


Reading, Anime, Gaming. My three things for a happy life.

2018-05-06 JoinedUnited States

of reading


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  • MythicSnow

    I hope both of these overprotective old men die at some point. They're just annoying and turning me off from reading this. I hope it isn't too long before he leaves the academy and THEM behind.

    Ch 77 It's Over!
    Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master
    Fantasy · ranmaro
  • MythicSnow

    Theory: In some paradoxical situation because of the time travel.. Is William's second life self actually the fox that killed his first life self? Evidence: He happens to reincarnate with the fox's devouring ability, his first spirit has the dark element (like the fox had). AND said spirit has multiple tails, despite the actual spirit he caught not appearing that way. It's as if a paradox formed around the fox killing him, and him going back with all the fox's powers. In his first life he's brought up by his master, and shackled by his human potential. Where as in his second life he's on his own, and is able to break the barriers that humanity couldn't. Idk. It seems too coincidental that he happens to keep getting all the powers of the fox for no factual reason. Guess I'll see how it goes as I keep reading.

    Ch 29 The Nightfall Lightning Fox
    Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master
    Fantasy · ranmaro
  • MythicSnow

    Do you realize that by nerfing all men you essentially made NTR more likely? Because relationships will happen regardless of the size a man has. But if they're all small with one big one, ladies are more likely to leave those small guys for the big guy. You'd have been better off making the average bigger so ladies would be satisfied with their partners and wouldn't leave. Because it's even more unrealistic for there to be next to no relationships in the world just because of small sizes. So, you increased the chance of NTR, not decrease. At least, if we're being realistic and logical. But it's your novel world so it goes by your logic.

    —|Author wishes no one to fear NTR! So he nerfed the world's men|—
    Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO
    Fantasy · Duke_Asmodeus
  • MythicSnow

    Y'know you'd think for an all powerful race, with an ancient legacy, and long history, the Dragons would have found a way to magically reduce their size. The size of these creatures is becoming ridiculous.

    Ch 913 Juggernaut Of The Abyss—Nezario's Interface! Imperial Dragon!
    Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate
    Games · A Green Bird
  • MythicSnow

    Wish we had some kind of explanation as to why the alternate Zach exists in the first place. We have no background on him and it's really frustrating to read this. Not in a good way either. I have little to no desire to find out this information. He seems like a pointless character. All he did was add lots of confusion. And honestly? This mini arc killed any desire I had to get privilege.

    Ch 406 Chapter 405- Demon's Heart
    Gods' Impact Online
    Games · NoWoRRyMaN
  • MythicSnow

    Can this guy die already so I don't have to read his internal or verbal dialogue? I feel the other two would do better without him around. Since Zach lied about his progress, Shae's the weak link.

    Shay was furious to the point where he wanted to sue the game developer for virtual aggression with emotions and anxiousness. He was angry because his knowledge of VR games was losing its value. He was furious because things weren't going his way. He was mad because there were too many strict rules and limitations in this game.
    Gods' Impact Online
    Games · NoWoRRyMaN
  • MythicSnow

    His father disappeared in a natural disaster years ago and hasn't been seen since. But he left his family with a sizable fortune to take care of themselves. As a reader of Percy Jackson, this smells like a godly parent taking care of their children before dipping.

    Name- Zǟ̵̩͋ƈ̸͚̽ɦ̷̼̔
    Gods' Impact Online
    Games · NoWoRRyMaN
  • MythicSnow

    I genuinely hope Vicky either dies or gets brutally injured in the next task. She seems to think she can follow Alan everywhere despite the great dangers he'll be facing. Like. She needs to be humbled of the fact that just some results in a training simulation won't guarantee success. This is The Apocalypse Game, and Alan wants to go the most dangerous route. And a former actress and student want to follow? They're courting Death, and I hope she takes Vicky home.

    Ch 56 Decision
    Re: Apocalypse Game
    Games · Avan
  • MythicSnow
    Replied to Kullawar

    Was going to comment this then saw yours here. So glad someone knew!

    The person could stand there and let them attack all they want, but they still wouldn't be able to kill the person.
    The Witch Hunter System
    Fantasy · Pointbreak
  • MythicSnow

    Please tell me this is inspired by Fairy Tail's Dragon Force. Him having an aura of his preferred element emanating out of him and getting a power boost would be awesome!

    <You have acquired a new talent, Dragon Force>
    The Witch Hunter System
    Fantasy · Pointbreak
  • MythicSnow
    Replied to Galanar

    I've never wanted to be the main character. While they may rise the highest, they usually always suffer the most to get there. I'll happily stay in my secondary character bubble. Living an ordinary, but happy life.

    "Listen here, young man. Do I look like a magic ATM to you? If you can't do this basic magic stuff, you ain't getting my mentorship. Now get to it! I'm thirsty!" The mage said, angrily.
    New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live
    Games · Galanar
  • MythicSnow
    Replied to

    And? I don't want to be the main character. They might rise the highest, but they usually suffer the most to get there.

    "Listen here, young man. Do I look like a magic ATM to you? If you can't do this basic magic stuff, you ain't getting my mentorship. Now get to it! I'm thirsty!" The mage said, angrily.
    New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live
    Games · Galanar
  • MythicSnow

    Once again another month goes by where the author drags things out in order entice people to get full priv again the next month by leaving cliff hangers. Here lies the last chapter of September 2023 privilege. I guess I'll see how this ends in 2 weeks. wooo...

    Ch 1783 The Emergence Of Blade, The Power Of Heaven! Victory! (1)
    Complete Martial Arts Attributes
    Eastern · Don't Enter The Jianghu
  • MythicSnow

    Teaching by beating someone when it's incredibly one sided isn't teaching. Not if it happens repeatedly. One time to humble someone is fine. Multiple times is not.

    His hopes were quickly dashed. Instead of calling this a spar, one might call it a beating.
    New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live
    Games · Galanar
  • MythicSnow

    🎶 You wanted a challenge~! 🎶

    "This game is out of its mind." He mumbled.
    New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live
    Games · Galanar
  • MythicSnow

    I honestly don't mind the pronouns being emphasized by quotation marks, but the problem is that they're the same for male and female characters. It makes it confusing when trying to imagine the characters when all of them are "he".

    Ch 644 The First God Of The Blazing Sun Kingdom—Lady Ice Flower!
    Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate
    Games · A Green Bird
  • MythicSnow

    Is this how the author gets rid of Li Ya for a couple hundred chapters? The only time we've really seen her lately is when he sees her at night. This story is at 588, and we're roughly a month into the MC's time on the Supreme Continent. So two weeks of him going to game..? I hope she plays a bigger role because otherwise it's bye-bye Li Ya for a while with how it's been going.

    "14 days! Two weeks!"
    Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate
    Games · A Green Bird
  • MythicSnow

    He really summoned a Red Eyes Black Dragon...

    It looked around with its pure red eyes before its gaze landed on Zhou Zhou's face.
    Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate
    Games · A Green Bird
  • MythicSnow

    I wish there was some explanation of all the tiers of things. That'd be awesome. Considering we don't know where this sits...

    Zhou Zhou's eyes widened. It could kill any enemy below the Extraordinary-Tier!?
    Global Lord: 100% Drop Rate
    Games · A Green Bird
  • MythicSnow

    10,000GC is 10,000 Yuan. Which is roughly $1,300-$1,400USD. These are some pretty bad gacha odds lol. Pretty sure it said GC is hard to earn after the merge of worlds. So it's easy rn, they better grind well~

    "F*ck! A Porcelain Jar (ordinary) costs at least 10,000 gold coins! That's robbing!"
    Videogame: Charge Ten Billion On Day One And Got A SSS-grade Talent
    Games · Windhunter