


Likes reading, anime, long walks, puppies and writing.

2018-06-26 JoinedAustralia

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  • Aodhan

    RIP AND TEAR THIS JERKFACE A NEW ONE. How dare you steal TF's hard work. It shows your lack of talent, effort and general scumminess as a human being.

    Go Away I'm Watching Porn
    Anime & Comics · Zero_Hand
  • Aodhan
    Replied to KaioEdward

    I think it was something along the lines of Zeus wanting to take WW's virginity?

    "Maybe, I'm just overestimating him, but his divinity was very big and dense. Because of that, I think he's as strong as Zeus at his peak. I don't know ... I had little contact with gods like Zeus , I do not like him." Hippolyta spoke honestly.
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann
  • Aodhan
    Replied to OrionClay18062000

    Actually I think it was defined as everyone having one, or better put the potential to form one, but most people aren't twisted enough to access or use it.

    Eva: Well everyone has a Soulscape but accessing it is very hard for it takes many years even for talented Wizards to utilize it much less if they want to impose it on the world and reality.
    Fate/King of Swords
    Anime & Comics · OrionClay18062000
  • Aodhan
    Replied to Ryuriki_Toshiro

    Has understood the joy of feeding many people For these hands are always full of rice So as I eat, Unlimited Rice Works!

    "..... I don't really know if any Noble Phantasm can be considered useless though. I mean, Tawara Touta has a Noble Phantasm that allows him to create an endless amount of rice, but still, if I needed to create food using a Noble Phantasm, I suppose the only thing it would cost would be my magical energy.....".
    Type Moon System In A Foreign World
    Anime & Comics · Okita_Soujii
  • Aodhan

    Mmm. this hit the spot. Thanks my dude

    Ch 127 Wake Up!
    Spider-Man: Duty and Loss
    Anime & Comics · Zevren
  • Aodhan

    Only One Bird? Come on Daichi, you need 1000 at least...

    "These flames made me notice that fire bending isn't as simple as people had been considering. Fire is alive." He said and the smaller flames grew larger and switched to multiple colors, some of which she had never seen before. "Seeing it only as a way of destroying things and people is a waste of its true potential." The colorful fire vanished, and Han'i felt a chilling sensation, the air had become heavy and a golden chain of lightning danced around Zuko's fingers. "It is energy…" He smiled as the chirping electrical discharge took a form of a bird and began flying around as it had a mind of its own. "...and life."
    Avatar : The Legend of Phoenix
    Anime & Comics · Daichi_TBR193
  • Aodhan
    Replied to DaoistLadyKiller

    actually I'm trying to find her on Google and nothing popped up. is she an actual character or an OC?

    Han'i was silent as one could be, being born mute. But from what people have learned, she has been gifted by the spirits with incredible aim and strength.
    Avatar : The Legend of Phoenix
    Anime & Comics · Daichi_TBR193
  • Aodhan

    Truly you have a way with words... or a virus that turns my stomach inside out. Either or.

    All the way back here, and he had to put up with Toph and Azula's dick measuring contest.
    Avatar : The Legend of Phoenix
    Anime & Comics · Daichi_TBR193
  • Aodhan
    Replied to Scientistx

    some of them would. but goddesses like rhea, Gaia and metis? they don't fight (especially not gaia). plus that's mostly there own divinities not an alien god they met probably millennia ago and haven't seen since.

    I don't know if I'm the reincarnation of the old Rao or something, but I don't care about that bullshit, I'm me.
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann
  • Aodhan
    Replied to Scientistx

    dude. the MC isn't some super powerful, perfect creature. he's still learning and growing. he grew up mainly around science & technology, with some mystic & psychic abilities on the side. then he arrives at earth and learns about gods, divinity, magic, etc. he's doing a pretty good job for someone so young and inexperienced

    The very concept of 'divinity' is not scientific, but this is happening now in front of me; I must face reality ... Gods are broken beings.
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann
  • Aodhan
    Replied to Scientistx

    Ummm....hate to rain your parade pal but these are the same gods that inbreed, kill their own followers out of boredom and generally try to prevent a prophecy by eating the cause. ....When dealing with beings that self absorbed and stupid I think it's safe to say they WOULD mistake him for someone else.

    I don't know if I'm the reincarnation of the old Rao or something, but I don't care about that bullshit, I'm me.
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann
  • Aodhan
    Replied to DarkKnight32

    it doesn't need to be efficient. They want to stop the gods from going down at all because basically none of them are trustworthy. So if beaucratic nonsense will prevent them from bothering than all the power to inefficiency.

    The gods can no longer apply punishments to humans; only the gods that the queen authorizes can do that, and for the punishments to happen the queen must know all the problems that the humans caused for the god. Faora did this to avoid situations like Medusa repeating in the future. After all, it was because of Athena's pride and vanity that the woman known as Medusa was cursed.
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann
  • Aodhan
    Replied to Silent_Moon

    Agreed. Most of them are awful. And even the ones who are in unfair circumstances can be quite petty at times.

    "So if you don't want to die at my hands, I suggest you improve your attitude." Then she continued with a predatory smile: "Because if you don't improve your attitude, I will have the pleasure of starting a purge. A purge that will take the lives of thousands of gods from Mount Olympus."
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann
  • Aodhan

    Thank you for the consolation prize. I'll just go cry in a corner now...

    [AN: I know it didn't reach 4k of power stones, but I knew it would be impossible, anyway, we got 2k of power stones. bonus chapter, enjoy.]
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann
  • Aodhan

    Mmm ~ spicy!

    Hera showed a small smile when she felt Rao's energy rise a little. 'I just needed to give it a little push, and he woke up. As expected of a God-King.'
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann
  • Aodhan

    Just watch us.

    [A:N: If by the end of the week the romance gets 4 thousand stones of power, I launch a new chapter ... I put this value because I know it is impossible ... righ?]
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann
  • Aodhan

    Aphrodite: hello handsome. Rao: begone thot! Zeus: bow to me! Rao: that's what your wife did last night. Hera: he clapped that b*tch and ignored the wh*re... I think I'm in love.

    Seeing the woman's appearance in front of him and remembering Ares's description, Rao gave a small smile.
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann
  • Aodhan
    Replied to malachi_Pharr

    Yup. still not as bad as him eating his wife, sleeping with their kids then marrying his sister and cheating on her.

    "Maybe, I'm just overestimating him, but his divinity was very big and dense. Because of that, I think he's as strong as Zeus at his peak. I don't know ... I had little contact with gods like Zeus , I do not like him." Hippolyta spoke honestly.
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann
  • Aodhan

    YES! Destroy those sh*theads!

    Seeing Aphrodite leaving, Hera stops smiling and returns her indifferent expression, she shows a small cold smile. "He is not alone." She whispers coldly, then Hera disappears.
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann
  • Aodhan

    Technically he and a couple of other gods made her out of divine clay, blessed her and then left her with Hippolyta to be raised. At least that's the version I'm familiar with.

    "Maybe, I'm just overestimating him, but his divinity was very big and dense. Because of that, I think he's as strong as Zeus at his peak. I don't know ... I had little contact with gods like Zeus , I do not like him." Hippolyta spoke honestly.
    DC: The Kryptonian Emperor
    Anime & Comics · Victor_Weismann