


100 bookworm

2018-08-24 JoinedEstonia

of reading


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  • Adven

    Uhh, so he kills a bunch of fireproof, regenerating, lava-people using explosions? I don't think that's going to work too well...

    Ch 22 Chapter 22: A.I.M. Meets A Fiery End
    An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • Adven

    how do you get from "call the ambulance to "DON'T call the police" ?!?

    "Don't call the police…" these were Chen's last words before he closed his eyes.
    Playing Firebending (Legend of Korra SI)
    TV · blazuki
  • Adven

    why doesn't he use firebending to blowtorch cut out the chain from the wall? and then store it

    Trying one thing, he though of trying to use the storage. The only thing he needed was to touch the thing with his hand. the shackles were around his finger and pinning him to the wall. Just as he tried it, he heard the notification. [Can't store the whole base]. it seemed that he can't store something linked to something else. They would be counted as one. For an example, he can't simply store a sword's blade without the grip.
    Playing Firebending (Legend of Korra SI)
    TV · blazuki
  • Adven

    The tenses in this chapter are weird. Some of the time it's present tense, some of the time it's past tense. Choose one and stick to it! Good chapter otherwise

    Ch 114 New York-1
    Mason Aves: The Wizard(Kinda Complete.. again)
    Movies · HelloDarkness07
  • Adven

    Versatile? It has 2 canonical uses. Removing someone's ability to bend the elements. And restoring someone's ability to bend the elements. How in any possible way is that more versatile than water- or earthbending?

    A bending style that granted you the ability to manipulate someone's life energy, as shown through Aang taking away Fire Lord Ozai's bending, thereby winning the fight without taking his life. Then Korra would later use it to restore Lin Beifong's earth bending. It was the most versatile, powerful and unknown bending style out there. 
    Aden Strong: Avatar In DC
    TV · Saintbarbido
  • Adven

    " Yo Aang, the next time you don't step the f-k up, I'm gonna destroy Ba Sing Se" This is what your 'Avatar State' is reduced to. Pathetic

    That was not all, the link between us was making it hard to understand where I started and where he ended. All that meant was that if I kept on using The Avatar State without caution…next time I wouldn't take back control.
    Aden Strong: Avatar In DC
    TV · Saintbarbido
  • Adven

    oh wow! this fiction about Aden actually has a tiny bit of Aden in this chapter! What an unprecedented change!

    I ran my fingers down the grooves of his face. My face. The Space I had found myself in was a representation of The Avatar State's plane of consciousness or maybe it was my own…I had no idea. It was the southern air temper. Specifically the chamber housing the statues of all the Avatars. The difference from canon was two fold. One, my statue was not a statue but a real body and two, it was the only one in the whole room. 
    Aden Strong: Avatar In DC
    TV · Saintbarbido
  • Adven
    Replied to FanHarem

    I feel like it would be better if you went a bit vague, like "I have excellent chackra control" or something along those lines instead of concrete numbers

    She looked at the oldest in the group and Mikoto nodded, "Greetings, Tsunade-sensei. I'm Mikoto Uchiha. I have yet to unlock my Sharingan but I am versed in my clan's taijutsu, kenjutsu, shurikenjutsu, and ninjutsu. The last year, the clan heavily focused on my chakra control and I am confident that I can reduce the wastage of chakra by 30℅.
    Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse
    Anime & Comics · FanHarem
  • Adven

    This is really weird. They shouldn't use statistics like that. It's like going up to a random guy IRL and saying "My STR is 11" . It doesn't work in a sentence like that.

    She looked at the oldest in the group and Mikoto nodded, "Greetings, Tsunade-sensei. I'm Mikoto Uchiha. I have yet to unlock my Sharingan but I am versed in my clan's taijutsu, kenjutsu, shurikenjutsu, and ninjutsu. The last year, the clan heavily focused on my chakra control and I am confident that I can reduce the wastage of chakra by 30℅.
    Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse
    Anime & Comics · FanHarem
  • Adven

    You keep mixing up 'would' and 'will'. Would is conditional. Ex: I WOULD go home, IF I didn't have work. Will is for definite actions. Ex: I WILL continue reading.

    Suzaku-Sensei was eyeing the three of us for a bit before he gave the verdict, "Alright, from tomorrow onwards, we would meet at training ground 7 at 5:00 AM, your team is on probation for the next 6 months and then I would decide if you are fit to be a 3 man cell or not, dismissed!" Suzaku-Sensei spoke and then vanished from his spot.
    Naruto: The curse of Hatred
    Anime & Comics · Enri007
  • Adven

    Stubbornness is earth bending. Air bending is going with the flow

    Difficult as it was, I doubled down on my stubbornness and after some time, I calmed down. The whistling sound of the air went from being annoying to comforting. The difficulty in breathing lessened, my chest exhaling and inhaling once every minute.
    Aden Strong: Avatar In DC
    TV · Saintbarbido
  • Adven

    Literally any sayan in konoha is konoha's strongest sayan. That's like saying the Amazon's smartest Polar Bear. Any Polar Bear in the Amazon rainforest is automatically the smartest Polar Bear in the Amazon rainforest. No clue how good the story is, just the name made me angry

    This book has been deleted.
  • Adven

    Finally! This one guy only took 3 chapters to beat. I hope all of your fights aren't going to be this long, otherwise the dungeon will be over by chapter 120

    Ch 51 Chapter 51 - Battles in the 2nd Dungeon 04
    The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima.
    Anime & Comics · MonkWithAPen
  • Adven
    Replied to watzJ

    Dungeon? You mean this fight?

    Ch 50 Chapter 50 - Battles in the 2nd Dungeon 03
    The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima.
    Anime & Comics · MonkWithAPen
  • Adven

    mokeskin pouches are actually made from the skin of a Moke. A type of magical lizard that can change its size at will.

    Runes could be used to create pocket dimensions, as seen in the case of Mokeskin pouches, they could be used to enchant teleportation devices, like the vanishing cabinet Nathan had studied over the months, he could not yet ascertain the design structure behind the runic enchantments behind it, but he'd attempted it anyway. Runes opened a universe all on their own, where the laws of the universe could potentially meet a point synonymous to the conundrum of an infinite force applied on an unmovable object.
    Magical Odyssey in Marvel
    Book&Literature · OrangePanther
  • Adven

    I hope he's not " 6'5" tall for his age "

    With a lot of flair and dramatic sounds, Mr. Nathan tumbled down the stairs, stumbling while trying to steady his footing, using the frame of the door. Looking at him, she remarked that the boy was a rather healthy young lad, dark-haired, bright blue-eyed, and tall for his age. His face was slowly losing the baby fat and she could see the strong and sharp bone structure, slowly making its presence known, that will stand out in some years.
    Magical Odyssey in Marvel
    Book&Literature · OrangePanther
  • Adven

    So. Destruction is supposed to be his best magic, right? So why the heck is he making "Big magic sword" as a go-to?

    Ch 24 Holy Dragon Wings, Batman!
    Reincarnated into Elder Scrolls Universe: Daedric Prince of Undeath
    Video Games · ChaosSlimeGod
  • Adven

    So did this happen or didn't it? Do you know what Omake means?

    Ch 216 Interlude - Pietro's Last Run.
    In This Corner Of The Multiverse
    Anime & Comics · GoldFinger
  • Adven

    Erishem is alive

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Silverfire - A MCU Fan-Fiction
    Movies · GodOfFreedom
  • Adven

    "I am not a greedy person" He says as he's collecting every power up and magic stone bauble in the MCU

    Fortunately, I already had everything I could wish for and was not a greedy person by nature. My love for Wanda and Silver grounded me in a way that such tempting thoughts were nothing but small clouds in the distant sky – hardly relevant.
    Silverfire - A MCU Fan-Fiction
    Movies · GodOfFreedom