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  • TaliWaya

    So much information. I feel like there are so many hints in this chapter. What we know for sure, is that the oracle isnt omnipotent. We also got a hint at the power level of the oracle, and we have a basis to compare jakes bloodline with. If the Zhorian bloodline Is strong enough to make the oracle fear them, then what if jakes is, or becomes, stronger? Top notch chapter Ark!

    Ch 347 Answers
    The Oracle Paths
    Sci-fi · Arkinslize
  • TaliWaya
    Replied to Fire_Eternal

    Re-read the chapter friend. He didn't want to commit suicide. It is specifically stated that he didn't WANT to commit suicide, but his plan to test if the green wall was the last door was AKIN to committing suicide. He was simply being pessimistic/ joking with Xi when he brought up suicide.

    Ch 346 Welcome, Jake
    The Oracle Paths
    Sci-fi · Arkinslize
  • TaliWaya
    Replied to Stobert

    Nope. earlier on he had come to a room with a green forcefield. he tried testing it but assumed that it was a daeth barrier and moved on. in this chapter he used his ‘cheat’ to navigate the maze, avoiding The need to go through Rooms full of thralls. first, he checked the fake gate in order to learn how ruby died and determine if his theory was correct. It was then that he realised the true gate was the green forcefield from earlier. He used the cheat method to gather more information before taking the risk of entering the gate.

    Ch 346 Welcome, Jake
    The Oracle Paths
    Sci-fi · Arkinslize
  • TaliWaya
    Replied to Daoistx0JBUG

    How do we know that she was attacking his soul though? IIRC, it was mentioned that people with a higher oracle rank can control those with lower ranks in certain situations, and this instance was described in a way that made the reader believe that Jake was turning subservient. I believe that is why he was relieved that he wasn't forced into a slave contract. However, the point remains that it was within her power at the moment to do whatever she wanted to do, Jake was completely defenseless. However, she didn't. This leads me to believe that she wasn't attacking him at all. I'm not sure what she was doing though. I'm actually super tempted to get privilege and read ahead.

    Ch 344 What Is This Feeling?
    The Oracle Paths
    Sci-fi · Arkinslize
  • TaliWaya
    Replied to Daoistx0JBUG

    It's hard not to think deeply in these situations. We get so invested in the story and the characters. When a twist like this occurs and threatens to destroy something that you wanted, you look for any excuse that you can find to disprove it, or at least explain it.

    Ch 344 What Is This Feeling?
    The Oracle Paths
    Sci-fi · Arkinslize
  • TaliWaya
    Replied to TaliWaya

    This is also where I think Ruby is at. It's obvious that the Oracle is acting as puppet master at times, and it would be easy for Ruby to assume that this 'Soulmates' business is just the oracle trying to manipulate them again. Taking this into consideration, why should she be partial to Jake? He was completing a mission both times they have interacted. It wasn't love, nor his own desire to protect her that caused him to shield her from the explosion. It was only the potential benefits that he could gain. So, knowing this, why should she be overly appreciative to the point of prioritizing his well being over her own? She shouldn't. Jake likely wouldn't if he had been in her position, given that he didn't receive a mission and became greedy anyway. Yes, she took his soulstones and left him there. However, let's look at the facts. She likely doesn't know what his abilities are. If I recall correctly, she has never witnessed his ridiculous regenerative capabilities. So, it would be an understandable assumption to think that it was over for him. Taking the soulstones was a smart move and was necessary for her to continue. She left everything else, his bracelet, the extra metal alloy, all of his aether, and didn't take his life either. This makes me believe that she wasn't being malicious, rather just did what she had to in order to continue the ordeal. Let's look at the facts here. Neither of these two really have a true relationship other than having spent a day together months prior. They aren't friends, lovers, or anything of the sort. Their only connection is that the Oracle claims them to be soulmates. So, how big is this betrayal really? It isn't. Sure, they fought together for a moment. Yes, he saved her life. However, working together out of mutual interest doesn't automatically make them friends, and as he said, she probably didn't need him to save her. At the end of the day, her betrayal was extremely minor. Honestly, it can be boiled down to indifference of any faux relationship they might have. This is even more apparent when you realize that he can use the soul spell, so he didn't need the flintium anyway (though, she might not have known that.). That isn't to say that he doesn't have a reason to be upset or feel hurt. I don't think his feelings for her are as shallow as hers for him. I think he feels connected to her because, even though he was acting out of a desire to complete a mission, he truly enjoyed the day he spent with her. Not to mention, he is human. Even if she didn't need his help, he gave it, and anyone would feel that they deserved a bit of appreciation for their effort. So, I do hope he gets appropriate revenge in some way. I hope that it's just as insignificant as her 'betrayal' of him was and that it doesn't burn the bridge between the two. I hope that revenge is more of a symbolic event that serves to abate his anger and a bit of his distrust so that they can actually build a relationship. Because I truly want them to be together. They are extremely similar, and both are powerful and motivated humans. It would be awesome to finally have a female love interest that was capable and interesting! I think that despite the Oracle's machinations, they truly are soulmates. I hope that Arkinslize has this in mind for the story, rather than turning her into an enemy. This was a good twist, and I love that it adds some mystery and suspense. I just hope that it isn't foreshadowing for them to become enemies. I love twists in stories, but I'm not sure my heart can handle such a blow lol.

    Ch 344 What Is This Feeling?
    The Oracle Paths
    Sci-fi · Arkinslize
  • TaliWaya

    I think that this chapter, specifically the events between Jake and Ruby, is more nuanced than we believe. I'm not going to assume that the relationship between Jake and Ruby is destroyed and here is why. First, we need to understand both parties' personalities. I'll start with jake. Jake has shown that he prioritizes himself. That's not the same as selfishness. He helps others when he can, but his own goals and wellbeing are what is important to him. He isn't a saint by any means, but he isn't necessarily selfish either. Overall, he has chosen to surround himself with people using a mutual benefit model. Sarah, Keven, Will, everyone surrounding him gets to ride on his coattails in turn for providing assistance when needed. Keep in mind that his presence protects them and that they would never have made it this far without him. Most would have died in the first week of transferring to the mirror universe. He has insecurities when it comes to friendly and familial bonds due to the way his family treated him growing up. This causes him to be sensitive about the loyalty of those he chooses to have in his life. Now, we will move to Ruby. We haven't seen much of her, but we can gather some clues, though we will make a few assumptions as well to try and fill in the gaps. The first time she shows up we can gather that, despite her deformities that cripple her, she is still a very happy and bright person. This likely means that she hasn't given up on life and does what she can to improve her life in any way that she can. The second time we see her is at the end of the first ordeal. She has gained a lot of power and is surrounded by a group similar to Jake's, but clearly stronger. She doesn't seem to care about their death within the ordeal and doesn't hesitate to take advantage of their deaths. Clearly, she is motivated to perform well. Now let's stop here and compare how the two have acted. Both have surrounded themselves with people that are, unquestionably, beneath them in importance and or strength. Both take advantage of their comrades' deaths in the 'training' ordeals. However, we have never witnessed them intentionally kill or sacrifice their allies! Sure, they take advantage of their deaths but who wouldn't? It makes sense. We can even understand their apathy in face of their comrades' death as death isn't permanent and only results in a worse reward (It's important to do as well as possible, but as long as you're still alive you can continue to grow.). So far, they seem extremely similar. It is clear that both are trying to become stronger as quickly as possible and are prioritizing themselves. We know that Jake is seeking power, motivated by his desire to survive. However, we don't know yet what is motivating Ruby. It could be related to her upbringing, her past deformity, a sense of duty, fear, or even just greed. The main thing is that we shouldn't assume the worst because, so far, she hasn't done anything that the main character hasn't, or wouldn't, do. I think that Ruby is just as smart as Jake. Likely, she is smarter as seems hinted. If Jake can figure out that the Oracle is manipulating him, then she has surely figured out the same. This is where we have to take the Oracle into consideration. The oracle is the one that has determined that these two are 'Soulmates'. If not for the mission(s) that was given on their first encounter, they would likely mean nothing to each other. Clearly, the Oracle is fostering a connection with the two. What we don't know is the reason. We also don't know who will benefit from the two of them having this connection. Is this for the Oracle? Is it for Ruby's sake? or is it for Jake's? Maybe it is even because the two of them are truly soulmates and it doesn't have any greater meaning or reasoning behind it. (1/2)

    Ch 344 What Is This Feeling?
    The Oracle Paths
    Sci-fi · Arkinslize