



2018-05-13 JoinedGlobal

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  • Jaykay9090
    Replied to Haistulfus

    The same is true for any of us drinking coffee instead of giving it to the starving people in the third world…at the end of the day if you forcefully deprive people of the incentives they have to works hard and for a long time then they simply won’t.

    "Ungrateful brat," he grumbled to himself as he made another cup of coffee. "That's why I don't have children! They're nothing but trouble!"
    Kill the Sun
    Fantasy · Warmaisach
  • Jaykay9090

    Why would he have a baseball bat in another world…..

    Ch 76 Necessary Revenge  
    Taking the Mafia to the Magic World
    Fantasy · RVN_1998
  • Jaykay9090

    I get that lith’s healed trauma makes him more caring but why change him to be weak enough to not be able to handle the guilt of killing those people… Maybe it is just me but why is it that the defining characteristics of characters always end up being ”healed” or removed because of “growth” until there is nothing different or unusual about them anymore. If lith felt so guilty about killing those people he wouldn’t be so chill about forbidden magic or everything castor has done…

    Ch 2397 Deep Scars (Part 1)
    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • Jaykay9090
    Replied to PheonixRising41


    Evolution begins with an ant colony
    Fantasy · Zurbluris
  • Jaykay9090
    Replied to WPOmega

    Fair enough and to each their own. That being said whilst I was also able to infer pretty much all of this, sometimes I just want a bit more interaction between the characters or a little planning beforehand. As you say, when emerging from the sea with a pack of silver cursed it would be quite a shock to any people surrounding them,for me that’s all the more reason why I would love to know what Claude told the pack before hand, considering his more cautious nature surely he would at least mention some local fauna or flora that they must avoid and if he doesen’t have that knowledge then let us know. Again it’s just my personal opinion and you definitely aren’t wrong about it making sense either way.

    Ch 553 CHPT 553: Arrive in Style…. Primal Style.
    Beasts: Reborn
    Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_
  • Jaykay9090
    Replied to _Avatar0FFury_

    Thanks for responding, I love this novel so I’m just giving my opinion ❤️

    Ch 553 CHPT 553: Arrive in Style…. Primal Style.
    Beasts: Reborn
    Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_
  • Jaykay9090

    I want to preface this by saying that I love this novel and want the best for it. With that being said sometimes there is just too much descriptive detail and not enough of a description on a characters precise actions; what I mean by this is that sometimes when reading the chapters, rather than being told what a character is doing or has done, I end up having to vaguely guess based on the the descriptions of the surroundings. A small example is in this chapter, I would love to know how he ended up killing people on the boat and the situation pertaining to it, as opposed to merely knowing that something happened based off the sparse details of gore provided. Another would be knowing why the shifters ran into the jungle? did the mc tell them to? when was this discussed?was his overfang some kind of signal? how did they all find the cave and finally what were the parameters for choosing this cave. These are things readers want to know(or at least I do), otherwise not only do I have to guess what they’re doing but I also have to guess why. Anyways I still love this book and think it deserves to be rated much higher, easily top 5.

    Ch 553 CHPT 553: Arrive in Style…. Primal Style.
    Beasts: Reborn
    Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_
  • Jaykay9090

    This is easily one of the best written novels on the site, the world building is a little slow but the characters are described in such depth and with such vivid depictions that you almost forget about the world surrounding them. The plot is of a high quality and has a lot of room to blossom from what I can tell, so if you like a long story you needn’t worry; fight scenes are also amongst some of the best I’ve read in a while whilst still staying grounded in visceral combat. One thing which I can’t help but mention is we FINALLY get a good werewolf story. With the endless droves of vampire novels, werewolves go unappreciated and I can only hope for more content in this regard. Lastly the only downside is that the update rate for this novel is abysmally slow, I mean it when I say that if this novel had a faster update schedule, it would hit number one since it’s quality reminds me of “The lord of mysteries”. Anyway sorry for the long review but I’m passionate; I hope readers will give this a try and that the author will seriously consider increasing the rate of release, since I require my fix more frequently.

    Beasts: Reborn
    Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_
  • Jaykay9090

    Bro this story is too good I need more

    Ch 509 CHPT 509: Blood Hurricane
    Beasts: Reborn
    Fantasy · _Avatar0FFury_
  • Jaykay9090

    The writing is clear and there are no spelling mistakes, Also it has a good update schedule. Apart from that this novel is just bland...so very bland, everything is predictable and the attempt at character development is so tiring. The logic is so strained and the characters are always making vast assumptions with almost no basis. For example they will assume that the local bad guys MUST be associated with the Nox simply because the Nox are also bad guys.... The mc’s abilities are forgotten about and the mc also tends to not even use them in life and death scenarios since he deems them “too overpowered” and “cheat like”. At the end of the day this novel is just too sterotypical for me and plain Blaaaaand.

    Void Evolution System
    Fantasy · Crocs_is_Dead
  • Jaykay9090
    Replied to Rk13

    I feel violated 😭

    Void Evolution System
    Fantasy · Crocs_is_Dead
  • Jaykay9090

    HIs fifth mother is referring to him as “brother sheng” either thats a translation error or the author is confused by the term

    Ch 12 Lying Dormant (2)
    Way of the Devil
    Eastern · Get Lost