


Just lurking for good stories

2018-07-02 JoinedUnited States

of reading


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  • Qrystof
    Replied to Qrystof

    IDK if managing to rip away his psychic energy counts towards the DNA stuff needed for trait acquisition. He did manage to get a ton of Evolution Points, but it would be a shame for the specimen that is williard to not be milked for all it's worth.

    Ch 95 Epilogue
    Imposter System
    Sci-fi · Pill_Guy
  • Qrystof

    Very cool. Interesting ending. Does this mean that Scorch knows he is a parasite? Or atleast that he was experimented on by his parents, and that it included the alien tech/biology, thereby making him a psycher? I would like to request clarification! Looking forward to the next volume. I wish he had managed to take more samples from Williard so as to improve his evolution/trait options.

    Ch 95 Epilogue
    Imposter System
    Sci-fi · Pill_Guy
  • Qrystof

    "wouldn't consume more life essence than normal" - more than normal humans? or just when he's not in direct sunlight in his soul form?

    On the other hand, while Negary's soul was inside, his interference force would not be restricted at all, his control over the flock of crows also wouldn't weaken. And even more importantly, this layer of 'skin' made it so that his consumption of Life Essence became minimal. Even if sunlight shone directly onto him, he wouldn't consume more Life Essence compared to normal, this was the layer of protection created to protect Negary's soul.
    Soul Of Negary
    Fantasy · Xu Ming
  • Qrystof

    We're the masses? Crazy. Hey lads! We've been written into the story! What a day eh?

    Ch 90 Final Countdown
    Imposter System
    Sci-fi · Pill_Guy
  • Qrystof

    umm isn't this "game" being broadcast to the other wedding guests? Why is now the time to act? There's no way this is going to be subtle if the two people actually kill someone. Even less so if Matt takes them both out. They have to have a tracker or something on them right, analyzing their vitals? Is he going to hypnotize them, get a ton of DNA samples and then let them live?

    Ch 81 Most Dangerous Game
    Imposter System
    Sci-fi · Pill_Guy
  • Qrystof

    Read this! This story focuses on the tale of a deceased protagonist. Betrayed by his system immediately after his first world travel, germs who'd have guessed, so that the system can steal his plot armor. Thus begins the tale of how a revenant spirit, clinging to existence, begins to grow. Brutally efficient MC who replaces his own weaknesses and manages to become, essentially, an eldritch soul virus horror over the course of several world travels. Watch the process of his ascension via pawns, experiments, and magic rituals to even more evil gods; his fight to stay as a chess master rather than a pawn.

    Soul Of Negary
    Fantasy · Xu Ming
  • Qrystof

    you're -> your

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Imposter System
    Sci-fi · Pill_Guy
  • Qrystof

    struggled -> struggles

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Imposter System
    Sci-fi · Pill_Guy
  • Qrystof

    Shouldn't Matt want to stay in the neutral faction and avoid politics? With the evolution he chose, wouldn't staying lowkey and riding out his grinding during daily life be ideal? His fear of discovery comes from non-existent (as far as we know) tech from much further down the tech tree, stuff that knows about that was be developed ingame. He already passed the medical exam. He should be in the clear in terms of suspicion. Why has he fallen under such suspicion?

    'Wait, is Dr. Stein the person called Shephard? No, that's probably not it. Whoever Shephard is wouldn't have revealed themselves so easily. But it is possible that they were there to meet me on purpose. Perhaps they wanted his opinion on me. It is likely that Stein has a high position in their faction.'
    Imposter System
    Sci-fi · Pill_Guy
  • Qrystof

    He didn't eliminate the evidence in some way? Like cleaning up the bloody vomit or the towel that has his bodily fluids? Isn't that pretty huge forensic evidence?

    He cleaned himself up with a towel and left the utility closet. Although the interruption was inconvenient and painful, Matt continued his way toward a bar. The meat was likely toxic, but it shouldn't be nearly as toxic as the blood. Since he just used up twelve points in a panic, he needed to make full use of this goat. He didn't dare turn his perfect mimicry on based on how attached Matt was to this goat. Even if he wasn't, perfect mimicry would be dangerous with such a weakened body. The only reason he was able to move right now was because of the 'puppeteering.'
    Imposter System
    Sci-fi · Pill_Guy
  • Qrystof

    Author: Is he really making waves that would be noticeable in comparison to the size of the crew? Or is this more about the fact that he (before and after "awakening") managed Sheila and her pregnancy? I can't really imagine anything that he has done thus far to be really that big of a deal nor impacting the mission in any way. Unless Sheppard knows him to be an imposter there doesn't seem, from Matt's actions alone, to be reason to act against him this strongly.

    He slammed his fist onto the table and cursed inwardly. Matt had been making too many waves recently and Shephard pushed him down a peg. This was a warning.
    Imposter System
    Sci-fi · Pill_Guy
  • Qrystof

    doctor doctor doctor. JK love the novel. Really a fun twist on among us that I don't think anyone was expecting to be as good as it is. Glad that you didn't have williard there in person. It'll be interesting to see how MC tries to get enough blood from him to unlock an ability on that end.

    Ch 62 Days Past
    Imposter System
    Sci-fi · Pill_Guy
  • Qrystof

    I'll be honest, Willard moves out of his safe zone too frequently. He isn't acting the paranoid, deranged genius that you set him up as. I'm hoping that the new psionics can take him down a peg in terms of hypnosis/brainwashing. Allowing the MC to partner with the AI for the forseeable future is also a fantastic move. If MC can manage to ingratiate himself to Shepard before rank 3's planned take over, that'd be tight.

    Ch 60 Moving Forward
    Imposter System
    Sci-fi · Pill_Guy
  • Qrystof

    So any word on new updates? Hopefully the author is alright. It sort of feels like the story is coming to it's conclusion and I'd hate for it to end with a proper finish!

    Ch 730 Jin
    Spending My Retirement In A Game
    Games · DiceVR
  • Qrystof
    "No, it does not, so get to eating."
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Qrystof

    Jeez. I hope he goes Chloro as his primary. Too many MCs use lighning/fire as their affinity. Thanks for the chapter!

    Ch 161 Lightning Element Crystal
    Villain Cultivator
    Eastern · DamnPlotArmor
  • Qrystof

    Thanks for the Chapter! Glad to here we may be getting more with a higher frequency in the near future! Interesting how the spell works, not alot of info in terms of actual metrics, but interesting nonetheless.

    Ch 218 Spellcraft
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Qrystof

    I appreciate the use of wood as his primary element. I know he started with fire and water/ice but those are way overdone in stories. Hopefully the wood/chloro elements will be more interesting. With life drain as well, this could very well work as an interesting druid like draining mechanic. Hopefully this new dantian also cleared up the issues he would have by using this technique. MC better learn how to disguise himself as well before moving forward with his quest.

    Ch 154 Hell Tribulation, Level Up
    Villain Cultivator
    Eastern · DamnPlotArmor
  • Qrystof

    Is Li not yet attuned to his eldritch half? What is this new attunement process for?

    Ch 214 Kel'Thor Citadel
    Re: Level 100 Farmer
    Fantasy · John_Doever
  • Qrystof
    Replied to darkdragon189905

    No way, we need to see the MC get a few chapters that will allow him to consolidate all his gains. Important for us to see how he decides to advance and proceed from this point. Also, the next Protag can't be either one of the end boss characters we just saw, prince or zhu lady. Gonna be another intro boss, maybe from the neutral faction to allow him to stay incognito for a time.

    Ch 146 Last Tutorial Quest Completed
    Villain Cultivator
    Eastern · DamnPlotArmor