


Nyan! Spending my spare time on social media and such is meaningless. That's why I read instead! #ReadAllDay

2018-06-12 JoinedUnited Arab Emirates

of reading


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  • Yako125

    Well, this novel really comes as a breath of fresh air. I'm honestly sick, disgusted, and just speechless at the typical Chinese "romance" novel. I always believed them to be the wild fantasies of a woman in her late forties who is bored of her marriage and life, where she'll have a hot husband, be the most beautiful with a sexy body, have a successful career where everyone is jealous of her, and have wild $ex with her husband all day everyday. I've tried reading some romance, but every time it's the same shit. And I'm really sick of it to the core. That's where novels like this come. The story truly focuses on the female leads feelings and the feelings of everyone else around her. I'm too lazy to write about all the points to be honest, but I can say this one feels like the something school prince Charming is a girl or something like that. Except it doesn't have that gay vibe, but whatever you like. I personally liked this one more because I love how the female lead starts as someone pretty much dead and then slowly learn how to feel, it felt like watching your kid grow. It's just beautiful. TL;DR If you feel sick of all the wild $ex "romance" fantasies bullshit, and you wanna read a romance that's actually about feelings instead of $ex, then try this novel!

    From Sidekick to Bigshot
    Urban · Er Fengchong
  • Yako125
    Replied to Kevin12

    To be honest, reading 10 chapters a day is for weaklings. You need at least 50 chapters to feel good, 100 to get high from the adrenaline, and 200-300 to spend your whole day relaxed on bed on weekends. 10 chapters is how much I read while I poop. Not to hate, but you weak bro.

    Grandson of the Holy Emperor is a Necromancer
    Urban · Shadow-kun
  • Yako125
    Replied to chichi32310

    They already said that they can't physically change the past. The water in 2020 will probably be drank, used or get polluted by the time that person lives, so it's therefore impossible to send water back, according to the rules, or even if it's possible it's probably illegal. Like, imagin if people from the future just sucked up all the water from the past. I'm pretty sure they won't even exist in the future.

    Ch 9 I Do Not Care About Your Opinion
    Transdimensional Marketing
    Urban · Three Rows of Books
  • Yako125
    Replied to Dimensionist

    Well, the Lin Fan stories are not to be taken seriously. They are not and will never be a perfect or top level novels. At least for me personally, I don't mind binge reading dozens of chapter whenever I'm tired of other novels and want to take a break. It's very fun and Lin Fan never fails to make me laugh. My point is, your whole argument can be ignored as it's not the novel/plot/world that attracts people to read, but it's the stupidity, silliness, and of course our favourite shameless young mast Lin Fan. Again, that's based on how I view these stories.

    It's Lonely To Be Invincible
    Eastern · Xin Feng
  • Yako125

    Why does it feel like another novel dropped by translators?? I'll really be mad if they dropped this man!

    Ch 121 Releasing Zhao Yue
    My Disciples Are All Villains
    Eastern · MSRZP
  • Yako125

    Where's the second chapter of today??!

    Ch 121 Releasing Zhao Yue
    My Disciples Are All Villains
    Eastern · MSRZP