


Kneel before the king.

2018-06-30 JoinedUnited States

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    Replied to MaitreRahl

    and how does that make him less of a hypocritical mass murderer?

    "Me and my big mouth." He cursed. "Evacuate the village and reach the first safe point. I won't allow them to harm a single one of you, but I need to buy time until the Overlord arrives."
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
    Replied to Carlos_Fustino

    not when they're done purposely to achieve the save results. only someone who hasn't had it done to them or likes to do that to others would feel that way.

    'I would have never imagined that being polite could be so hard.' Solus inwardly sighed. 'Because of our mind link, I'm not used to sugarcoating my words nor hiding my feelings. I'm a terrible liar, I did it only once and I'm still regretting it.' She thought.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
    Replied to 0men224

    tell that to the victims and their families

    "Please, Mom, save him. I'm finally changing. I'm finally learning. Acala makes me more than I've ever been." The Bright Day said amid gasps of pain.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
    Replied to 0men224

    I respectfully disagree. There are some things that you can't be redeemed for. Mass genocide is one of them.

    "Please, Mom, save him. I'm finally changing. I'm finally learning. Acala makes me more than I've ever been." The Bright Day said amid gasps of pain.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
    Replied to Kirvin_Hillian

    those were flings but if he tried to do that with her it would have shattered the friendship of the entire group. on top of that she was gahgah for Lith

    "I told you countless times, Wardens are not useless and neither were you. It's all a matter of timing your decisions. If you had asked Quylla out instead of admiring her from afar you would still be alive, you damn moron." Lith said with a sigh.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
    Replied to Chris_Hinton

    remind me again how many women this fictional character sexually harassed before you got offended I made a joke about them Mr moral high ground? if you're gonna troll, do better. if you're actually this angry and upset then you should go touch grass.

    "What is wrong with this guy?" Han Sen quickly scanned through the files on the computer. He learned that the storage was pretty much filled to the brim with such content.
    Super Gene
    Sci-fi · Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim
    Replied to Chris_Hinton

    I can feel the hate and anger from here you should really work on that buddy

    "What is wrong with this guy?" Han Sen quickly scanned through the files on the computer. He learned that the storage was pretty much filled to the brim with such content.
    Super Gene
    Sci-fi · Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim
    Replied to FaustVoncleave

    I get that, but it would be much more effective to bring it out to launch a surprise attack in the middle of battle.

    "I don't want to be part of your Council and I don't trust a bunch of thieves to keep their word. I bet that the moment I follow you, you would extort me of my mother's secrets and add the Fury to your collection." Solus showed Senara the reborn hammer and the Firbolg's eyes shone with unbridled greed.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
    Replied to FaustVoncleave

    I doubt it, everyone went into this contract in bad faith and expected each other to use every loophole possible.

    "You have sacrificed over ten years of your sweat and blood for my sake and now it's my turn to put something I love at risk for you. Either we'll both get our old lives back or no one will.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
    Replied to FaustVoncleave

    Oh, like how she groomed her kids to take over?

    'I'll make Verhen regret refusing to join the Empire after he ran away from the Kingdom. He said that I'm too weak to guarantee him the safety he requires for his family and sadly, he's right.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
    Replied to Chris_Hinton

    I'm not sure what happened to you that would cause you to look down on other people for something that doesn't affect you at all nor prevent them from leading full and meaningful full lives. Let alone what would cause you to go on the internet and call perfect strangers trash unprompted and provoked for it, but you should work on that buddy. Life's easier when you don't let such things bother you so much.

    "What is wrong with this guy?" Han Sen quickly scanned through the files on the computer. He learned that the storage was pretty much filled to the brim with such content.
    Super Gene
    Sci-fi · Twelve-Winged Dark Seraphim
    Replied to FaustVoncleave

    yes but the whole point of Lith is that he's smart and good at manipulation. he and Solus made plans on how to do this for years. I think he knows that when and how you say things effective how people perceive them. yet he introduced her like she was his wife.

    The family felt now more than embarrassed by their behavior. Lith seemed to have predicted their reaction down to the smallest detail, making his choice of not introducing Solus to them before seem more than reasonable.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
    Replied to manololo79

    they weren't ordered, they decided that on their own

    Yurial's love for his father and his people was greater than everything life had put him through. Velan Deirus cried a lot reading his son's most private thoughts, finding himself more monstrous than any of those involved in Yurial's death.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
    Replied to Oddly_flamboyant

    I liked him at the start, but as time progressed. I started to dislike him. so I reread the series to see what changed that. and what you see are my thoughts and options. that aside one of the perks about using this app is being able to discuss that with other readers. and in doing so, you have people that you will disagree with. and yes, you can argueif you look over my entire comment history on here you'll see that dispite not agree with people and even after being insulted myself I've for the most part remained respectful to other. I've even gone so far as to call them buddy and friend after and try to shift back to the disagreement right after. (there's an example of that in the comments of this very series.) because that was the problem, what we disagreed on. I've never gone out of my way to insult someone, and even the people who insulted me did it in the heat of the moment. you are a first, what I do with my time and money is none of your business. please do not message me again

    "Always a self centered a… apple." Lith corrected himself while looking at Aran.
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
    Replied to Arcedemius


    [1] Blondes represent cuckoldry in popular Chinese online memes and culture deriving from anime and eroge
    Mages Are Too OP
    Games · Soaring Flames
    Replied to iamadragonrawrrr

    I got about 60 chapters in and I'm already bored. the mc is basically one of the strongest people in the world. I can't help but hope he gets trapped in one of these zones and is sent to another world with stronger opponents. otherwise I don't know what he's going to do for the remaining 220 chapters. it's ridiculous how he's so op and rich before we even get a quarter into the story. I don't even know the main objective yet but the mc is a step away from becoming a god.

    Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)
    Urban · 추공 (Chugong)
    Replied to Aoki_Aku

    well he should stop using their playbook

    'Well, from my experience, this kinda call is 99% someone trying to sell me stuff, or trying to entice me to get a loan, anyway.'
    Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)
    Urban · 추공 (Chugong)
    Replied to Smols

    well he only plans to come back with 8 now

    "Of course, we'll be sharing them equally. I know the rules well. We still have some things to take care of before that, though."
    Solo Leveling(Only I Level Up)
    Urban · 추공 (Chugong)

    Didn't you guys only come so Lith would be pardoned for the crimes he committed

    "That's what you are worried about? Your profit?" Solus was outraged by Crank's uncaring attitude and stepped forward to give him a piece of her mind. "Good people died today. We put our lives on the line yet it was all for nothing!
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
    Replied to OriginLord

    no, it's still a virtual world, but it's a copy of a different world that's real. and that's stupid

    Mages Are Too OP
    Games · Soaring Flames