


Im a shut in

2018-05-02 JoinedMalaysia

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  • TravellingSoldier

    from the fires of the demons to the hands of the devil

    Around Harrison were four lit candles and four servings of staple food, including two loaves of bread, Feynapotter noodles and rice, all moldy.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier

    foolish girl

    Inside the Black Emperor mausoleum, Bernadette saw this and, no longer calm like outside the mausoleum, anxiously shouted, "Adam, where is your promise?"
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier

    get rekt foolish angels

    To the eastern reaches of the sky, a beam of light flared up, trembling wildly as if striving to cross the vast distance and reach Roselle's embrace, causing various distortions. Behind this beam, three more beams appeared, as if pushed by an invisible force, forced to advance prematurely.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier

    AHH, Bernie, your father was sleeping peacefully, why are you making him work overtime

    Ch 868 Confrontation
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier
    Replied to TriTEEN7

    he was cooking Klein with Amon, his brother needs someone to rein him in

    After a second, she lowered her head and pressed her lips against Lumian's.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier
    Replied to GoldenOne1

    love is messy, but in that mess, there's beauty.

    He had sighed, having sensed the true emotions hidden in Jenna's words. Jenna knew that Franca was an unavoidable issue in this matter, but she hoped that whatever the outcome—good or bad—it would only concern herself and her partner. As for Franca, she would deal with that separately. That's why when she was asked about Franca earlier, she suddenly became angry and irritated, spitefully saying it would help her digest the Affliction potion. Lumian only realized this through her response, and in that moment understood the mood behind their current banter.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier
    Replied to LadyofDreams29

    handholding while blindfold is very lewd

    Five cold, finger-like things instantly grabbed Lumian's left fist.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier
    Replied to Wan0b1

    giving people pleasure?

    She acted scared but her eyes sparkled with amusement, as if she was teasing Lumian.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier
    Replied to Polosh

    well, it is a mythical city housing 0-01, maybe their souls also dont leave there?

    Heraberg professionally explained, "It's accumulated over generations, and we also spend money to import serious offenders from abroad."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier
    Replied to emofishermen

    have you tried giving yourself a new name?

    The old man nodded. "I am Heraberg, responsible for all theological affairs in Morora."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier

    i guess he eats thay number every month

    "That's a quote from Emperor Roselle of Intis, right? I read it in a biography," the young man replied with a smile. "I remember eating 123 slices last month."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier

    monthyly test for jobs!! madness!!

    Seeing the foreigner beside him fall silent, Sallent sighed and said, "That's why I didn't stay in Azshara after graduating. The pressure is overwhelming—qualification exams, annual competency reviews, monthly company evaluations, job training exams, and so on."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier
    Replied to Dev_Chaudhary_5998

    if i got test of the bible every sunday, i will have more holes than i already have in my brain

    Sallent let out a self-deprecating laugh. "Reading is a habit from childhood and a necessity. You wouldn't know that our lives are filled with exams and evaluations—in school, in companies, and even in church, where we take theological tests during grand masses to show our piety and respect for the God of Knowledge."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier

    this is like teaching latin or hebrew to children who only knows english.

    "Actually, once you learn one language from the North Continent, the others are easy. If you start with ancient Feysac, it's even simpler. We Lenburgers begin learning ancient Feysac in our compulsory education."
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier
    Replied to Nitetime_Moon

    food is a measure of safety, sure they might have food for a year, but what if those foods were stolen? or those foods were poisoned? say you donated those foods and suddenly on the way to be donated people poison those food to damage the Hall family reputation.

    "Audrey, what I said may be cruel, but you have already grown up. It's time to hear this. Everyone is selfish, but at varying levels. In my heart, the entire Hall family is more important than me and your mother, yourself, Hibbert, and Alfred. Apart from these, it will first be faith and good friends. Next, it's people we are acquainted with. Finally, it would be all of Backlund, those who are in need of help.
    Lord of Mysteries
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier
    Replied to Elrs

    advantage in negotiations for after the war. if after the war ends and the Hall family have to beg for food because they donated everything and because their "hospitality" seems lacking, their family chances of getting politically removed is quite high

    "I can accept us having two less delicacies for every meal to help those who are in trouble, but I don't want my dining table to become like what the newspaper says about the middle class. This will completely make us lose our dignity as nobles. This is something that we abide with every generation.
    Lord of Mysteries
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier
    Replied to thegreatnub

    she can just pray to Klein for the info.

    "After He went mad, perhaps He interacted with the Underworld Daoist, who guarded the river and the Blood Emperor's afterimage. And for some reason, He agreed to Naboredisley's request for help, causing His Abomination corpse to slumber in a special dream.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier
    Replied to dynisor

    I sincerely hope you understand the hypocrisy of your comment.

    Simultaneously, Medici, clad in blood-stained black armor, descended like a mountain. Plunging the purple broadsword into Vermonda Sauron's skull, which showed signs of melting under the intense sunlight, Medici marked the decisive moment in the battle.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier
    Replied to Re_0000

    air and food supply as well

    Inspired by these vessels, the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery had attempted to develop their own undersea fleet. However, they failed to mass produce them. Due to the reliance on higher Sequence Beyonders, only one or two of these vessels could be assigned to each Intisian fleet, each serving specialized functions.
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • TravellingSoldier
    Replied to thegreatnub

    Gehrman was crazy and polite, this guy is straight up crazy.

    If anyone refused to heed the warning, 007 could assist in collecting the bounty. The Beyonder characteristics they produced could also be exchanged for money!
    Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability
    Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving