



2018-05-24 JoinedUnited States

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  • JimboG18

    All I have to say is well done sir! What astounds me more is that this is an original and not a translation of an already famous novel. The quality of the novel is far above what I usually read from this site and from many other original and translated works. Although the chapters themselves seem kind of short for my taste, the story itself is very interesting and just my cup of tea. Although there are some typical cliches and deus ex machina elements in the story, I still think that they aren't too horribly done nor are they too exaggerated, and having some face slapping moments in the story is just my kind of vibe. However, there were a few inconsistencies and illogical inaccuracies in the story which I've noticed, like the number of disciples a section would have, and their contrasting power levels, as well as very convenient and inconsistent "rules" for certain events like going into a zone which doesn't allow anyone above spirit realm in, but just coincidently, the strongest people that would go in is just with a few minor realms which our MC could handle, well they're still forgivable, and can just be somewhat brushed off. So as far as chapter 703, I'm still very engaged with the story, and I'm still very much excited into reading what happens next. So kudos for keeping my interest and attention, and hoping to read more of this fine novel of yours. cheers 🍻

    Monarch of Time
    Eastern · ZeusTheOlympian
  • JimboG18

    hmm, 800-1200 cavalry... Where did he get all those horses? I thought that he had trouble acquiring horses just a little while ago. Did I miss something here?

    Ch 87 Counter Conspiracy
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • JimboG18

    hmm writing a letter that clearly reveals every secret and plot they are hatching up is one way to mess them all up, and isn't very smart at all. Even if she trusts her half sister that much, what would happen if that letter accidentally gets lost or gets intercepted by someone along the way? I really hope that her half-sister knows to burn the letter after reading it, just to be safe.

    Ch 43 Expanding Influence
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • JimboG18

    I'm actually surprised that a mere lord under a baron can quickly levy a force of 1500 men. I mean does his territory even have that many able bodied men to begin with?

    Ch 29 The Age of Knights has Already Passed
    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • JimboG18

    Hmm, loving the premise. But isn't everything going TOO easy? I mean one speech (short and a bit abrupt one btw) and they all have pledge their allegiance already to some random stranger and nobody? I mean he was acting like the leader already without even having to prove or show any real capabilities. I dont know, to me everything was just a bit too fast. Why would the other leaders trust him already without even suspecting his background or story? for all they know, he could've been a conman or worse, a spy for the empire or some other shady organization that means to take advantage of them. all I'm saying is atleast build a real reason why they would follow and trust him already at this point, cause otherwise those followers will be nothing but brainless sheep without their own personalities and thoughts.

    Ch 6 New Party
    Fantasy · Mein123142
  • JimboG18

    hmm I wish the gas price was that low. 2021 LA gas price for 91 is $4.75 per gallon. Even during early covid phase when gas prices where low last year due to everyone being on lock down, the price per gallon never went below $2.90.

    Ch 440 Purchasing Gasoline
    I have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World
    Sci-fi · Morning Star LL
  • JimboG18

    Came here after reading the premise, hoping that it would have some kind of decent story and some kingdom/army building. The story had potential, but in my opinion, it was executed wrong. Disclaimer: I only read up to chapter 100 before deciding to drop this novel. First of all, the MC is too reliant on his system and just follows it along just like a brainless puppet. As I see it, he doesn't even have a personal goal... His only goal so far is to upgrade the world into a high level martial world... Why? because the system tells him to. He SOLELY rely on his system to get stronger, and doesn't even try to cultivate, train or try to get better by himself. I mean I've read many other novels having a system, but I have to say that this novel's mc is one of laziest and the most reliant on its system. So he wants to upgrade the world and spread cultivation around, I get that. But the way he does things really frustrates me, and his system seems to be built on just letting other people accomplish things while he rakes in points... Like I said, lazy... There's also the whole thing that he helps out and grooms random (apparently not so random) people and give them lucky chances. So the MC doesn't have a choice of who he should help out, and why? Well of course he has a choice, but does he do it? No. He just helps out people his system tells him to even if doesn't seem like a good choice, or maybe it's just because the MC has poor logic that he doesn't bother to think for himself... Another thing the irks me is that aside from his immediate subordinates, he doesn't seem to help out or give opportunities to the people who are loyal to him and his family, and would clearly aid him and benefit him in the long run. I know that his system wants him to spread cultivation so that the world would be upgraded, but why doesn't he focus or atleast start with the people most loyal and closest to him. They have clearly showed their loyalty, obedience and usefulness to him, but they aren't even rewarded for their deeds. He helps out and gives opportunities to would be enemies but not his closest people and allies, which can in turn help him out with errands and tasks, or at least deal with burdensome enemies, instead of having to face them himself all the time... Makes sense... The way things are going, you don't even really need the MC and just the system, because he seems just like a spectator or a robot following along on what the system wants to do.

    Building The Ultimate Fantasy
    Eastern · Li Hongtian
  • JimboG18

    I dont know why, but I just can't shirk the feeling of irritation towards how the MC does things... Another thing that grinds my gears is that he keeps giving out opportunities to other random people, yet he doesn't look do the same towards the people loyal to his family. His father's subordinates and troops seemed to be loyal and quite handy, they have followed his orders and have sworn to protect him, yet they aren't rewarded with lucky chances... I get that he needs to upgrade the world and spread cultivation, but why doesn't he start with the people that are most loyal and closest to him?... His family's troops seems competent enough for grooming. Instead of facing external threats by himself all the time, they could instead block others from bothering him. Moreover, if groomed properly they can do all kinds of tasks and errands that would smoothen and ease his planning.

    Ch 91 Spill Your Guts
    Building The Ultimate Fantasy
    Eastern · Li Hongtian
  • JimboG18

    I dont know... I just don't get it. Realistically, if you weigh the pros and cons it doesn't seem to be worth it spending soul points and "grooming" potential threats to him. I mean the Emperor and the mayor of the West seemed to be obstacles or enemies later on. Well, I guess the author can just write it off like them allowing to the MC or something. But realistically, based on their personalities, they shouldn't. Why can't the MC just pick the right people to groom, those whose loyalty to him is sure and apparent. He could still spread his powers, just with the right people... seems kinda dumb to me tbh.

    Ch 47 Heavenly Go Manual
    Building The Ultimate Fantasy
    Eastern · Li Hongtian
  • JimboG18

    Huh? I'm confused. I thought. Mafa was still in his early 20's? When did he become 32? 🤔

    Ch 1233 Shock
    End of the Magic Era
    Fantasy · Zhuang Bifan