there, her heart seemed to quicken its pace.
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley

    He probably is the person she's supposed to sleep with when she was drugged back then but mistakenly slept with the ml

    Ding Feng stood by, observing Xia Lihua as she gracefully entered the company premises through the glass doors, her captivating figure swaying with each step. "This time, I won't let you slip away, Lili."
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley

    Dude is suspicious af

    "I heard you are the lady boss there."
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley

    Bruh this dude probably has hots for the fl and is deliberately driving fl and ml apart

    "Nah you don't have to look so sullen. You know he is kind of a jerk." Ding Feng laughed, attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere. "Let's focus on catching up instead! I almost forgot that you're a celebrity now."
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley

    So she could meet the ml?

    "The washroom on the executive floor is under maintenance. A plumber came by today, but it won't be fixed until tomorrow. You can use the one on the ground floor instead."
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley

    Bro tf u on rn? what happened to the feeling sharp pain in ur chest when she was wronged or when u dated that stupid cousin of hers? Author please stop forgetting the character setting and make them act out weirdly like atleast make a smooth transition instead of jumping here and there

    Lingyun's heart sank as he completely misunderstood the meaning behind Lihua's supposedly cheery yet sorrowful words. It was as if a sharp nail had been driven into his chest, piercing his heart.
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley

    Did she really have all those businesses abroad or are they treating foreign businessmen/women to be brainless people coz the fl seems to be dumb and too soft to be called an ice queen of the business since doing business needs quick wit and shrewdness which she seems to lack in one scene and possess it in another

    She nervously scratched her nose and said, "My bra got wet too. I forgot to tell my secretary to get me new one. Let's get out of here, I don't want to stay here anymore."
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley

    This fl seems to be passive all this time like....is there an auspicious hour to start the face slapping coz this seems to be dragging at this point and story seems to not move forward

    In the washroom, Lihua took a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror. She was tired of dealing with Mengrui's drama and manipulations. Lihua knew she couldn't let her guard down, especially now that Mengrui seemed to be targeting her more than ever. She reminded herself that she had to stay strong and focused on the recording the upcoming idol show.
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley

    Does she need to explain herself?

    "I'm indeed an artist under Hua De World. I'm also the owner of Huā de shìjiè Entertainment. I wanted to keep a low profile and all my business matters are handled by my representative COO, Liang Sichen, but you exceptionally asked for my presence. I hope you have a good reason for it." Lihua's voice temperament was very impressive. She looked drop-dead gorgeous in her professional attire and the sharp glint in her eyes enhanced her beauty.
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley

    Bruh why can't she be decisive? instead if being like a doormat infront of him

    She released an exasperated sigh and reluctantly gave him her address. He dropped her off at her apartment and drove away.
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley

    But he soon gonna beg for a second chance

    "Get out!" Lingyun snarled losing his cool. He had shown enough patience already which was pretty confounding. There was no use of begging for another chance cause he doesn't believe in second chances.
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley

    He most likely gonna fall for her after he sees her with no makeup

    Xia Lihua was amused to see the two bickering which was a regular sight for her and burst out laughing. "It's fine Liang Sichen, let her be."
    Darling CEO I'll marry you: His wife is a nightingale
    Urban · Dixerqua
  • knockturnalley

    At this point the fl is heavily relying on the plot armor coz if it had listening device, wouldn't the current conversation be recorded? and her wherebouts exposed? what kind of plot hole is this that's covered by such ridiculous plot armor

    "Like virus software, listening devices..."
    Please Take Care of Me, Young Master Quan
    Urban · Yu Ren
  • knockturnalley
    Replied to DaoistFsH6Sm

    Ig she's trying to find a sense of satisfaction when she defeats her.... if that girl is too dumb, the sense of satisfaction fl would feel will be small

    "People have their limits in tolerance, and trust is even more delicate. As one wave of turmoil settles, another emerges, and whenever you're in the mix, it's simple for doubts to creep in, right? That's precisely why I mentioned that your fate is sealed—to end up on the losing side."
    Please Take Care of Me, Young Master Quan
    Urban · Yu Ren
  • knockturnalley

    Wait....why is she, a sister, jealous of such gaze? surely she couldn't be wanting such gaze from her brother right?!

    Shen Yan bit her lip; she was all too familiar with her older brother's gaze, the kind of look a man gives a woman.
    Please Take Care of Me, Young Master Quan
    Urban · Yu Ren
  • knockturnalley
    Replied to Daoist9OiNHm

    Yeah i completed the raw....they changed the storyline for the eldest brother

    After sending the message, Yu Su blocked and deleted all of Ye Chang's contact details, burying all of his glorious image in her heart.
    Reincarnated! My Parents and Brothers Beg for My Forgiveness
    Urban · Mountain Springs
  • knockturnalley
    Replied to mamacat

    Yeah and while she oh so innocently and accidentally seduced her brother-in-law into sleeping with her and thus ruining the marriage of her sister....but who made her be so charming and irresistibly beautiful? it isn't her fault for being a mistress ah~

    However, shouldn't a dream be satisfying? Why did she have to suffer in silence even in her dream and be controlled by Xiao Baoxin for the rest of her life such that she could ride on her neck and do whatever she wanted?
    My Ferocious Tigress Wife
    General · Song Yu