


I started reading to improve my spelling and grammar, then it eventually became my hobby and pastime... and now im addicted to it, im losing so much sleep for reading too much.. 😌😭 god help me 😫

2018-08-20 JoinedAscension Island

of reading


Read books




  • SpicyHeart

    so how did u use a gun when ur 6??

    In their entire 7 years of life, before this day, they had always been cooped up at home. On the really rare occasions that they were allowed out, it was always with a whole team of bodyguards. You can't really do or see much when they had to be encircled by those darn bodyguards wherever they went.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    hmm they both have an adult mind though... don't they feel awkward ?

    There were many occasions that they still slept together on one bed, as Kay would feel much more relaxed and happy to be hugging her brother like a bolster as she slept. Kyle, too, felt more at peace to be able to have her near him.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    you're the one who's paranoid though 😏😼

    Still, despite it all, he found that he couldn't really hate or dislike his mother for her fears. That was just how she is, and he figured that it's far better to have a loving (yet paranoid) mother than one who didn't care and ignored them.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart
    Replied to Iridescent_Bubble

    totally agree his acting like an obsessed lover..even getting protective with their parents.. shess

    Furthermore, they were twins. The bond is undeniable and cannot be broken, nor tainted by something as stupid as desire or lust. For their own mother to suspect something other than sibling love REALLY did rub him the wrong way. Yes, he admitted that he was rather miffed and slightly offended.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    what the... 🙃🙃 🐦that's your freaking parents 😱😱and reason behind her accidentally loosing control is so unreasonable 😏

    Kyle realised his mistake the moment Kay started acting cutely to their father. He stole a glance at his mother, and sighed. He saw how she was looking at the both of them and he regretted his lapse in judgment. Again. Although his head told him to be more reserved, his heart and emotions couldn't be stifled.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    i think his being irrational though ... so narrow minded despite being so smart, getting irritated for such a small thing when she's already been a parent her self 😏

    It was bad enough that their father noticed his frown. It would be worse if they could sense the cold aura later. She worried for him. While it was true that Kyle was VERY protective over her, it wasn't to the extent of being irrational to his own parents. It was just that his consideration of her own feelings tended to be misunderstood. He felt strongly for her, that's all.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    so where did they get the gun??how can they play ninja without being notice ?

    Kay put one hand on her waist and pointed a finger at him, retorting, "More normal than another 6-year-old who can shoot a gun AND know ninjutsu just from the Internet! IN A YEAR!"
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart
    Replied to Akrilla

    is it?? they have adults mind they should know that whatever the other kids doing its all innocent. though 😏

    Kay, did, however, have one thing that she did not like and that was when girls would surround Kyle trying to get his attention. They would even try to be friendly with her, just to get closer to Kyle. During those times, Kay would seem to stick like glue to Kyle. She would act all clingy and drag Kyle away when any girl tried to talk to him and would be pouting silently by his side if he paid any attention to anyone else but her.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    shesss aren't they too young for this??

    Kay, did, however, have one thing that she did not like and that was when girls would surround Kyle trying to get his attention. They would even try to be friendly with her, just to get closer to Kyle. During those times, Kay would seem to stick like glue to Kyle. She would act all clingy and drag Kyle away when any girl tried to talk to him and would be pouting silently by his side if he paid any attention to anyone else but her.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    sounds like they were in love lol 😆

    Kay wasn't any better either. Although she didn't act as aggressively like Kyle did, the fact that she would never leave his side made it slightly difficult for others to approach him. He would be indulging her, and making sure she was well taken care off, and would not truly be listening to other people as they talked to him. Though he wasn't rude, and his replies were proper, it was quite apparent that he wasn't giving them his attention 100%.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart


    Kay then squished his cheeks hard, making his lips pucker up and then proceeded to pinch them hard. Seeing the slight twitch that Kyle gave made her let go quickly, regretting giving him the slight pain. Not that it was really painful, but she still regretted it. She then kissed both his cheeks then looked at him with a small pout, asking for forgiveness.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    nicee.. time skip.. i was about to get bored reading her toddler adventure 😁

    Six Years Later
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    whattt 😱😱 where did the aura come from?? shesss 😏

    Kyle snorted, replying, "No one would attribute it to me" but he still calmed down and retracted his aura.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    you think too much 😆

    Fine, he could be biased but he didn't think so. Kyle could imagine how she'd be like when she grew older. He thought of all the boys that would be chasing after her, and how none of them would be worthy. Kay is too pure and good for any horny boy.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    isn't that too much?? 🙃

    A sense of fierce protectiveness suddenly came over Kyle, and he knew, without a doubt, that he would die rather than have her ever feel any sense of pain. He was first shaken at this strong feeling and was surprised. He had thought that the feelings of a mother over her child was strong, but this feeling that he had for his sister went beyond that.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    shesss aren't they shy for doing this.. they have adult mind for 😂😂😱

    Shaking out of their stupor, the nurses then took the babies. This caused their held hands to be separated, and they started wailing again. This time, even louder than ever before. The nurses brought the babies together, and once they touched, they were quiet again.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart


    The woman nodded, agreeing reluctantly, her eyes showing displeasure nonetheless. The man then went closer to kiss his wife on the forehead, when at that moment, the twins bumped into each other. Each already had a hand out and their hands quickly grabbed the other, holding on tightly and they went quiet.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    infant baby that can formulate thoughts?? if she can communicate with it then is that infant reincarnated too??

    Kylie also began teaching her twin some basic school syllabus. Although her twin couldn't "see" her memories like Kylie could, it was enough for Kylie to simply tell her the basics. Her twin never questioned her, and simply learned it. Kylie did, however, told her twin that she was an old soul. Kylie regarded her twin as being the other half of her soul, and there should not be any major secrets between them.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart

    You'll probably cry, when u remember the good thing she did for you... whether u love her or not... Even just watching a movie sometimes makes you cry.. what more when ur mother died.

    Her own mother never truly understood her, and thus, Kylie always felt something was missing. She didn't hate her mother and she DID love her mother ... but she honestly could not say whether such love was the love borne for a mother. If her mother had died before she did, would she shed any tears? Kylie could not say.
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose
  • SpicyHeart
    Replied to Michicotan

    well maybe his asking that question since the beginning of the torture 😁

    Dark, black dress shoes came into her line of sight, stepping on that pool of blood. Kylie felt her hair being pulled and her head lifted up a bit as a harsh voice rasped above her head, "Where's the thumbdrive?! Where did you put it?!"
    New Life : A Second Chance
    Urban · PsyberRose