


I don’t know why we have to fill this out to complete a profile for a web novel reading/writing application. I prefer fantasy, sci-fi, and/or post-apocalyptic novels

2018-06-11 JoinedUnited States

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  • Skeptical_Bookworm
    Replied to _Ark

    Last update was 2 years ago. If he didn’t drop it then I don’t know what happened.

    Ch 127 Chapter 124
    Pokemon - Alex Burns
    Anime & Comics · RK9
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    What exactly is Seko? Is that his soul-absorbing sword? I hope so because the ability to apparate anywhere is a freaking GIFT!

    He didn't have time to finish his sentence because of my "Seko", and the house-elf split in two.
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    Not people, beasts. People can think and care for other people. Beasts do what feels good for them and their needs.

    "Yes," she nodded. "Of course, if it weren't for occlumency, I would have been absorbed in something like resentment, disappointment, fear, and on the basis of this - anger at these ... people. Just like yesterday. But now, I can easily control these impulses without winding myself up."
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    I am sorry, I am missing something. What the heck happened?

    "But I'm sorry," he said. "What does it have to do with you, and young Miss and Miss Greengrass?"
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    Isn’t it 96 by this point?

    "As the chairperson of the twenty-first attestation commission for the title of master in the field of transfiguration, I have the honor to announce the results of the seventh meeting in order to confirm the qualifications of the applicant. The commission unanimously decided that the applicant Maximilian Knight from the Black family fully confirmed his qualification for the title of master in the field of transfiguration. The official confirmation comes into force on this day of this month, one thousand nine hundred and ninety-fifth year according to the generally accepted calendar."
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    Luna? But wasn’t she a Hufflepuff?

    She said it quite loudly, and everyone else got quiet. Hmm, Luna Lovegood, I think.
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    Technically, the prophecy applies to both Potter and Longbottom. If they help strengthen Neville, they could (technically) rid themselves of Potter entirely.

    Ch 344 Chapter 344
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    Lavender leading the first years around, 1996 (colorized):

    Behind our backs, the cheerful Lavender enjoyed the role of a kind of mother goose and led a bunch of enthusiastic first years back to the tower because, according to an incomprehensible tradition, we learned the schedule only now, at breakfast. Without wasting any more time, I gulped down a glass of apple juice, and together with Hermione, we joined the stream of students scattering from the Hall.
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm
    After dinner, the headmaster reminded everyone again that the Forbidden Forest wasn't called that for fun, and you can get acquainted with the list of forbidden things from Mr. Filch. In addition, the headmaster announced the changes in the teaching staff. Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank will teach the Care of Magical Creatures, and Dolores Umbridge will teach DADA. It was a short, plump lady with curly brown curls on her head and in a surprisingly pink business skirt suit. It was this lady who took advantage of the pause in the headmaster's speech and got up from the table and decided to say a word.
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    So I am guessing that his soul has a few different subconsciouses, and it is these “minds” that control a werewolf when they turn. For Max, he has a basilisk-self, dragon-self, wolf-self, and Rowena each trying to do their own thing using his body. Which is why they are arguing. Again, this is all conjecture at this point.

    "Only under disguise..." he said in English, and his robe turned to black smoke, changing its outline to a dense black suit and already another hooded robe. Passing a black-gloved hand in front of his face, the guy created impenetrable darkness under the hood and disappeared into a whirlwind of apparation.
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    That seems awful rushed to kill Lupin only a few days after accusing him of having turned you into a Wolf without telling anyone. Sure, you made it look like a series of unfortunate events, but it would have been more believable if you had given him some kind of slow-acting poison that would have eat away at his sanity and body for years before he completely turned into a feral wolf and never to return to being a normal man.

    "Everyone will get what they deserve," the blond guy said quietly, rather to himself, and turned around and walked away from the subway. "One day, someone will come for me too..."
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    He really should find some way to make his hemomancy and official magic. That way he can teach it to Hermione and their future children.

    However, no matter how busy I was, thoughts began to turn towards inadequate ideas out of boredom slowly. In an impulse to occupy myself with something, I went to Diagon Alley, or rather, to one of the adjacent streets. The goal is simple - visit a tailor shop and order a new suit. Graves style, of course.
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    Definitely use those in the battles against Moldywart and his thralls.

    Many spells are not applicable for the present time — now there is a developed culture of duels, not fatal ones. If you successfully use charms and spells from the Black library, then the death of your opponent is simply inevitable. However, I studied them anyway, and in a small training hall, I practiced using them, albeit partially - just to be able to recognize them because I don't know if this knowledge has ever gone to the side.
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    … Don’t tell me Bellatrix is torturing Andromeda and Nymphadora for information?

    In general, it turned out that I had only a few activities throughout July - daily visits to the Knights for tea and discussing everyday things, a written exchange of views with Hermione regarding the situation around, unsuccessful attempts to contact Andromeda and Nymphadora - they did not respond to letters. Among other things, I quietly studied the Black library. There turned out to be a lot of different dark stuff with sacrifices and old magic, massive, spectacular, large-scale, but extremely angular and requiring a lot of magical powers.
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    I find your lack of faith disturbing …

    The old man quite briskly tried to raise his wand, but I stopped his hand by telekinesis. There was no threat in his gaze, more of a test, so I was in no hurry to act radically. I stopped his hand, and with the same telekinesis, I grabbed his throat, squeezing it, increasing the density and volume of the magic circulating in the body.
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    Semper Fidelis

    Records from the late eighteenth century and earlier were becoming harder and less enjoyable to read. There was more and more ideological thinking and propaganda of all kinds. It seemed as if the authors were trying to convince themselves of something... And yet, the family motto, "Toujours Pur," at the beginning of these entries had a truly noble meaning.
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm
    Replied to Shadow3wolf_Crow

    … I never thought about that … I’m betting he was a Muggle-Born Wizard and he is partly to blame for why Christian Churches hunted down Witches & Wizards that were not affiliated with the Church.

    In general, if a peasant's plow is broken, this is his problem. If there's a drought on the land, wizards will do a couple of rituals, for the peasant cannot cope with this problem, and the wizards do not feed on the holy spirit. If a neighboring feudal lord declares war, then the wizard will help the common people because he lives here. But he will not help openly because already in those days, it was not easy for wizards because of the different branches of Christianity.
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm
    Replied to CIiff_Hanger
    "I don't like cutting them."
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    … well this opens a whole new door of possibilities …

    "Thank you, too," Fleur kissed the girl on the cheek no less impulsively, bringing her to a stupor.
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan
  • Skeptical_Bookworm

    65 …

    "In second place is Victor Krum, Durmstrang, eighty-two points! In third place, Mr. Harry Potter, Hogwarts, seventy-nine points! And in fourth, Miss Fleur Delacour, Beauxbatons! Sixty-five points!"
    Harry Potter: New World
    Movies · HPMan